MACKINAC ISLAND SPECIME N TO U RS. Rates for variations of these routes and rates for tourists' tickets to points not given will be quoted upon application to the Genera! Passenger Agent. All rates subject to change. Route 1--To Chicago m. ae ---- same route *Anchor Line Steamer.. .. +... T0 Mackinac Island. en a Co.'s Steamer. .to destination. Buffalo.. .. $45.00 | Detroit.. | Marquette... «$28.00 Erie.. 12112. "43.c0 | Port Huron..." Portage Lake... 34.00 Cleveland... :::./. 39.00 | Sault Ste. Marie..19.00 | Duluth os ADSO0. Route 2--To Chicago, IIl., and return same paite *Anchor Line Steamer.. . .to Mackinac Island. *North mest Transportation 'Cows Steams .to destination. 2 eee. .. $4900 | Detroit.. . $38.00 | Marquette.. Eri poses: 400 POL Huron.. 3800 | Portage La Cleveland. . 4300 | SaultSte. Marie. 23.00 | Duluth Route 3--Teo Chrongay _ andy return same pois *Anchor Line Steamer.. Mackinac Island. SAUY UNO 05s ex tae ...... ..t0 destination. Bufialo 452.00 » $40 '00 Marquette . . $34.00 Erie.. 13s <n Oe F 4000 | Por eee Lake.. - 40.00 Cleveland. ..:.:. 45.00 | Sault Ste. Marie | Dulut - 51.00 Route 4--To Chicago, Ill., and return RouteG 7s es. oe eee et. Chicane. Choice es direct rail lines : to starting le = Erie.. -$ 35.80 | Detroit... Route 5--To Chicago, Il. *Anchor Line Steamer. . Mackinac Island. *Northern Michigan 'Transportation Co.'s Steamer... .... .to destination. Buffalo 26.50 ObTOM io $20.50 Marquette. So $17.50 ries. 235. .. 26.00 | Port Huron..... 20.50 | Portage ae . 20.50 Cleveland 23.00 | Sault Ste. Marie. 13.00 | Dulut ia Route 6--To oe se *Anchor Line Steamer............. +Manitou or Northern Steamship Mackinac Island. .to destination. Buffalo. .00 | Detroit... "a1. 00" "Marquette. . . $15 00 Erie... *. - 23.50 | Port Hur : 18.00 | Portage Lake... 18.00 Cleveland . . 20.50 | Sault Ste. Marie. 1050 | Duluth........... 24.00 == Be Chicago, -- *Anchor Line Steamer.. : .to Detroit. Grand Trunk Ry, Syste: ant Grand Haven. Goodrich Transit Co.'s Steamer... Fee Rees .to Chicago. uffalo.. Sah Port Huron... $ "Portage Lake....$ Tigi... eee Sault Ste. Marie. Duluth . .... a3 5 Cleveland ......... Marquette...... Route ve ag = *Anchor Line Steamer... Scene Detroit to Chicago. Route aati Duluth, Minn., and return Same as Route 11. on s4s.3-00 DRIERIO. *Anchor Line Steamer starting point. .. $59.40 | Detr 90 | ckinac Island.$61.40 . 61.40 | Port Huron..... 61.40 §Route 13--To Duluth, Minn., and return *Anchor Dine: SiGAMEL 3. cee sss se gis tO DEIUE, ... 4.6 ves ee Cholee of Great NOPEMOEn Mie... so ce el NOPENGIN bac Utes ye oo 5, oe alee os a Chicago, St. Paul, Linneapolis & Omaha BR' y. With choice of the followi ines routes Eee! 1--Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry..... . 2--The North-Western Line.......... . [ to St. Paul or Minneapolis. 3-- Wisconsin Central ner 4--Albert Lea Route.. 5--Burlington Route............ on 6--Chicago Great Wesiern Wie ... (to Chicago. 1--Michigan Central R. R.. Sie eee 2--Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry... voteteteeeeeeee | 3--New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. tas Ren arse Se mame ed to starting 4--Wabash R. R ee ent ewes perma oe SS f point. 5--Grand ruik Ry. 'System. Ree eee te ag oe eas tee ae : 6--Erie R. Rh. Se oe Seo Buffalo... "Gieveiand ieee Eriocss:. Detrvit.. os § Route 14--To Duluth, ao: and return *Anchor Line Steamer.. os .. to ae: Sa .. Choice of Morenerl' Pacihe hy. oc .s a oes Great Northern a dee Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry.. With choice of the a routes eres 1--Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry...... 2--The North-Western Line............. 3--Wisconsin Central Ry....... aes Lea Route :..... to St. Paul or Minneapolis. to Chicago. "to Mackinac Island. vay hie Line Steamer... .to aSarene nt ea "Detroit. | ' Marquette.. Bei Ss Port Huron... Portage Lake... Cleveland Sault Ste. Marie. Route 15--To Duluth, Minn., and return 81D 'Portage Lake.. a 55 Sears = Sault Ste, ais 2 ts We 1.55 Cleveland........ 10.05 | Marquette...... Route 9--To Duluth, Minn, a return Privilege of returning by north or south shore. ee ema 8 re ee to Duluth. $+*Lake Superior a cen) *Anchor Line Steamer. *Anchor Line Steamer............. *Northern Navigation Co. Steamer . yParry Sound Yachting Fleet Steame Canada Atlantic Ry Sault Ste. Marie. on ava to Parry Sound. .to Rose Point. .to Maple Lake. 0 Port Cockburn. * Anchor | Line > Steamer .. Sas .to starting point. rand 'Trunk Railway. 2 Peano Buffalo... . £62.00 "Gleveland 227), $58.00 | | Port Huron...... $53.00 +Niagara Navigation 'Co.'s Steamer. : 0 Lewiston. Erie.............. 59.00 | Detroit.......... 5300 | Mackinac........ 33.00 New York Central & Hudson River -to Buffalo. Route 10--To Duluth, Minn., and return, or the reverse Buflalo sso eae a ee ee ee ee $61.10. Wr LO URN a a a to Duluth. Northern ee s Stearn aaa aaa 2 Mar ere. Route 16--To Duluth, ee and return uitalo ee Giroit= . $38.00 ault Ste. Marie. Cleveland........ 43.00 | Mackinac...... 23.00 | Portage Lake .... 10.00 "Anchor Tine Bteaiie os a ae Sey ee "6 fae Route 11--To Duluth, Minn., and return Eri oy aks $60.45 | Detroitc. = *Anchor Line Steamer... to Duluth. Glevenmad= er ee epee een 4.45 | Port Huron.. sPeonee . 64 - *Anchor Line Steamer.............. .to Sault Ste. Marie. Coe ae geome =: io Owen 'Sound or ee Route 17--To Detroit, Mich., and return, or the reverse anadian Pacific Ry. or Grand Trunk Ry.................... .....t0 Toronto. +Niagara Navigation Co.'s Steamer..... ore Lewiston. ee Busta Sted = wb, steer eesees sees sess. to Detroit New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co Buffalo, +Detroit & Buffalo Steamboat Co.'s Steamer: : Buffalo . AIST OBROB Buffalo .. sees Se Fak zeadias "any eaaae ine ae ae Derth included" between Mackinac Island and Chicago or Milwaukee will be accepted for transportation only by the Manitou Steamship Company, or the Northern Steamship Com eee and the passenger refunded the difference of $2.50 on each coupon. *Meals and berth included. +Meals and berth extra, tNot good on Northern Steamship Co.'s steamers. §Rates quoted on application to General Passenger Agent. 11 12