(i ae MARINE REVIEW. THE EXITING BRIDGE: CO. CLEVELAND, O, a i irde ildi li kinds lron and Steel Bridges. Girders. Buildings and Structural Work of a : Hoisting ang comeing Machinery for Handling Ore, Coal, &c. | he Lhatlin- Pontius En IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF - Alahogany While Mahogany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIMAX. White 6h Ginbers. and Plank CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. | 654 Seneca cer leueland, Ohio. THE MARINE BANK CO. eae Bu N/a ASIN I) 3@) Ee eG CAPITAL, $300,000. | Incorporated under the laws of Ohio in (891. Successor to E. B. HALE & CO., Established in 1852. 2p Or W. H. BARRISS, PRESIDENT. HENRY C. RANNEY, Vice-PREs'r. W. B. HALE, Cashier. MARTYN BONNELL. C. E. BURKE. THOS. FITZPATRICK. THOS. H. WHITE. k@"We give special attention to Marine Business. ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL WATER TUBE BOILERS FOR = MARINE and :: STATIONARY WORK Manufactured by ALMY WATER TUBE BOILER C0, Providence, R.|. '"* The use"of boilers of the coil type in vessels of small displacement, and enor- mously large power is already a necessity, and it will not be many years before their use will be general in all steam vessels."--Engineer-in-Chief Melville, U.S. N. The Straight "LYNE" Indicator Adapted for Engines of all speeds. For Simplicity, Reliability, Excellence of Workman- ship, it has no superior. Sold at a Moderate Price. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. SCHAFFER & BUDENBERG, Works: Brooklyn, N. Y. Sales Rooms: No. 18 So. Canal St., No. 83 John St., CHICAGO. NEW YORK. Builders Exch'ge, Room 402,Phila.,Pa. MARINE FOUNDERS USE OUR Wt aN NIM 5 | ll (Die PERMIT US TO DEMONSTRATE THIS. WP SMITH'S COAL DOCK ° Iw DETROIT, MICH. POGKET FUELING AND LOW DOCK, ALSO LORAIN COAL DOCK, LORAIN, O. . LAKE SHIPPERS OF STEAMBOAT and STEAM SOOT SUCKER fhose HoLes? That's the [pEa! Sucks Soot From Tube "MOVLS LNO LI SMO14 ~Batowin Vacuum Boer TUBE (LEANER. No Steam In toe Tubs. No Soot in Bortzr Room. THE OLIVER P. CLAY CO., Sole Sales Agents, CLEVELAND, 0. = PENBERTHY AUTOMATIC INJEGTOR Warranted Re-Starting, Absolutely Automatic, Lifts 20 Feet, Works 25 to 150 or 200 Pounds. BUY THEM FROM § F. Hopvaz & Co. Detroit ; CLemMENts & Son, Bay City ; J. H. Rucker & Co., Buffalo; Scorr VALVE Co., R. 7h %J.Divton & Co. or MARINETTE [RONWORKS, 4\) Chicago; C. H. PRESLEY, Cleveland ; SHaw, } Kernpatu & Co., Toledo; Erte Crry Iron Works, Hrie; RUNDLE, SPENCE & Co., Mil- waukee, or PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO. ith and Abbott Streets, DELTEROLT MiG: In use on 500 Lake Steamers. STMT OMAR D. CONGER. CHILION P. CONGER, Conger & Conger, "ores and Counsellors at Law, No. 45 Corcoran Building, Washington, D. C. We make a specialty of all Marine and Shipping Business before the Treasury Depart- ment and Congress. Patent Business. Practice, Court of Claims and U.S. Supreme Court. C. F. M. FOUNDERS PERFECT WASH. For LOANMI, DRY SAND AND SKIN DRIED CASTINCS. CLEVELAND FACING MILLS, CLEVELAND, O. HAS NO EQUAL IN THE WORLD.