20 4 ees |e he ae : nage. SIDE WHEEL STEAMERS, GATINEAU, 175 | Quebec, GATINEAU, 70 Quebec, _GIBSEY, 117 | Montreal, PROPELLERS. GATINEAU, 150 | Br'w'rs Mills GANTHIER, H. 12 GENEVA, 107 | Portsmouth, GANTHIER Gorpon, 44 | Wallaceburg CEOs, 318 | Matchedash, GEORGIANA, : 80 | Buffalo, 237° a 6 ' GILMOUR, ALLAN, | 65 } Ottawa, 7 eee GLUCAS, 49 | Goderich, GOLDEN CITY, 89 | Buffalo, GORDON, OLIVIA, | 60| Buffalo, SCHOONERS. GARIBALDI, 209 | Pt. Rowan, GARIBALDI, 167; Pt. Huron, GAZELLE, 96 | Sack'sHarb'r GEARING, C, 146 Such Bay, GLADSTONE, 175 Battersea, GLENIFFER, 376| Pt, Robinson INLAND LLOYD'S VESSEL REGISTER. Solely for the purpose of effecting Insurance. By Whom. Sampson, Risley, - Webster, Harris, Pierce, McDonald, Potter, Notter. Corn) Cuthbert, Miller, Soe Anderson, Marlton, Carroll, Gibson & C., Woodward, Pickering, Tait, Beaupre, Abby, When. 1873 55 "76 "73 715 4& 83 "74 78 °80 66 "82 "73 73 63 61 67 69 73 Re- built. 1885 "86 "$2 "82 81 OWN ERS, Quebec [, Co., McNaught'n & Co Murphy.& P., Harris, C. W. Ganthier, Turner, G. W. Ganthier. 2 pe K&e Paridee Lut Gilbert, Kirby & B., Ve Montreal T. Co., | McRae & Co., Lee & McCallum, Quackenbush, co Braun and Co, Cornelius, Lobb, Maloot, Norris, O., Hectiee Port of Hail, (Quebec, Kingston, Kingston, Kingston, Windsor, Kingston, Windsor, St. Cath'rines, Montreal, Trenton, Ottawa, M mda Montreal, Goderich, Toronto, Toronto, Pt. Hope, Montreal, Picton, Kingston, | St. Cath'rines, on Value. $12,009 1,200 5,000 2 Seve 7,009 3,000 6,000 Sou 2,400 / ord (ae 8,500. aot A Qk A Qk Bh 3. Bl A Qk A2 Ai Bi 00. Ae Class.) River. Fo River and canal River. Tug. River only. Repairing. River tug. Tug. Tug. New a1 wi heed be