Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 24 Mar 1892, p. 5

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the connecting waters of the lakes. tee, $50,000; Muskegon, 000; Marquette, $80,000; Petoskey, $20,000. MARINE REVIEW. 3 lron Mining. VALUE OF LEADING STOCKS. Quoted by Chas. H. Potter & Co., No. 104 Superior St. Cleveland, O Stocks. | ed. ar Ve oe : Cleveland--Cliffs Iron Compan ade eee $ a epee Ghamipion Dron Company. ....siccicseecceess Sn Sg gece Eee nediler Iron Companyic....ccceccscccssc., 25 00 Me a es on feexcom Iron Company... 25 Ov . 49.5 Ae oe Lake Superior Iron Company................. BPeGGirs dasstaiatl. ae me Mimmesota tron: Company icc sosciueduveceuses 100 00 Pop dnG Se Pittsburg Lake Angeline Iron Co ......... 25 00 50 = Be a Ne mub leon Cami pany...i....ktasl... 25 00 op . i om PGT AU tee secccentess vcctt Rett mute Cee trie ee to, 25 00 Beet nih é 00 Ee Mone emim yeh TOON: VR n eres scatlil od.) aeiGaRe Lali a ingest oa ae IB Rolie rote cee. e. oy anes cathaasde fies mend Sos 25 00. ss thee 275 Mego CUBR erred ssh casi. bos teas cis ke skas oe 25 00 2 25 B 50 _ About 100 companies with an aggregate capital authorized by incorporation rights of about $200,000,000 have been organ- ized since the Mesaba boom was started. A few leaders in Du- luth, St. Paul and Minneapolis are interested in the larger por- tion of the companies. The Duluth & Iron Range Railway is negotiating with contractors for the construction of a branch to a few of the prospects that give promise of shipping, some ore during the coming season or early in 1893. . At the Chapin mine there is about 200,000 tons of ore on the surface and space for stock piles is crowded so that the work- ing force at the mine has been. materially reduced. With the opening of navigation a full working force may again be put on but the condition of the ore market will undoubtedly have most to do with determining action in this regard. "The mine is now producing about 1,200 tons a day and "dead work" is going on without interruption. The Illinois Steel Company, which has taken the entire product of the Monitor mine, Crystal falls, for some time past, now controls that property as well asthe Paint River in the same district. 'The former owners of. the Monitor had been in- volved in financial troubles over property. Nog shat atthe Chandler, 732x10 feet inthe clear, was sunk 116 feet in February. Since the fire the mine has been hoisting about 1,000 tons a day. River and Harbor Appropriations. Notwithstanding the opposition of Congressman Whiting and Weadock of Michigan, the bill reported to Congress by the river and harbor cemmittee contains an appropriation of $400, ooo for the begining of work on the channel of 20 and 21 feet in If the. bill is passed as reported by the committee the lakes will get about $750,000 more than they had from the last Congress. The bill appropriates altogether $20,700,000, which is about ¢ 300,000 less than the amount covered by the bill reported by the committee in the last Congress, and nearly $4,000,000 less than the amount of the bill which became a law in the last Congress. Following is a list of appropriations of $10,000 and over for lake harbors: . New York--Buffalo, $300,000; Dunkirk, $20,000; Charlotte, $25,000; Ogdensburg, $40,000; Owego, $30,000. Pennsylvania--EHrie, $40,000. Ohio--Ashtabula, $70,000; Cleveland, $100,000; Fairport, $35,000; Huron, $15,000; Port Clinton, $10,000; Sandusky City, $41,712; Toledo, straight channel through Maumee Bay, $200,- 000; Conneaut, $25,000. Indiana-- Michigan City, outer harbor, $30,000; inner har- bor, $15,000. hae: oe Ilinois--Calumet harbor, to maintain existing work, $15,- 000; Chicago, $72,000; Waukegan, $25,000. , Michigan--Charlevoix harbor, $10,000; Frankfort, $10,000; 4 tt . < Ap Grand Haven, $40,000: Grand Marais, refuge, $30,000; Manis $7 5,000; Ontonagon, $20,000; Sand Beach, refuge, $150,000; St. Joseph, $50,000; South Haven $10, 7" = ft + = : OF hw. 3 Wisconsin--Green Bay, $10,000; Kenosha, pie Ge waunee, $20,000; Manitowoc, $18,000; Milwaukee, refuge; $75,- at ' 000; Milwaukee harbor, $14,000; Ee a ee and St. Louis bay, $70,000; Sheboygan, $20,000; Ashland, p45," 000. i a Minnesota--Duluth, $80,000; Grand Marais, $10,000; Agate bay, $30,000: Opening of the Straits and Canals. Last spring a general opening of navigation was delayed on account of the dull outlook in freight matters and it would seem now as though the weather will not permit this spring of an opening even as early as that of a year ago. Vessels will move as early as possible on account of paying grain freights offered all winter. Dates of the opening of the different connecting waterways for a long period of years past are as follows: STRAITS OF MACKINAC. LSG Ieee trices ATs OCI" boleh erate dsr cree ve ashes Aprils (Pisby fics s.sscese: April 23 LOO0 Seavert 2 AES PLO Tot abstr set Mirch U5) \GtGn®:. .iviedssdteaas April 28 LSSGreei cana. tes ADIN AGUS T 79.) weit ss4 ARP EUEOU MOOG teal eserlier tot April 21 LOS Sigs dea he wasps Geary Sioa, Til era dit tasy able, ASOT SS 4 MON Nea «path Gites April 28 TSO piiat eateies careiae Aprile a' s\US7 5. suas daria tc PATH Se eNO le dncteisee eeetes April 17 TOGO wartnccs-1Fe, AVIS IeUy Os 9p select tan aec'c tee POGOe «cu cre voce rus April 18 POOR. eater crit Mian 5 Se. eh is Ways PF ie MUS ON Ada ote so April 25 TESA. sas. Me seR ee Aprils. |junGi7o .. seo. deat 2) ING liZ2 8 alPV SOO |: J. ox.icades dey April 13 LOGI ppiyaelt operts 4 POE | hOgden dara de ansa ° ASM ilee 2 USO! co, sted venpoidue ADEE 3 clo Pe aee ConA Ger AU TM SABIE LOOM a agee co gov iNvopetllage) | icIS Si seaenngrene aca: April 5 LOO gsi seetateon vans Waive ekays| eto OOheemeniacee re April 28 USEOM vert eee eve tiled | NSOS. F746. ea April 19 ST. MARY'S FALLS CANAL. Opened. Closed. Opened. Closed. POOH thst a ke April'o7* Wee.0S 7°87 Any, ie May 11 Nov. 26 LSG0s Wea. . eh. eae APE 26 | Dee. igii|riBi71 Geta adeenterter os May 8 Nov.29 USSG sagteaeeme ns ne Aprils DeceAy |. Lazo tor eee Apel 29. Deen st NOOO! eaereharer aeaece tee May 7 DC, 4 | 1860) svcnccnwensavereg- + May .4 Nov. 29 WOO Joc scoot eaG eer IMA cl CC) 20% MOOS: wt eecemecceee. «: Nay 2D eCaas LOSGUE eae eA preg 5 Wer AMT OOia mma emanate « May 4 Dec. 3 ' HOS Godda we ndah. «teenone iar Om De Cr On ale Gomera sere seee e.-. May 53) Decize3 TS OAR Paces sds aseomitace ATT Oe pec og sll eal Olga eres eee ee. May. ola eC ame OOS vctrcwepiacs sn caer Way = 2 IDSC ue |) alto ocsscoccessadaucoee Nay .2 Weer 4 TOOD Ts tae eines eptil 219 AGC. 3 | 1S0a yercmaeceeeere April 28 Nov. 24 ROOI ey htes See ee Way 7 AD 66,7 '5)-| Sal S627 aevave ete: April 27. Nov. 27 LOSOu usc lgeee tee eee April' 28ee IN OVA 5) ay LEO Wea meets eae May 3 Nov.14 NO 7st «d-tiee-c- eamate INI. 62), 9 IDG. «3x bel COO Wee coats sera: May 11 Nov. 26 TOV Bae. ces oecueee ome ave 8 2 DEC). 3.4" 1O5O, nous. cramer s May 13 Nov. 28 TOU [eo weeen eee ace Way ea. NOW. 20: | L850 seen seceeeeeaee -! April 18 - Nov. 20 WOW Ops enh cts Meee es sareee: Waveney NOW 292 Og |S 5 jin. certs cctecatie « May 9 Nov. 30 BOG kee aoe Mayme" Dewi 25 \er850l cae ees aeew.. May 4 Nov. 28 TOA eee econ aces MEI EOC ek aiel: Sony ceo eeeenmeeuie June 18 Nov. 23 MOG Buses. ese dere obey 5 NIOV 2 WELLAND CANAL. Opened. Closed. Opened. Closed. THO OG sc cceton cece ames Aprilet 5 DCC A1G. | UO 7: see acceeeneme: - Apnl 17 "Dect. VOSOs. hate eee Ail 16> Wee wr 3) 1876: 8th. aeons ae: April 17: Dee. 15 T8854 ch eeeee axit ee Aprils. Aes S| LO pe. coe tomate | May <3 <-dec.14 TOO cae secon Matyas 3, SIDEC HO, legal Gtecet race = April Oo Wees To TOSOM Nancie sens aeneade Apiileng: IGer sie belo cuatres -ceeewere. - April 11. Nov. 29 TOO). v2. ase een oe Maye 72 Wee: so" fel joes tee... April 22° Deere WSSAl< eres neces April' 23? Nov. 304)! 1871) aes nc Bods 32 April 6 Dec. 1 LOS Res. pene ees April 5 Dec. 12 |. 1870) .2:-1s-.s+-8--2- 5. April 19 Dec. 18 MSD: can cemearecriceem suey COMM tO DISC. cee AG ee ee reeeeces ea. - < April 20 - Dee: 11 WOO Tere seni: Ses nouee May --2-Nov.19 | 1868 --............-....- April 15 Dee. 6 OOO Heme ee. 5 tes Aprile2o "Nov. 30° | 1867 ss. .-iia- cess April 17 Dec. I9 TOVQ™, cont. s en ceets aes May 75 DEC 5--| MOOG oa c.t te deentre-~ April 17 Dec. 16 LOWS go dtdaneiaeees: May, age Dec The Wadena's 10,000 Mile Voyage. The following letter from F. B. Smith, chief engineer of the steam yacht Wadena, to Robert Wallace, vice-president of the Cleveland Ship Building Company, builders of the yacht, will prove interesting : . f ABOARD STEAM YACHT WADENA, GIBRALTAR, Feb. 25, 1892. We had avery good passage across, although considerable time was lost in port and 7,000 miles were covered hetween New York and Cadiz. I have not had a particle of trouble with the machinery, while we have averaged right along about 16 statutes miles or between 11 and 12 knots an hour. Iam very much pleased with the Magnolia metal, it works fine and if I were building an engine for myself to run I would put itin. We have only taken one tin out of the connections since we left Cleveland and we have been nearly 10,000 miles, and they were pretty loose when we started. I stopped at Cape de Verde islands to clean the boiler. { didn't wish to take any chances, as we used considerable salt water. I found only about 1-64 inch scale on the crowns, and hardly a particle of grease, so you see we are taking good care of that part of our plant, and I find that to be the principal-care in ocean marine engineering. The Wadena has proven to my full satisfaction that she is the best sea boat that I was ever aboard. We left Barbadoes, with our bunkers filled and sixty-five gross tons on deck. She was loaded right down to the port-lights at the engine room. We met a strong trade wind and quite a lump of sea, but she went along as prettily as a duck on a mill- pond, ands very little water came on deck. It is wonderful how quickly and gracefully she will rise over the top of a wave. I would feel perfectly safe in going to any part of the world in this yacht with a good captain. F. B SMITH.

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