Page 145 the Put-in-Bay was sold to Nicholas Constans in the spring of 1949. The vessel continued daily trips to Lake Erie, but sailed to Port Huron on Wednesday and Sunday. At the end of the 1951 season, the vessel was withdrawn from service for economic reasons and later sold for scrap. In late afternoon on Saturday, October 3,1953, thousands of spectators lined the Detroit River in small boats to watch as Capt. Frank Becker began the solemn duty of towing the Put-in-Bay to her final destination in Lake St. Clair to bum off the wooden superstructure. The initial attempts to ignite the oil-soaked wood failed, but shortly after 6 p.m. the main deck near the bow caught fire. Fanned by high winds, all three decks were ablaze within minutes. According to the Detroit News (Oct. 4, 1953), "Many old-timers along the river wept unashamedly as the "Bay" blazed. Capt. Frank Becker, who organized the ceremony and hauled down the ship's flag for the last time, was visibly moved. "I've been on the lakes for 50 years and had a lot of good times on that boat." Becker said. "You hate to see one die." As the 150-foot flames engulfed each deck, everyone agreed that this was no way to treat a lady. EXCLUSIVELY ABOARD THE STEAMER PUT-IN-BAY 7 BIG FEATURES 1. LARGEST DANCE DECK on the Great Lakes. 2. PRIVATE PARLORS for parties, entertaining, etc. 3. SLIDING GLASS DOORS can insure your comfort from a coolish breeze. 4. RESERVED DECK CHAIRS-Your own rented reclining steamer chair. 5. RATHSKELLER--Complete bar service, tucked snugly below decks. 6. CARPETED OBSERVATION LOUNGE-Quiet, dignified comfort for easy viewing. 7. SCENIC VARIETY--Always a pleasing tour of lake and riverbank views. Spacious Dining Room serves food that hits the spot -- snacks, sandwiches, luncheon or dinner. Because of its bigness, the Steamer Put-in-Bay (256 feet in length) can offer these services as extras for the comfort and convenience of its guests. The interior of the PUT-IN-BAY was stripped of anything valuable when she was sold for scrap. Dossin Museum Coll.