MARINE REVIEW. | 19 WASHBURN & MOEN MEG. CO. Makers of Iron, Steel and Copper, Manufacturers of IRon, STEEL AND CoPPER WIRE for all Purposes. "VY LE EOPeS Galvanized Iron Wire Rope for Ship's Rigging. Tiller Rope. Switch Rope. Copper, Iron and Tinned Sash Cords. Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel Wire Rope for Yacht's Rigging. ------S -- = 5 SS ee SES ---- SS SS SS eee At ee ee aS Galvanized Steel Cables for = SS Suspension Bridges. SS = Wire Rope. SSS = = Wire Clothes Lines and Picture 7 oe Ts Cords. Hoisting Rope. ----= --=a _ And all the Fixtuees and Appliances required for use with the foregoing. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS. GROVE St., WORCESTER, MASS. FACTORIES AND ROLLING MILES :+ QUINSIGAMOND, MASS. (near Worcester.) WAUKEGAN, ILL. (near Chicago.) NEw YORK, PHILADELPHIA, OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES ;: ~ PITTSBURGH, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO, WORCESTER, MASS. Send 25 cents in stam ps to Marine Review for Photo-Gravures of Virginia, City of Detroit and Wadena. The Best Equip- ~ ped plant in America for the manufact- LAK RU: BOILER WORKS. Bese wre of modern Marine Boil- A, ers. o--_-- = -\ BUFFALO, N.Y. FARRAR & TREFTS, Propetlier, Yacht&Tug Wheels, MARINE AWD STATION ART SINGIN SS Bolles. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 54 to 66 Perry Street Whi ' : : BUFFALO, N. Y. | Drilling Boilers and Engines a Specialty JOHNSTON BROTHERS, ~ Ferrvsbure Steam Boiler Works, FERRYSBURC, MICH. Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers, Tanks and Sheet Iron Work. : ; : STOCK & CO. 44 and 140 Jefferson Av. and Wood- bridge St., DETROIT, MICH. Marine Oils a Specialty. High Grade Cylinder, Engine and Dynamo Cc. HoH. McCcuTCHBon, (Successor to SAMUEL McCUTCILEON.) Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory, Steamboat and Engineers' Supplies. All kinds of Brass Cocks, Globe Valves and Couplings, &c. Iron Pipe and Fittings, and DOPES AND CREASES. Mill Supplies. Rubber Belting, Hose and Packings, Springs, Valves, &c., Leather Belting and Usudurian Packing. Telephone No. 68. Se STS Behar Co., . ERIE, PA., ----_MANUFACTURERS OF THE---- KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE. These RED, AIR AND FOOT VALVES, are the ' Best Rubber Valwes made. = No. 18 Ohio Street BUFFALO, N. Y. | xee"SEND YOUR ORDER FOR ' PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL DICTIONARY"' ($5) TO THE "MARINE REVIEW"' AT ONCE. PHOENIX IRON WORKS --MANUFACTURERS OF-- Modern Marine Engines:Boilers (223 to 1231 Fourth St., PORT HURON, MICH. Rea bones) Wold Dpecial Attention Given to Repairs, DULUTH DIRECTORY. THE CLYDE IRON COMPANY, OFFICE AND WORKS: 302, 304, 306 & 308 Lake Avenue, South, DULUTH, MINN. mR, A, WEBSTER, Supt. ; Machinists, Foundrymen, Blacksmiths and Steam Fitters. Special attention given Marine Work. Ship Chandlery & Mill Supplies, Packings, Waste, Oils, Greases, Boiler Purgers, etc, MANISTEE IRON WORKS CO. Manistee, Mich., MANUFACTURERS OF Marine and Stationary Engines anc Boilers. Triple Expansion, Fore and Aft, and Steeple Compound Engines, and High Pressure Engines, General Mill Machinery and Salt Well Outfits. JINO. Th. JACEE SON Builder of DUPLEX HOISTING AND DECK ENGINES. Completely under control of throt- tle, reverse without link, stopped started or reversed instantly, will hold load without brake. Re These Engines can be arranged for Driving Rolls and many other purposes. ; Telephone Nos. j ENCINES, From Heavy Patterns at Moderate Prices. Vertical, Horizontal, Marine and Locomotive BOILERS, trictly First-Class & Highest Test, ey Saginaw, Mich. Send for Circulars and Prices, Standard Copper Cable and Copper Transmission and Standing Rope. -- PLAIN, FINISHED and AUTOMATIC .