122 PRIVATE PROPERTY OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LAKE UNDERWRITERS, 1879. Designed Exclusively oy the use of its Members in affecting dreUnGTe, ee SSeS SSE z NAMES, aie Where Built, § By Whom. When. OWNERS. . Port of Hail, Value. | CLASS, REMARKS, + +: =. oe = ch ---------- SSE sii <= SSS ; SCHOONERS. Ashtabula, $2,500 B2 Rebuilt 68. | } | | | SNOWDROP, 190 Conneaut, Lent, June,'53 |Hubbard & Co., SNOWDROP, (c:)| 70! Pt. Dover, Waterbury, 65 |G. T. Allen, _ Pt. Dover, 1,500 |B 1+ Rebuilt and lengthened %, SOUTHAMPTON, (c)| 373| Garden I'd, Rooney, ~ 'Nov.'60 Thompson & Co., Hamilton; | | 3 masts. New deck "71, Noting - SOUTH HAVEN, 120 South Haven, | J. Eastman, 67 |G. Hannah, So. Haven, 1,800 B2 | Scow. Repaired '74, } j ' | | | SOUTH SIDE, 137 | Milwaukee, H. Oertling, 67 |H. Oertling, Milwaukee, _ Scow. Not insurable. SOUTHWEST, 295 | Ogdensburg, |H. C. Pierson, |Ap'l,'66 | Bothwell, | Cleveland, 7,000 Bi-- Repaired 74 and 78. SOUVENIR, 87 | Milwaukee, | Filkins, June,'54,T. Johnson, Racine, 1,800 |B 1-- Rebuilt 73. Repaired '79, SPADEMAN, C., 306 | Marine City, P. Rice, | '73 Rice &oths., | East China, | 7,000 =&B i-- Formerly barge. 3 masts, SPARTAN; | 92| Cleveland, | Turner, "48 J. Glassman, Milwaukee, -- | Rebuilt 64. Not insurable, SPAULDING, J. M., | '71 | Toledo, King, f 7) | King, | Detroit, Not insurable. SPEED, 11041 Maddison Dock, Lockwood, 48 | | Kenosha, Not insurable. | | SPEEDW ELL, (ec), 258 South Bay, Geo. Dixon, \Nov.'74 Hagarty G E., Picton, 8,000 | A2 | Repaired 778. SPRAY, | 48 Port Huron, L. 8. Bedford, | Ap'l'61 'Strong & oths., | Holland, | | Scow. Not insurable. | | | } | | | | SPRY, ELLEN, | 546 Lsturg'n Bay, A.M. Spears, Sept.'73 John Spry, | Chicago, | 22,000) A1 | 3 masts. ie | | | | ee ead SPY, | %4 Huron, 'J. F. Squires, Ap','58 Fowl & West, | Milwaukee, | 2,000 B1-- Repaired '76.. | | | | | STAFFORD, | 199 Tonawanda, | Parsons & Co., June,'68 Worthington, | Vermillion, 4,000 B1-- Repaired '74. | | | | | * STALKER, M., 267 Milan, pH Kelley, Ap1,'63 ea P.) Mowry, | Cleveland, | 7,000 B1 | Repaired '75. : } } | | STAMPEDE, 294. Huron, | McDonald, Ap'l,'62 | Gibbs & oths., Sheboygan, | 8,500 A2 | Reb'lt 73. Refast'd 76. 3 masts. < : | . STANTON, E. M., 166 Detroit, S$. McDonald, Ap'l,'66 Johnson & oths., Kenosha, 2,500 B2 | Scow bottom. | | | a] ¢ : i | | STARKE, 209) Milwaukee, | A. Allen, a 2 Starke & oths., | Milwaukee, 9,000, A2 STARLIGHT, a7 Mt. Clemens, | J. Saunders, 69 | Detroit, Scow. | | | j | i 4 | > ay Tee ls De aoe Gleycland, |) 47 a . McBride, Montreal, Rebuilt 7 | t Bis.