APRAIRIB, ASSUMPTION, LONGUEILLE, LOUISE, LANSDOWNE, PROPELLERS. AKE MICHIGAN, LAKE ONTARIO, : LAUGHLIN, MA, " LESSLIE, iILy, LINCOLN, LIZZIE, 'LOGIE, W. F., - LORNE MARQUIS, | LOTHATR, LUELLA, _ SCHOONERS. AND LLOYD'S VESSEL REGISTER. Solely for the purpose of effecting Insurance. New Ton- nage. 300 40 Where Built. STEAMERS, | Montreal, Sorel, Montreal, Montreal, Detroit, St. Cath'rines St. Cath'rines Buffalo, Kingston, St. Cath'rines Buffalo, Kingston, St. Cath'rines Cantin, Napp, Cantin, Auger, Detroit Dry Dock, Simpson, Simpson, Carroll, Ainslie, Simpson, Grady, R. Robertson, Simpson, Davis OWNERS. Laprairie, DeBongley, b, Ey Co. DN, Cox, G. L. Re Co; CCK EEE L, & Bigs Co, Senrin, Silcox & Co., Anglin, Norris, Murray, McNaughton &Co Gunn & Co., Parry Sd. L. Co. Rothmwell_&C VOCE W-O1E- Port of Hail. Montreal, Montreal, Montreal, Montreal, Windsor, ee Hamilton, Hamilton, M onbeal Montreal, Kingston, Dunnville, Montreal, . Kingston, Port Hope, TZ. 3 5 -epesds <M ston, St. Cath'rines, Value. 180,000 1 A Qk La REMARKS. Iron. River. River. River. River. Tron. ae Repairing. FC Tug. Harbour tug. River tug. River tug w Reo 97 be i} 1209. DCMS UCN Ove Long. Island, Toronto, Windsor, Kingston, Battersea, Armour, Jenkins, Davis, Harris, Richardson, UU. Turner, Matthews, Chancy Daryan, Hughes, Toronto, Windsor, Kingston, Picton, KKingston, River. Spoon Bow. Sloop. River and Bay only. ' Bay and River. sloop. River & bay. Re- bult fr'm bott'm Alice May,;,/82.