MARINE REVIEW. 13 F. W. WHEELER, E | President Seale CARRING TON: F. L. CILBERT, Vice-President. Secretary. > ES @ el «< @® BUIDErS Of all kinds of METAL AND WOODEN SHIPS. e W. F. COBB, W. 1. BABCOCK, Oo. R. SINCLAIR, Vice-PRESIDENT. MANAGER. SECRETARY. UILDING (COMPANY, Wre-wre~ ¢ J we): ae wes (CHICAGO SHIP STEEL STEAM-SHIP 'BUILDERS, ; : {04st St. and Calumet River, COLEHOUR, ILL. TELEPHONE No. 40. (South Chicago Exchange.) |THE CHASE MACHINE CO., CN Et =, Bea | lll] Elm St., CLEVELAND, O., I TT cml a nee ue oa 7 | wore lites tec. Machinists and Engineers, UA a ee HUT TTT 2 ' : | Sh. MANUFACTURERS OF # Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, Sole Owners and Manufacturers of the CHASE FOG WHISTLE MACHINE. Special Attention given to Marine Repair Work. ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. ASBESTOS PIPE and BOILER COVERING. Agents for the J. L. Rubber Valves, and Leonard & Ellis' Valvoline. ae Telephone 994. me S. , TTT TTTTITE TORUS aT . LU 1 = yur LULA ALLL '