14 MARI CON. STARKE. JOS. WOLTER. AUG. RIEBOLDT. RIEBOLDT, WOLTERE CO. SHIPBUILDERS, "SIM 'NVDAOSSHS - 1S aces na -- i f ee Se = 4 FLOATING DRY DOCK WILL LIFT VESSELS OF 400 TONS. HAYES, HEINE & STACK, MANUFACTURERS OF MATTRESSES, PILLOWS AND BEDDING. We make a specialty of fitting out vessels. Send for Prices. 70 EAST RIVER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Ex. D. ROOT, Lorain, O. Established 1853S. SHIPBUILDING AND CENERAL REPAIRINC. TUGS AND STEAM YACHTS A SPECIALTY. J. D. WILSON. Montague Iron Works, MONTAGUE, MICH. WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors. MANUFACTURERS OF Marine Engines and Boilers, AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY, M. HENDRIE. NE RE VIEW. JENKINS BROS! .7 2S very valve tested and warranted, all parts interchangeable. Wothing but best Steam Metal used in the manufacture. Teyed Stnffing Box and Disc Removing Lock Nut Ts used only in the Jenkins Bros.' Valves. Wone are genuine unless stamped with " Trade Mark." Should you order, INSIST on having Jenkins Bros.' Valves. OHN STREET, NEW YORK. 31 & 33 N. CANAL ST., CHICAGO. 21 NORTH FIFTH ST., PHILA. 105 MILK STREET, BOSTON. THE Fitted with 'JOY FRONTIER IRON WORKS, "PATENT VALVE GEAR. DETROIT, MICH,, Builders of TRIPLE EXPANSION and all kinds of Marine Engines Engines furnished for Steamships: TW. Ralivere Livingstone, Majestic, fampa, John Mitchell, Nyanza, Fedora, Geo.F. Williams, Mackinaw, Keweenaw, Jno. Harper, W. F. Sauber, and Iosco. fore and Panther eer DUNFORD & ALVERSON, SHIP BUILDING. DOCKING, REPAIRING, SPAR MAKING. DOCK HAS PIT TO SHIP RUDDERS. \L. BUCKETS DUMP. CAR PORT HURON, MICH. NEW DOGK. Length: 400 feet. on top 95 feet. bottom 55 ' at- gate 62° " Width: to floor 20 feet. tossill aal3 Depth: onblocks16 * Nearest Modern Dock to the SAULT or. MACKINAW. S (Largest on the Lakes.)