IS86. VESSEL CLASSIFICATION THE INLAND LLOYD'S. CANADIAN HULLS. For the private use only of the Insurance Companies, members of the "Inland Lloyd's," under whose directions this book is published. Designed exclusively for the use of said Companies in the prosecution of Lake Insurance, and not to be promulgated to the public. Vessels are divided into three classes, viz.: A, B, and 0O (cyphers), with the following grades to each class, viz: Al*, Al, Als, A2, A2k; Bl, B14, B 2, OO. Vessels classed OO not insurable. Norr.--Vessels marked * indicates diagonal iron strapping on vessel frames before planking. Iron banding refers to a band of iron that is run around the vessel at heads of frames, to which the diagonal strapping is riveted. Marked with a +, Squires' fastening. S. S. C., smoke-stack cased. 8. P. W., steam pump well. VALUATIONS ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE ON A CASH BASIS. INSPECTOR: CAPT. THOS. F. TAYLOR, Kinaston. TORONTO: THE BUDGET PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, 64 BAY STREET. 1886.