20 MARINE REVIEW. pes ; . a Be 2a] We have CLOSED COTRACTS fer THE FOLLOWING _STEAMERS THIS (FALL: (city of \ pena. 300 Lights. ) Two direet econneeted Twin Sets. Gity of Mackinac. © 3° Liew Twio direet connzeted Twin Sets, Thomas Maytham. + Hiss One direet connected Twin Set. CHICACO - SHIP BUILDING Arthur Q)rr. iG Orle teint: co. One direet conneeted Twin Set. 5 Ann x\ ebor No. Al 150 Lights.- One direet connected Set. One Seareh Light. | CRAIC . e SHIP BUILDING s\n a\ ebor No. ote eo | co. One direct conneeted Set. One Seareh Light. [TE VOU AN ANT your Steamer equipped. with an -.2¢-. | a\utomatic [ncandescent [;ighting Plant, oy Bie can be handled by an engineer without any previous knowledge of electric plants, and which will operate arc and incandescent lamps from the same dynamo, write the 'Fisher Klectric (Company, | Detroit, Mich.