SUBSCRIBERS. (ARRANGED ACCORDING TO PLACE OF RESIDENCE.) ALGonac, MICH. . * , ma, Bes & Sok... ._.... Sip Builders. BEenTON, Harsor, MIcu. ree & Motion Trans. Co... 5. Ship Owners. Bupa-Prest, AusTRIA-HUNGARY. Meroe, Wie... sk ec .--------Mechanical Engineer. BuFFALo, N. Y. Smith, Davis & Co, 4 Ae eS Insurance Brokers. Willcox, Peck & Hughes--.----___..-..Average Adjusters and Insurance Beker Oe A ee ee Surveyor. Cuicaco, ILL. omens we OO -Ship Owners and Ins. ---- Great Lakes Dredge & Docki0.. 3: 20) 34253. Contractors. ee We Underwriters. 2. eee o © tao. CULL! Insurance Brokers. Peete Co... Insurance Brokers. . nee oe Ship Owner. Munee, € @0o... Vessel Owners. Writeox, Peck & Hughes....-.-.___. =... Average Adjusters and Insurance Brokers. CLEVELAND, O. mroerican Guip Bulldius Co......-. Ship Builders. TOWN ee OOO. Ship Owners, Cormigu, fait... Ship Owner. Srecotist Trans. Co... hip Owners, Ssoulder, Holding & Masten...__... <..ii8 ii. 7% Attorneys. pete Cakes Powins Co... Ship Owners. Guardian Savings & Trust Co._____....___.______.. Bankers. reenan, ALG. Ship Owners. meeting Meview ... Paice. PRGUO, TON icc Ship Owner. rrcvanes, Matoce @ Co... Ship Owners. - Pinte 6.306... Ship Owners. UU, &. Peeneportation Co,.... Ship Owners. Ween Traneil Co... Ship Owners. Willcox, Peck & Hughes:-2::2.. 22.2 Average Adjusters and Insurance Brokers. COLLINGWOOD, ONT. ae Collingwood Ship Bldg. Co.---_-----.-....--. ----_. Ship Builders. Derroit, MIcH, Dero Ship Building Co... Ship Builders. Detroit Trost Co... once Bankers. Great Lakes Engineering Worms. Ship Builders. Parker Bros. Gampgny 2.40... _-.. ---_ Ship Owners and Ins. Agents, maw, Watten, (a0, & Oakes Attorneys. weeuter (00m Fe Surveyor. EMERSON, MIcH. ; Rpesuroune |. Ship Owner. HAMBURG, GERMANY Pee senueeiter, © a My Underwriter. LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Liverpool Underwriters® Assaciation _-.25:-. >) 5 __ Underwriters. ntow Wearing Insurance Ca., Lid... .._..;..... 4. Underwriters. Dea busuranee Ca, fie Underwriters. Lonpon, ENGLAND. Bisthol,-jamiee @ Soue 2 Ee Insurance Brokers. Ploeg, Ceetl Charles: 24533 6. siege tka At Lloyd's. Powrine ©.1. 8 Co.ijd - 4, Ship Owners and Ins. Brokers, preemie, ©. be be Rep. Bureau Veritas. tes ee Insurance Brokers. Commpece Ol Lioyi 6s. Underwriters. Perea pene OC. At Lloyd's. Indemnity Mutual Marine Assurance Co., Ltd.______ Underwriters. Lloyd's Mecivier Of Shipping Classification Society. Marten, @. . ed At Lloyd's. Royal Bxchanse(Assumance, ~§ 7% 1. Underwriters. Malvaee AbSGrttd Marine Salvage. Thames & Mersey Marine Itis.Co., Ltd... Underwriters. syser@ Co... es Insurance Brokers. Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ltd. ____ ______ -Underwriters, Unmet, bo& Co bid 2 Insurance Brokers. Wilts Fabor GCs ti. Insurance Brokers. Wer time ins Co Underwriters. MANITowoc, WIs. Manitowoc Dry Dock Ce. 7. Ship Builders MIDLAND, Ont. Midian Say(o 4 Cl Ship Owners. MONTREAL, QUE. Dale @Co... eee eee oes a Underwriters. NEwportT News, Va. ; Newport News Ship Bldg. & Dry Dock Co. ... NEw York, N. Y. Atlantic Mutual Inaurahee Co... Underwriters. .--.--onip Builders: