MARINE REVIEW. Won, V. CLEVELAND, OHIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1802. No. 18. The New Lake Carriers' Association. Through a great deal of earnest work on the part of M. A. Bradley, James Corrigan, Capt. Thomas Wilson and Harvey D. Goulder of Cleveland, and a willing acquiescence from the mem- bers of the Lake Carriers' Association and Cleveland Vessel Owners' Association, there was formed at Detroit on Thursday an organization:that will in future represent the common inter- ests of vessel owners in all parts of the lakes. With a guaranteed membership on the day of organization of about 550,000 net reg- istered tons,the new body can hardly fail to exert an influence far greater than that of the old associations. Although the name Lake Carriers' Association was retained and the organization perfected through an adjourned meeting of that body, it is a new organization in every sense of the term, based on a new con- stitution and formed for the purpose of taking up new work, principally that of maintaining shipping offices throughout the 'lakes. 'The new constitution and by-laws, printed in connection JAMES CORRIGAN, MANAGER. CLEVELAND PROMOTERS with this article, give in detail the aims of the new body and the laws that will govern its work, but it may be said in short that three committees, two having headquarters in Cleve- land and one in Buffalo, and all having power to act without de- lay, will conduct the active management. These committees are so arranged that Buffalo will rule in legislative matters and Cleveland conduct the shipping offices. The members of the _ general organization meet once a year, appoint a board of mana- gers of forty-five members, fix the rate of assessment to cover expenses and their work is atan end. Inthe board of managers the committees are selected and officers elected, and all that fol- lows is entrusted to the committees. The meeting in Detroit was attended by the following rep- resentatives of different lake cities: M.A. Bradley, Capt. 'Thomas Wilson, W. G. Mather, James Corrigan, H. D. Goulder, H. A. Hawgood and J.C. Gilchrist, Cleveland; C. H.Keep and James eckD. Brown, Buffalo; Capt. John G. Keith, Chicago; 'W. 58. Brainard, Toledo; R. E. Schuck, Sandusky; Capt. E .M. Peck, Aaron A. Parker, D. C. Whitney, Byron Whitaker, Charles Whitaker, Capt. James W. Millen, Cash P. Taylor, Cant gi ©. Hart, L. C. Waldo, H. S. Hodge, William Livingstone, Jr., W. M. A. BRADLEY, PRESIDENT. A. Livingstone, John Shaw, jr., J. W. Westcott, John Hurley, C. H. Westcott, Capt. Richard Cusen, A. G. Lindsay, David Carter and R. T. Gray, Detroit. Capt. Thomas Wilson of Cleveland presided while the work of temporary organization was under way. 'This consisted prin- cipally of the adoption of the constitution and by-laws, here printed in full. Then followed the election of the following board of managers: F. W. Baldwin, Ogdensburg, N. Y.; T. R. Morley, Marine City, Mich.; Alvin Neal, Port Huron, Mich,; James Davidson and Charles A. Eddy, Bay City, Mich.; Alex McDougall, Duluth, Minn.; F. W. Gilchrist, Alpena, Mich.: J. C. Gilchrist, Vermillion, O.; W. EK. Chapman, Sandusky, O.; F. J. Birth) Erie Pa. W. SS: Brainard, LS: sullivan "and Av Ww. Colton, Toledo; J. L.. Higgie, Jesse Spaulding, J. S. Dunham, J. G. Keith and Joseph Austrian, Chicago; David Vance and R. P. Fitzgerald, Milwaukee; William Livingstone, Jr., James Millen, David Carter, K. M. Peck, H. S. Hodge and D. C. Whitney, De- troit; S. D. Caldwell, E. T. Evans, W. Bullard, W. P. Henry, John Gordon, P. P. Miller, J. J. H. Brown and James Ash, Buf- falo; Thomas Wilson, M. A. Bradley, James Corrigan, George CAPT. THOS. WILSON, VICE-PRESIDENT. 5 OF THE NEW; LAKE CARRIERS' ASSOCIATION. ' : P. McKay, H. M. Hanna, H. G. Dalton, H. H. Brown, John W. Moore, B. Ll. Pennington, H. A. Hawgood and W. C. Richard- © son, Cleveland. Z The board of managers assembled immediately upon their election, and after two hours' deliberation presented a surprise to the general organization. Mr. M. A. Bradley, the largest in- dividual vessel owner on the lakes, was made president, and the retiring presidents of the two old organizations, Messrs. Caldwell of Buffalo and Hanna of Cleveland, were given charge, respect- ively, of the committees on legislation and finance. 'The officers and committees are as follows: President, M. A. Bradley of Cleveland; vice presidents,J. W. Millen of Detroit, F. J. Firth of Erie, Thomas Wilson of Cleveland, P. P. Miller of Buffalo, W. S. Brainard of Toledo, J. G. Keith of Chicago, R. P. Fitzger- ald of Milwaukee and Alex McDougall of Duluth; secretary, C. H. Keep of Buffalo; treasurer, George P. McKay of Cleveland; counsel, Harvey D. Goulder of Cleveland. Finance--H. M. Hanna, Harvey H. Brown, James Corri- gan, H. A, Hawgood, Thomas Wilson and M. A. Bradley of Cleveland; J. C. Gilchrist:of 'Vermillion; E. M. Peck and D. C: Whitney of Detroit; W. P. Henry and J. J. H. Brown of Buf- falo: David Vance and R. P. Fitzgerald of Milwaukee; J. G. Keith and J. S. Dunham of Chicago. LEGISLATION--S. D. Caldwell, James Ash, P. P. Miller, E. T'. Evans, W. Bullard and John Gordon of Buffalo; T. J. Firth