Herreshoff's Yacht Gloriana. With the aid of the engraving on this page and some data here given an idea of the odd appearance of the famous yacht Gloriana may be secured. We are indebted for the engraving to Forest and Stream, New Vork, the May 5 issue of which con- tained an extended description of the boat and her performance. Forest and Stream accords to the Gloriana the distinction of being faster and better than anything near her size now afloat, and adds that apart from her actual merits, she is the distinct embodiment of a principle that is likely to play an important part in the designing of the future. "At the same time," says the article referred to, "there has been more sheer, rank non- sense written about her than has ever before been showered on a winning yacht. Her speed, her performance in rough water, her peculiar features, have all been exaggerated, with the most absurd theories to account for each, until those who have never seen the boat are in doubt whether to accept the whole story in the face of reason and common sense; or to reject entirely as a Yankee hoax the mythical yarn of a yacht with a nose likea MARINE REVIEW. 9 IDrakt Gxtreme eee ee sete ste Be Me oaks FURS vhGahe MoAb ats date ote Otte. Glne Freeboard, least............... eae BaeuDEN eae iae RES LRT eee Obs Dig plucenient lone tOnS.1 cae ieaiy ties ae uor eer accttek re. ae 384.25 Ballast, lead keel, long tons.......... CES Taos Ceca I ean a hls Ratio of ballast to displacement........ anitiaes heen et anae Coneee 60 per cent. DIMENSIONS OF SAIL PLAN. Mast from. fore end of l.w.l............0.- eee mins tau M ef Le tty 14ft. eck: top Mounds ieee cee Be Sea ettneban eet Bis acces 41 ft. diameter at deck.......... Lycans Sppheaae Bc Rehan hreces 1lin. masthead........ RET Vesti bas Ghites cae Eee Ont topmast--heel to houndsg................- 2 atc pepe oO Lhe goes Bowsprit--cranse iron to end of L.w.l........0scc00 Pasistie fs 9 eee 30ft. Gin. BUC sccce cuba: saver nest sootes sn lolveaes Ome SAMOA Osean eee eess 21 ft. BoOmtins, Awe Raa, Seer By ate oe rete ah he GTS AR 56ft. 6in. Gatheets Sas Oat. ESOL SEO high hoi Mle dad ee RDA. eee 37 ft. Spunaker boom. tise-teeeetes a cesee. Eanaatocnnasee ee aoe Reeth 44ft. Mopsail Yard. pene, eas. Coke ces shee ibcce sdk ee OO LU Clubwiesieie4 pe CBee siete Lied SE Ladee Oe eee 29ft. Mainsail..... Lene: DEE EEN Sirsa ed. theeiee Sheed ody SF aioe 2072 sq. ft. DID ESD REBEL ETO AGN EE PT, SEH GRE, nS. EEE NS 600 sq. ft. Staysall es Kis, eat eae eh Me ciclo bac RNAS tot Se itt ctte 440 sq. ft. Working <topsailio. . ve onus rnr eet eer. Seeded sect 528 sq. ft. LS O talimiiies.s Cec omere eons cs detaches te scueeae Pate ae Pa 3640. sq. ft. Forest and Stream scoffs at the idea that the Gloriana in- creases her water-line length as she heels over and consequently ESE Si YAGHT GLORIANA IN DRY DOCK. shark, designed by a man who is totally blind, and winning by miles under all conditions from yachts whose high speed is be- yond question. After a careful study of the racing of the 46 feet class last season, the impartial yachtsman will come to the conclusion that the Gloriana is the head of the class, under equal conditions of form and handling she will beat the first half dozen of her competitors by minutes and not by hours or miles. Con- sidering the general excellence of the class and the amount of hard racing, this in itself is a position seldom attained by a suc- cessful yacht, the season's honors usually being divided among several, or if going to a single winner, being discounted by the fact that most of her rivals are older and inferior in racing con- struction."' T'he lines and even the exact dimensions of the Gloriana are the secret of her builders, but the principal dimensions and ele- ments of the design commonly assigned to the boat are as follows: Length on waterline........... Seas. Rhea Sauelees Pee daadicd ode dass Bont. 7 Forward overhang.......... bi a desieh dee teas PRE ES 2a Soe 12ft. din. PACE RIO VERNA Diced asec onesie ei isasiecin cise = ceseeteeeesseeeees Ds cao s -LSft. 6in. Length over all, stemhead to taffrail......... ee visi ee kes 70ft. Qin. Beam OXtLEME...... 2... cc. c secs eee ene ee rene See eee ee tem eeneee caer 13ft. ME Pie che cede essen ccss ace ccserectacsunseensccsacqesccarasace 12ft. din. increases her power to carry sail and her speed. 'The theory is pronounced so absurd that the only wonder is that it has found any adherents, and yet there are not a few yachtsmen content to accept it as the true explanation of the boat's superiority. Light Shipments to the Hocking Valley. In discussing the figures showing iron ore on Lake Erie docks at the opening of navigation, the Iron Trade Review says: '"Theshipments to furnaces from all lake ports, in the past winter, were 1,971,301 gross tons, an increase of more than 60 per cent. over the record of the preceding winter, which was 1,231,264 gross tons. The shipments from Cleveland, however, show a drop of 11 per cent., those of the winter of 1890-91 being 743,855 gross tons and of last winter 662,098 gross tons. 'This variation of records would seem to indicate that the large in- crease was in ores shipped to the Pittsburgh district for steel manufacture. 'The Mahoning valley, which gets a large part of the ore sent out from Cleveland, and an exclusively iron making region, took about 20 per cent. less the past winter than in the winter of 1890-91. 'The record is confirmatory evidence of the constanly increasing inroad of steel."'