MARINE REVIEW. | 17 WASHBURN & MOEN MFG. CO. Makers of Iron, Steel and Copper, Manufacturers of IRON, STEEL AND COPPER WIRE for all Purposes. Galvanized Iron Wire Rope for Ship's Rigging. oe <= SS p VIE OPS AWD CADLE. SS SS SSS -- SSS Galvanized Steel Cables for --------. -------------- -- SS == : 2 on ere SaaS SSS SSeS Suspension Bridges. a WSS --S>= ---- = --_LSSspasessSS= 1 s Piller oe ae mee oe ---- SSS L--SSSSS_--SsStandard Copper Cable and Copper opper, tron an Inned Sash ES SSS SS = SS = So a Bees. Cords TS A fs: ; G ; 'ble C Ghaal 5 SS SSS SSsq fransmission and Standing Rope. Y * . . yAS SS SSS SSS SS ----S ~ = s © ® Galvanized Crucible Cast Stee SS EE SS SSS Wire Clothes Lines and Picture Wire Rope for Yacht's Rigging SSS SSS S23 S88 S895 ; ae Ire Op geing. ; Cords. Hoisting Rope. And all the Fixtuees and Appliances required for use with the foregoing. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS. GROVE Str., WORCESTER, MASS. E FACTORIES AND ROLLING MILLS :~ QUINSIGAMOND, MASss. (near Worcester.) WAUKEGAN, ILL. (near Chicago.) A NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES : 4 PITTSBURGH, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO, WORCESTER, MASS. LAKE ERIE BorL--ER Works, BuFFaLo, N. Y. THE BEsT EQUIPPED PLANT IN AMERICA For THE MANUFACTURE OF Miskis: BOILERS. Fourteen Phototpyes and Photo-Cravures of Lake Steamers sent to anv address on receipt of 50 cents in stamps. MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. wv VT Tv Vv TT VY vv Vv vv AMERICAN CHAIN GABLE WORKS. | | Cable, Dredge, Quarry, Shipping, Crane and Rafting i 4 | = CPLA LIN 6. Our DREDGE and CRANE CHAINS are made of IRON ROLLED SPECIALLY for that purpose. Send for Price List face CARR & CO., Manufacturers, TROY, NEW eu rs AAAAA AAA A 44 4 4 4 44 44S. So AA A444 44 LA THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE MARINE BOILER, ee For Yachts, Launches and other Steamers. THE ORIGINAL FIXED WATER LINE PIPE BOILER 'Imitation the Sincerest Flattery.'"" We are col- lecting royalties from the customers of many infringers. NEARLY 400 IN USE. JS"SAFE, RELIABLE, SIMPLE, LIGHT WEIGHT, ECONOMICAL, NO SHOP REPAIRS, SMALL SPACE. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet and other reading matter, with hundreds of enthusiastic letters from purchasers and engineers. The Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Co. Works covering 12,000 sq. ft. of ground at RED BAN - aS NEW YORK CITY. 18 Cortlandt Street, THE DAVIS Pressure Regulator For Boat Work is the Most Successful. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Simple, Accurate, Durable. MANUFACTURED BY Gl DAVIS & Co. 96 North Clinton St., CHICAGO, ILL. PRESSURE REGULATOR fio. 2. YOY. LINE ot | "OFFICE, huG> IMALN STREET BRIDGE, (eae ae eee oe VLA. COLLIE R,MANAGER - CLEVELAND,O,<4 ¢ | ' | TELEPHONE 409, : r « | | ieee Tues : ALYWYA.B..7) JOE HARRIS* y H.L.CHAMBERLAIN. ee W.D.CUSHING. TOM MAYTHAM a DREADNAUGHT. C..CURTISS| f STEAMPUMPS,HAWSERS, "| r ; LIGHTERS J/ETC. | je Aa FURNISHE DON! i = rm 4 SHORT Notice! a s¥ A KIO FE