MARINE Woes GV" CLEVELAND, OHIO, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1892. REVIEW. Norn. The Hull of a "Straight-Back." Below is presented an illustration of the Detroit Dry Dock Company's No. rro, the Mahoning, built for the Anchor Line. The plating and fullness of a hull is not shown to advantage after itis in the water. Same neat plating may be noticed near the stern and if a view of the bow were presented it would be even more noticeable. The length of the Mahoning on water linéis 275 feet, over all 293 feet, beam 4o feet and moulded depth 26 feet. Her engines, built by the Dry Dock Engine Works, are 20, 32 and 52 inches by 42 inches stroke. The boil- ers are 14 feet diameter by 12 feet long, being allowed a pressure of 160 pounds. A Wonderful Iron Ore Carrier. Below is a statement of the work of the big steel steamer Maryland during the month of June, just past, inthe iron ore trade between Escanaba and South Chicago. 'The figures are furnished by EH. T. Ricketson, general manager of the Inter- Ocean Transportation Company of Milwaukee, to which the Maryland belongs. It is a wonderful showing, as the boat loaded in Escanaba during the month eight cargoes, aggregating 27,211 gross tons and averaging 3,401 gross tons. The largest cargo was 3,507 gross tous and the total of miles run about 4,- 720. Following are the dates of loading and amounts of the different cargoes: | oy Date of loading Gross tons. STATING Ome eeteae etme Satanic eae aber cli 3,848 DUR < TPebasdonce spe Be tee Peru ees Sacek oe reser 3,345 Cee eee tec gute feet en cer nine nei op ean etnias 3,042 CCS oe eet terrae ae ret eg Naloncaticlan se seta sinee stat 3,064 Clete {orate oe ene renee en he eon tacisea tee 3,408 Ry Dre es sete sete onieiiena ce eidenelipee tues Bled chess vice 3,439 Ui Cieoet8) (he Meera ned ne mee eee seas ese toes 3,458 Mee Oe ses Ee sete mane see onee eee or eeeeenes 3,007 PRG Title ieee or oan ears eect aa Diivenel AVOrage CAPQO... eee eeeeseecee eet eeeeeereere es ene eee aes eau INES Floss obanonocwonsedac can Gad boc=nbonbcocacenencon: 4,720 Making all allowances for the special trade in which the Maryland is engaged it is doubtful if the work of any other steamboat on the lakes will compare with that shown above. There is, of course, no comparison in the matter of cargoes. The Maryland was built by the Detroit Dry Dock Company ip 1890, measures 1892, net registered tons, and:is a duplicate of the steel steamer E. C. Pope, which leads all other freight boats HULL OF THE DETROIT DRY DOCK COMPANY'S NO. I10, THE MAHONING. ° on the lakes in cargoes carried through the rivers, where the draft of water is not equal to that afforded in the Escanaba-- South Chicago trade. ; _ The steamer Western Reserve, another one of the big steel freight carriers, built by the Cleveland Ship Building Company, and controlled by Captain P. G. Minch of Cleveland, has just delivered at Ashtabula a cargo of 3,045 gross tons brought down from Escanaba. Work of the Ship Yards. The steamer Schuylkill, put into water by the Globe Iron Works Company, Saturday, is one of the three boats building for the Anchor Line. The others having been launched at Buf- falo and Detroit. The Detroit boat is shown in an engraving in this issue. Orders for these steamers being divided among dif- ferent yards has been the cause of builders adding some features not required in the contract. The Schuylkill will differ from her sister ships in her straight back, which has been given enough sheer to prevent the appearance of dropping at both ends. The dimensions are 293 feet over all, 275 feet keel, 40 feet beam, and 26 feet deep. The last bi-monthly pay roll at the yard of the American Steel Barge Company footed up $26,600 and Superior news- papers are accordingly proclaiming the benefits of a ship build- ing plant in their midst. The barges that are to take the place of the "Soo" line steamers Washburn and Pillsbury will be Welland canal size, 265 feet long, 36 feet beam and 22 feet molded depth. 'The whaleback steamer and consort building for Samuel Mather and others of Cleveland will not be launched sooner than the r5th of the present month. Cornfield point light vessel No. 51 has left Wheeler's West ' Bay City yard for the coast. 'This is the first of the four light- ships building by Wheeler & Co for the government. She will be taken through the canals and delivered at Staten Island, N. Y. Her test trial trip was satisfactory to the light-house in- spectors, her speed meeting all the requirements. In view of the work on the twenty foot channel several contracts for dredging outfits have been given lake ship builders. The most recent is one taken by the Union Dry Dock Company, Buffalo, for a tug, dredge and six scows. 'The whole is to cost $75,000. The Jenks Ship Building Company launched a lumber steamer from their yard at Port Huron, Saturday. Her name is Desmond, and she is 148 feet keel, 30 feet beam, 914 feet deep, and will carry 500,000 feet of lumber.