--s ° MARINE REVIEW. 02630 ta hese) oe _ PROPELLER WHEELS, : : 4-15 - Sees 7 320 ATWATER STREET, _\ © DETROIT, MICH. SERVE'S PATENT Ribbed Boiler and Stay Tubes | Show an average economy in fuel of 15 per cent. | In steamers, this means not only so much saving in cost of coal, but additional freight capacity. kes"Full particulars on application. "Rae ' / 93 Liberty St. | 113 Federal St. NEW YORK. BOSTON. we? MACHINERY =| "esa | onmTOGaR Send for New Itlustrated Purves' Patent Ribbed Boiler Furnaces. ~ "Nearly 10,000 Pittoe Patent Ritked Furnace Flues, MANISTEE IRON WORKS CO. of which this cut is a section, are in use in Marine ae f Manistee, Mich., Boilers. | Besides having greater strength to resist collapse than any other furnace made, they possess many additional advantages which we shall be happy | Marine and Stationary | Engines MANUFACTURERS OF . to enumerate on application. Leo and Boilers. Triple Expansion, Fore and Aft, and Steeple Compound - CHARLES W. WHITNEY, | Engines, and High Pressure Engines, . Representing Messrs. JOHN WILLIAMS & Co.,Liverpool, Sole Agent for the United States ~~ and Canada. 81 & 83 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. General Mill Machinery and Salt Well Outfits. j@ THE INCANDESCENT LIGHT Is the only safe means of illuminating Passenger, Freight - or-- Excursion Steamers. All other illuminants are dangerous. The Fisher system is Automatic in its operation, perfect in every de- tail, and does not require a skilled expert. * BISHER ELECTRIC C0. 183, 185 & 187 Larned St., DETROIT, MICH. about his profession that he cannot learn something about it by reading and study, has a very small profession or a very large cranium." "The man whoknows so. much. 5 M arine 'and Mechanical | piterature and Periodicals. ee i aa =o ere wit Per Year. Nautical Dictionary, (Pattersom).......-:secsce cesses eeteeeten ceeeeeees ceeteenencceeeennes $ 5 00 Nautical Dictionary and Marine RevieW....--.e-sseeesteeeee settee treet eee ees Perera 6 00 Scotts' Coast Pilot, (1891 Editiom)..........-ses:ees sess seeeeteen ceteseeeeeeseeceestenss 2 00 Scotts' Coast Pilot and Marine Review...-....ccecreeeesereeeesteeeeeee seeeeeeen ee eeeserens 3 00 Engineering, (London), Weekly.........--. Steteeeeees eee seer eases geese eneeaneenentetees IO 00 Engineering, (Tondon), Weekly and Marine ReViICW....recvecrsscs cesses coeeecaneu neg IO 0O The Engineer, (London), Weekly....-sscssesesteeescetcee eter teeeeeeettnnn es seees 10 OO The Engineer, (London), Weekly and Marine REVIGW 34 Meitiony Seti ee cs. teens 10 0O The Engineer, (New York), Semi Monthly... Se ttn tn ts SAAT SGN. > Saeahe 2 ee The Engineer, (New Vork), and Marine Review....--:scceeeetetssstterees ceseeees 3 80 Engineering, (New York), Monthly Magazine... bee og eee Sa eee ins seit aa 3 00 Engineering, (New York) and Marine REVIEW. se eeeereeee cereeneeenee ceenereee nnnees 4 00 Emerson Binder, (that will hold 52 Nos. of the Marine Review)........+.:sssssre+ 75 All marine, scientific, mechanical or trade publications furnished to subscribers of the MARINE REVIEW at 25 Per Cent. less than subscription rates. b Poacan oniGe | MARINE REVIEW, 210 So. eae a 3 7 510 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, 0, CHICAGO, ILL.