DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY est. 1921 DOSSIN GREAT LAKES MUSEUM DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY / MARITIME AUXILIARY GROUP SAVE THE DATES: Sunday, October 21,2007: Maritime Auxiliary Group Annual Dinner Sunday, October 21,2 pm Blossom Heath Inn, 24800 East Jefferson, St. Clair Shores $30 Detroit Historical Society/MAG members and their guests $35 General public This annual gathering of Great Lakes enthusiasts will feature a presentation on Michigan lighthouses and shoreline towns by author Larry B. Massie along with dinner and a silent auction. To RSVP, please call (313) 833-7938 by Monday, October 8. Saturday, November 10,2007: Lost Mariners Remembrance Saturday, November 10,6 pm Dossin Great Lakes Museum $ 10 Detroit Historical Society/MAG members $ 15 Guests Call (313) 821 -2661, ext. 1, for more information. Saturday, December 8,2007: Marine Mart Saturday, December 8,1-3 pm Grosse Pointe War Memorial 32 Lake Shore Drive, Grosse Pointe Farms $5 per person (kids 12 and under get in free) Call (313) 833-1980 to rent tables CONTENTS• Era of Elegance....................................................................................31 Three Long and Two Short for ASSINIBOIA and KEEWATIN...............................................38 Storm Nov. 1913....................................................................................44 Seaway News........................................................................................48 Membership - FYI...................................................................................54 OUR COVER PICTURE ... The KEEWATIN is celebrating its 100th Anniversary. The Dossin Museum Collection. Telescope© is produced with assistance from the Dossin Great Lakes Museum, operated by the Detroit Historical Society. Published at Detroit, Michigan by the Maritime Auxiliary Group / Detroit Historical Society ©All rights reserved. Printed in the United States by Macomb Printing, Inc.