MARINE J[REVIEW. Ww BUY THE BEST. The Penberthy Automatic Injector, A PERFECT MARINE BOILER FEEDER. WE CUARANTEE THAT....... Rolling, Backing, Stopping or Starting, will not break the feed so but that they will re-start automatically. RANGE, 25 to 150 lbs. LIFT, 20 Feet. SPECIALS, 35 to 200 Ibs. Pressure. STEAMERS 3 Skater, Maine, Panther, Harper, H. A. Tuttle, Oregon, Rhoda Stewart, Frontenac, Transfer Chenango, C. B. Lockwood, Evalyn, John Lynch, Fashion, K. M. Hutchinson, City of Berlin, Masten; Glance, Prindle, Aztec, R. C.Wente, | ; Cumberland, W. H. Stevens, Oscar, T. Flint, Viking, John Oades, Fred Pabst, Langell Boys, Colgate Hoyt, Byron : A Oe Whitaker, J. W. Moore, F. W. Fletcher, Ferdinand Schlesinger, J. L. Colby, Tasmania, Schoolcraft, M. M. Drake, Geo. " iy King, Lansing Rudolph, F. 8. Rose, S. C. Clark, Island Belle, Tice, Niagara, Susan E. Peck, J. C. Gilchrist, Iron Duke, Gettysburg, Livingstone, S. E. Curtis, Clara, Grace Dormer, Mary, N. Mills, Manistique, Nipigon. FOR SALE at all Lake Ports and every Large City in the United States. PEN BERTH Y INJECTOR Co. = = = = = = = Manufacturers, 7th and Abbott Streets, DETROIT, MICH. NoRTH RIVER [TRON \VORKS. Wr. & A. Fletcher Co. Hudson, 12th to 14th Streets, HOBOKEN, N. J. _ STEAM ENGINES, eee eee ero AiO Ee IN a oe BUILDERS OF THE ENCINES OF THE FAST STEAMERS: . . New York, City of Cleveland, ; City of Chicago, of chicago. , Alb: ; Pee vate as City of Detroit, -- giaant"Navigation Uo any, Day Line. : y a pcan Naveen . Mary Powell, of New York and Rondout Line. _C. Vibbard City of Mackinac, Puritan, Vermont, of Lake Champlain. San Rafael, of San Francisco, Cal. one een Et oOaLCe eases ) Alaskan, of Portland, Oregon. ; wa d Colony Stez . oricon. Beam, City of Fall River, 7; F , of Lake George Sp es ee OTHERS: City of Brockton, iconderoga, --§ Ferry from Foot of West [4th Street, NEW YORK.