Membership News: Normally on this page we would announce upcoming events at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum. However, due to City of Detroit budget problems, the City of Detroit and the Detroit Historical Society have been working on an agreement to keep the Detroit Historical Museum and the Dossin Great Lakes Museum open. When we went to press, the agreement was not finalized as of yet, so we will inform you when the information becomes available. Your membership dues notice is enclosed. We ask that you send your payment to our post office box, not to the Dossin Museum. Mail will only be delivered to the museum on Saturday, and by sending it to the post office box, we can process membership renewals in a timely manner. We also ask that donations to the webcam be sent to the post office box for the same reason. Our new address is GLMI, P.O. Box 1990, Dearborn, MI 48121. If you have inquiries concerning your GLMI membership, we can be reached at or phone message at 313-791-8452. Webcam inquiries can be handled through our website: For those interested in obtaining information from the Dossin Museum collections, please call 313-833-1805. This phone is answered daily. For further updates, you may wish to visit the website: GLMI will be working with the Detroit Historical Society to present programs and exhibits at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum. The museum is open Saturday-Sunday 11-5p.m. March 18 North American Shipwreck & Dive Show - the premier exposition of scuba diving, shipwreck exploration and dive travel in the Great Lakes Region. Jewish Community Center, D.Dan & Betty Kahn Bldg., 6600 W. Maple Rd. at Drake Rd., West Bloomfield, 9am - 5pm, Tickets: $20 in advance, $25 at door, call 888-522-4532. For information go to on the web. Sponsored by GLMI with proceeds from the show going to support the Dossin Museum. April 21-22 Local History Conference - Saturday, April 22, 2006, 10:00am, Alumni Lounge,Wayne State University. Chair: Malcolm A.McAdam, Great Lakes Maritime Institute. The Great Lakes Preparations for WWH - Michael W.R. Davis; historian, author, journalist. Lost, 29 Crew and the Stern of the DANIEL J. MORRELL: a Forty Year Remembrance - David Trotter; Great Lakes shipwreck researcher, diver, historian. For information call (313) 577-4003. SAVE THE DATE! The 2006 GLMI Annual Dinner and Silent Auction will be held on Sunday, October 1, at 2:00 p.m. at Blossom Heath Inn, St. Clair Shore. Our keynote speaker will be C. Patrick Labadie, with an opening program by Joe Grimm and Lee Murdock. GLMI members are encouraged to donate items for the Silent Auction. To make donations or for more information, contact Elizabeth Sherman at or Donna Flaherty at (586) 777-8300. CONTENTS • J.A.W. IGLEHART Celebrates 40 Years on the Great Lakes Frederick Stonehouse speaks at GLMI Annual Dinner . . The Great Gale of '75............................... Great Lakes & Seaway News........................... OUR COVER PICTURES . . . J.A.W. IGLEHART downbound Welland Canal by Lock 7 - September, 1999. Photo by James R. Hoffman. Telescope© is produced with assistance from the Dossin Great Lakes Museum, an agency of the Historical Department of the City of Detroit. Visit our Website at: Published at Detroit, Michigan by the GREAT LAKES MARITIME INSTITUTE ©All rights reserved. Printed in the United States by Macomb Printing, Inc. 87 89 90 94