YELLQWSTONE NATIONAL PARK SEASON OF 1907 Park Open from June 10 to September 15, 1907 During the Yellowstone National Park season stop-overs will be allowed at Livingston, in addition to those usually granted on stop-over tickets, on all classes of tickets, both west and east- bound, reading to points on or reached via North- ern Pacific Railway, regardless of limit. The stop- overs will be ob- tained on continuous passage tickets by de- posit of ticket on arrival at Livingston with the Agent at that point, who will arrange for exten- sion of limit by exchange for new ticket bearing same conditions, on pas- senger's return from the park. Passengers hold- ing through sleeping car tickets will also be furnished sleeping car stop- over checks at Livingston on application to Pullman conductor. Sleeping ear tickets should, however, be purchased to and from Gardiner, when passengers know before starting of their intention to go into the Park. Side trips on sale at Livingston, Mont. $5.00 ticket. Includes rail transportation, Livingston to Gardiner and return, and stage transportation, Gardiner to Mammoth Hot Springs and return. $7.50 ticket. Includes rail transportation, Livingston to Gardiner and return, stage transportation, Gardiner to Mammoth Hot Springs and re- turn and two meals (lunch and dinner) at Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel. $28.00 ticket. Includes rail transportation, Livingston to Gardiner and return, and stage transportation, Gardiner to Mammoth Hot Springs, Norris, Lower and Upper Geyser Basins, Yellowstone Lake, Grand Canyon, and Falls of the Yellowstone and return. This ticket does not cover hotel accommodations. CLUB HOUSE, ST. CLAIR FLATS $55.00 ticket. Includes rail transportation, Liy- ingston to Gardiner and return, stage transporta- tion, Gardiner to Mam- moth Hot Springs, Norris, Lower and Upper Geyser Basins, Yellow- stone Lake, Grand Canyon and Falls of the Yellowstone and return, and not to exceed five and one-half days' accommodation at the Yellowstone Park Asso- 3 oe ciation Hotels. MISSION POINT, MACKINAC ISLAND ev arenon _ a be made for children five years of age or over and under twelve years of age. Half of the $7.59 and $55.C0 rates will not be made for children, but children under ten years of age will be granted half rates locally at the Yellowstone Park Association Hotels. 15 MACKINAC ISLAND THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO AND SOUTHWESTERN POINTS THE ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS "Japan," "Juniata," and "Tionesta" Arrive Mackinac Island as per schedule on pages 39 and 40, connecting with the following steamer lines for CHICAGO Manitou Steamship Company June 20th to September 10th Sundays Tuesdays | Thursdays Leave Mackinac Island..............-.--..0- 8.00 A.M. | 12.15 p. M. 0 P.M. Mondays |Wednesdays| Fridays 8.30_A. M. Arrive OhiGEgoss: cs ccemers cts shove stant cou tnes 12.00 Noon 2.00 P.M. Northern Steamship Company June Zist to September 6th Fridays Eeave Mackinac ¥slaads .. iss cis cciscscuss costes ccieucssusee cise veoswens es 11.30 A. M Saturdays ANPING NI CRRO ae Wire aes eect ond Set eee ee ie a Peiek Gasiie 5 2.10 P.M. | Northern Michigan Transportation Company June Srd to September 30th Mondays | Thursday Leave Mackinac Island... 8.00 Pp. M. 9.30 P.M. Wednesdays] Saturdays 6.30_A. M. 6.30 A. M. Arrive Chicago TICKETS reading via the steamers of the Anchor Line and Northern Michigan Transportation Co., include meals and stateroom berth. Tickets reading via the Manitou Steamship Co. and Northern Steamship Oo., include transportation only. Meals and berths will be charged for extra. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND POINTS WEST AND SOUTHWEST FROM AND TO BUFFALO, ERTS, CLEVELAND Ere. VIA MACKINAC ISLAND, MICH., OR DETROIT, MICH. above, also time schedule of Manitou Steamship Co., and the Northern Michigan Transportation Co. APPLY IN CHICAGO to agents of the Manitou Steam- ship Co., Rush and North Water streets; the Goodrich 'Transit Co., foot of Michigan Avenue; the Northern Mich- igan Transportation Co., foot of Michigan Street; Chas. V. Howard, 103 Adams Street; F.E. Scott, Auditorium An- nex, Great Northern, Palmer and Sherman House, and at Anchor Line office, No. 2 Wells Street. In Milwaukee at Ry,, Goodrich 'Transit Co., SOUTHEAST BEND ST. CLAIR RIVER anauin Buffalo, Erie: Cleve: land, Detroit, etc., to agents of the Anchor Line. TICKETS FOR CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE are on sale at_Buffalo, pane on Cleveland via Detroit and all rail and via Detroit, Grand Haven and steamers. TICKETS VIA_ANY OF THE ABOVE ROUTES to points west and south- west of Chicago or Milwaukee can be obtaired from our Buffalo office. 16