MARINE REVIEW. 24 eel VULCANIZED FIBRE VALVES, H. B. & G. B. BURGER, s For Air, Circulating, Feed and Bilge Pumps. MANITOWOC, WIS. ] ; FAR SUPERIOR to India Rubber or any SHIP BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS.. , Yj J Y other material, at one-half the cost. Dock will admit vessels of 1200 tons, and will be enlarged soon YY YH 3 jar to adimit largest vessels on the lakes. Boxes will lift 350 ton Yj SHOWING Behe THICKNESS, _ VULCANIZED FIBRE CO., vessels. Yard is fitted with a large spar derrick, and tock 4 New York Office, 14 Dey St. WILMINGTON, DEL. of spars always on hand. Northern Steamship Co. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY LINE. Finest Equipped Fleet on the Lakes. A-! in Every Particular. Northern Light, Northern King, North Wind. Northern Wave, Northern Queen, North Star. Capacity. 2,500 Tons Each. No stops between Cleveland and Duluth and West Superior. _ Bear in mind, in m .king shipments to St. Paul. Minneapolis and the Northwest. that this Company affords facilities superior to any other line. : Warehouse and Dock, 43-61 RIVER ST. C. H. TUCKER, Cen'! Aegt. JOHNSTON BROTHERS, Ferrvsburge Steam Boiler Works, FERRYSBURC, MICH. Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers, Tanks and Sheet Iron Work. REPAIRS PROMPUILYTY ATTENDED To. CHEAP BOOKS. Key to Engineering............... #0 25 Common. Sense in Making ES tCMDN tne ie cee n 0 25 er 7 IKxedge Anchor, bound in eloth 2 50 ee Roper's Haud-Book of Marine STATIONARY... SMA LE & HOIST: Ign esi e ee 3 00 'ENGINES 'WITH VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL: If you want any of these books "STEEL BOTLE RS: SEND FOR' CATALOGUE enclose money and address to RUGeRCATTITPNG eM ACHHORER TONGA | MARINE REVIEW. 516 Perr Payne Cc. EX. McCuUTCHEON, (Successor to SAMUEL McCUTCErDEOn.) Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory, Steamboat and Engineers' Supplies. All kinds of Brass Cocks, Globe Valves and Couplings, &c. Iron Pipe and Fittings, and Mill Supplies. Rubber Belting, Hose and Packings, Springs, Valves, &c., Leather Belting and Usudurian Packing. Telephone No. 68. No. 18 Orio Street BUFFALO, N.Y. =, FULL STOCK ALWAYS L--_ ON HAND. DETROIT SHEET METAL AND BRASS WORKS, 64 Orleans Street, DETROIT, Micu., Sole Manufac- turers of BOS ALSO, TG SZ we Cong PIPE FITTERS >=." METAL WORKS AND IN USE ON 8 MOST OF THE ZE SO LAKE PASSENCER LEA we ~O#O~ ; AND FREIGHT STEAMERS. AcTS. FOR WORTHINCTON STEAM PUMPS, (Suecessor to Ohio Chain Co.) 3 Manufacturer of Crane, Cable, Dredge and Crown Proof COIL CHAINS, SAFETY CHAINS anno COAL MINE CHAINS MADE TO ORDER. Chains of Every Description Made to Fit any Wheel or Machine. First Premium, Siver Medal, awarded at Northern Ohio Fairs of 1870, 1872 and 1873. OFFICE and WORKS, NEWBURGHI, O. k"SEND YOUR ORDER FOR " PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL _ DICTIONARY" ($5) TO THE " MARINE REVIEW" AT ONCE, i W.D. RANDALL & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF { -- Paw WE SS SS SS SS VESSEL AND STEAM BOAT FURNISHING A SPECIALTY. Tel. 664. 1307 to (315 Quimby Ave., CLEVELAND, O. Mo. 4 BECK NIGAM Steering, Gear, TUG PATTERN- Floor Space 18x36 In. Changed from steam to hand gear instantly. Rudder moved hard-over, through one 0: more turns of wheel as desired. Is self-locking. Will eu_hion any blow on 'rudder and re- turn to position automaticvaily <All rears are machine cut, Position of Rulder shown by Indicator at all times. PAWLING & HARNISCHPEGER, BUILDERS OF Beck Duplex Feed Engines, Steam Steering Gears and Hoist- ing Engines, Electric, Steam and Hand Cranes, Special Machinery and Tools. : =H 156-108 Clinton St Milwaukee, Wis, SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, C. STARKE, Pres. . W. H. MEYER,V. Pres. THOS. W. SHERIFFS, Manager. Mamufacturers of en ENGINES, ) PROPELLER WHEELS, Dredge Machinery of Latest Desion, BANCS' OIL CUPS. _sCOF't 18 6, 188, 180 8.192 Barclay Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Telephone 163. Correspondence Solicited SSS _""A KEY TO ENGINEERING,"' ? Is the title of « little book of about one hundred pages, which we publish. It contains no advertisements and is written in the plainest language. We haye received a great number of testimonials, unsolicited, from engineers, who ac- knowledge it to be the best book of its size ever written on the subject. Many of them send for extra copies for their assistants. The price, post paid, is 30 cents. . \ 'COMMON SENSE IN MAKING AND USING STEAM," Is the title of another little book which we have published for the use of en- gineers and owners of steam plants. It is written more especially for the own- ers of steam plants, by William H. Bailey, M. E. of Rochester N. Y., whose long. experience in all matters pertaining to steam, entitle him to a first rank among mechanical engineers. The price of this book is 25 cents, post paid. '""THE ENGINEERS' EPITOME,"' ; A Collection of Facts, Figures and Formule. We have bought the manuscript, and have now in press this very valuable. book, writ- ten by an engineer of 30 years experience. It contains, beside the chapters on steam and mechanical subjects, .a chapter devoted to arithmetical rules used i) figurmg steam pro- blems. The price is 50 cents; all three books will be sent post paid on receipt of $1,00 in stamps, money order or postal note. %s ee 4 MASON REGULATOR CO, MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM REGULATING DEVICES, 10% CENTRAL STREET, - mali Ne BOSTON.