Se Re PT ee we RES TR ee a Pee: British and Foreign Marine Ins. Co., Ltd.___________ Underwriters. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, Pacwhc Dumiher (ou. .....-... ----......... ....__ Ship Owner. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Generar eels Ca... gs os Electrical Manufacturers. SPARROWS Point, Mp. Dat y an wee. (G8 eo oa se we Manufacturers. ToLepo, O. Toledo Ship Bldg. Co. -_._...- 9 Se Ship Builders. | Toronto, ONT. ef Calderwood logs 8. ns ee ce Surveyor. WALLSEND-ON-TYNE, England. Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltd.__--____- Ship Builders. WASHINGTON, D. C. Chamber Comm. of Navigation. Librarian oiConeress, ......-.___ -_._... EOS Librarian. ZURICH, SWITZERLAND. " Schweiz," Allgemeine Versicherungs Gesellschaft__Underwriters. SUBSCRIBERS. : (ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY.) ee Underwriters. se ee Underwriter. Migets @ 60e.. 5... - 8 Underwriters. oe a ee Ins. Brokers and Adjusters. Mranohcis tpsutenee Co... Underwriters. Union Marine Ins, Co., Ltd., of Liverpool Co Underwriters. Willcox, Peck & Hughes-------_---_.__- Average Adjusters and Insurance Brokers. OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Pitveran, Miceara Surveyor. Ogdensiure Coal & Towing Co. _- Ship Owners. Paris, FRANCE. Administration of the Bureau Veritas __-___________ International Register. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Insurance Company of North America ___-_________ Underwriters. meee eo Insurance Brokers and Agents. SAULT STE, MARIE, ONT. Algoma Central & Hudson Bay R. R. Co..__-__-___- Ship Owners. Administeation af Bureau Verses. ss Paris, France. Algoma Central & Pudson Bay BR. BR. Co... Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. American Ship Bulidiie Co. 2. go Cleveland, O. AUlantic Mutual Incurjocée £02. New York. Buchon, jamce & Sont London, Eng. Blope, Cecil Charles London, Eng. Bowring, C. 7. & Co, itd... London, Eng. Piewauer FL LL London, Eng. British and Foreign Marine Ina. Co, Lid... ..5.: New York. Brown, Harvey 1.200. Cleveland, O. Calderwood, Hugh... ee, Chemberisin, BY. Washington, D. C. Ciesirouen FB. Emerson, Mich. Choisy & Simson. 2. London, Eng. Chubb & Son New York. Collingwood Ship Bide. Cs... Collingwood, Ont. Committee of Lioy?s..-... 2 London, Eng. Corrigan, james. Cleveland, O. Dale & Co... ee rl Montreal, Que. Detroit Ship Building Co 0 Detroit, Mich. Detroit Trust Co. Detroit, Mich. Drake, A.B Buffalo, N. Y. Piohiexe, C Wo @ 06. a Chicago, III, Fenving, Georee DD. at Ldoyds se London, Eng. PiteGeraid, Richard 8 8 Ogdensburg, N. Y. Gjeneral Hievivie (6. 0 Schenectady, Noy. CrouiGer, Holding & Biases Cleveland, O. (areat Lakes Engineering Works...) ..2. 6. Detroit, Mich. _ Graham & Morton Ttans. Co... Benton Harbor, Mich. Cichewst tta0s. Ce. Cleveland, O. (Great Lakes Dredse & Dock io. =. Chicago, III. terent Lakes lowing (oo. Cleveland, O. (Guardian Savings & (rict Co 2 Clevemnd, CO. Bal Chats 2... New York, N. Y. Vaens, MAL Oo... Cleveland, O. Siecvies @ Coe New York, N. ¥Y. Indemnity Mutual Marine Assurance Co., Ltd.._..___._-_...__. London, Eng. Insurance Company of North America ._._. -._._._ 4.5... Philadelphia, Pa. Jonneon @ llggias .... 6 New York, N. ¥. Librarian of Congress .....2.. Washington, D.C. Liverpool! Underwriters Association. .......- Liverpool, Eng. Lloyd's Register of Sihtipping.._._ ._..._...._-......-. -_ _..._... nen, Bue.