ARINE REVIEW. Vou: V. CLEVELAND, OHIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1892. No. 4. Ore Sales and Freight Contracts. When it became known a few days ago that a large portion _of next season's output of Bessemer ore had been sold, and that _several big contracts for lake transportation from Ashland and 'Two Harbors had been made at $1.25, it was generally expected that the vessel owners, notwithstanding the hope entertained by them of securing a rate of $1.30 or possibly $1.35 from the head of Lake Superior, would take advantage of the $1.25 rate, in which there was a certainty of profit, and accept controcts for the great bulk of their tonnage. It is somewhat surprising, however, in some quarters, that while the amount of tonnage covered, including the boats of the ore companies, is large, the individual vessel owners in Cleveland have in several important cases refused to accept the $1.25 rate. With the McDougall barges and the boats of the Minnesota 'Steamship Company in- cluded, the aggregate of ore covered by lake freight is thought to be about 1,500,000 tons. Aside from the amount to be car- ried by these boats controlled by the iron ore companies, how- ever, it can not be learned that more than 500,000 to 600,000 tons has been placed, and this would include 120,000 tons going to the Detroit vessel owners as well as a smaller amount said to have been taken by the Northern Steamship Company.: Vessel © owners could at this writing find shippers ready to take some more tonnage at $1.25, and probably grant some slight conces- 'sion in the matter of time for delivery during the season, but such of them as are holding off figure that at an outside estimate the boats having connections with iron ore companies can not carry more than 3,000,000 tons during the season, and there is yet a very large portion of the output to be provided for if 7,000,000 tons, or about that amount, is to be brought to Lake Erie ports by lake. A big demand for coal, low water as predict- en by Gen. Poe and other conditions are taken into account in this conclusion.. As far as can be learned, nothing has been done _ in contracts for either Marquette or Escanaba ore. It is the general opinion that Escanaba will open at $1, but there is some . uncertainty regarding Marquette, and a disposition to hold off for a rate proportionately higher than during previous seasons, on account of a light coal supply going to that port ~ =-On' the other hand there is nothing in prices governing ore sales so far made to warrant anything more than the rate al- ready paid from the head of Lake Superior. The increase in prices over those of last year is 25 to 40 cents, and this is barely enough to cover the lake treight. A determination on the part of ~ vessel owners to refuse rates based on $1.25 a ton from the head of Lake Superior may result in improved prices on ore, as there are indications of an unusual year in iron, but any predictions under present conditions would be worthless. Unfair Treatment in Aids to Navigation. In its report to Congress through the secretary of the treas- ury, the light:house board gives to the lakes only a trifle more than g per cent. of the total amount recommended for aids to navigation in all parts of the country. When the commerce of 'the lakes is considered in comparison with that of other districts of the country, this statement would seem hardly creditable, but the following extracts from the letter of estimates to Congress from the secretary, showing recommendation for the lakes, may serve to throw light on an important side of this question of aids to navigation that was probably not taken into account by Messrs. Keep, McKay, Bradley, Wilson and: others who were in Wash- ington last week preparing for congressional action on the sub- ject: | Buffalo breakwater fog-signal, New York.............. eevee 4,300T Cheboygan river ranges, Michigan.................. Sade gach 1,750° DEtroitiniver Lo Hl veSselS ssa auras: worsatreleesere eee aeacs ,600* Eagle Harbor fog-signal, Michigan...............seceesseeee 5)500* Hscanaba fog-sig nal, Michigan.. Scccsccats cet sese ot I,100T Frankfort pierhead fog-bell, Michigan.................06.000 1,000f Galloo island fog-signal, New YO#k.............cescceeeecsees 5,700 _ Grassy | poimbioraniee, Wants at divnssecns ens dnsptaieeseesveewne: 8,000 Eudinetom top-signal Michigans. sccse ce stertete: se. ose SOOT re Menasha range lights) Michigan. (2 vcssssccssdcak.conesoenes 500". Oswego: fog-stg nal, NEWAVOr ki s.<..<sssesesrenvtsdccscoseesscops 74,300T Patrol steamer, St. Mary's river, Michigan................. 4,000f . - St. Mary's river upper range lights, Michigan............ 2,000f: « ' South Fox island fog-signal, Michigan....... ......cssscese 5)500* Superior bay Wiehts; WiSCONSIMsceece:-.rtctvscatreset aces ss 1,200 ender Nin th Vd istrict.ce.. ensue it csk cnsieode. decree ascent 95,000T + Indispensable. * Necessary. In this statement no account is taken of any items other than those reported as indispensable or necessary, for the reason that it is not expected that Congress~will, upon considering the light-house board's report without any irifluence presented from " wessel owners and other.interests, make appropriations for any- thing outside of that recommended under the headings referred to. The total of appropriations recommended for the lakes, as shown -in the above statement, is $153,950, but in order to make a fair _ comparison with recommendations for other districts there must be deducted from this the principal item, $95,000 for a light- house tender for the ninth district; an item which provides for a new vessel to engage in the light house service, and which in no way serves to relieve the pressing need of light stations and fog signals. Deducting this item there remains of the recom- mendation for the lakes just $58,950 for indispensable and neces- sary aids on the lakes, as against $626,750 reccommended under the same headings for other districts. . ee . To the vessel owners and others engaged in shipping on the the lakes, who signed, just previous to the opening of Congress, petitions praying for a very large number of light stations, light- ships and fog signals that are known to be absolutely necessary for the proper. safety of commerce, this certainly appears like - poor treatment. The members of the light-house board should have no reason for discriminating against the lakes in this matter, but the unfair proportion of the recommendations is very plain. While it should be the aim of lake interests to seek. the fullest co-operation of army and navy officers in this work, the action of the representatives who visited Washington last . week and had a bill prepared covering all of the aids asked for in the petition to Congress will undoubtedly meet with general approval. The bill has been introduced in the Senate by Mr. Brice of Ohio and in the House by Mr. Taylor, also of Ohio. It is a measuse equaling in importance any matter of legislation pertaining to the lakes now before Congress, and it should re- ceive the earnest support of every member from the lake districts. The sub-committee on light houses and fog signals from the committee on commerce of the House is composed of Messrs. Brickner of Wisconsin, Houk of Ohio and Randall of Massa- chusetts. Two of the three members are from lake states, and it remains for the active representatives of lake commerce in Washington to present to them the importance of this bill.