eG MARINE REVIEW. I. H. OWEN, PRESIDENT, F. H.VAN CLEVE, Sec. CAPT. GEO. BARTLEY, Supt, ord IN ~ icago. Escanaba. Escanaba. cee ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING CO., Escanaba, Mich. Ee : Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready, A Good Se C 0 fl d = 4 a fl d M A R N j ; Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 and 30 inches diameter, 30 inch. : TUG MONARCH, | Stroke, Steam Pressure Allowed, 125 pounds. Good for at least 100 Pounds Steam, for use in a Steambarge. TUG DELTA, | Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure Allowed, 105 pounds. Address, MARINE REVIEW, TUG OWEN, | Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure Allowed, 104 pounds. State Size, Age. Condition and Price. 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0. CENTRIFUCAL PUMPS, Seven and Fourteen Inch Suction. ashe ens: sor eee THE FRONTIER IRON WORKS, LEADING DEALERS IN Ship Chandlery, Fitted with 'JOY' g PATENT VALVE GEAR. Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. DETROIT, MICH, Builders of TRIPLE EXPANSION Marine Engines Engines furnished for Steamships : T. W. Palmer, Living- stone, Majestic, Tampa, John Mitchell, Nyanza, Fedora,Geo.F.Williams, Mackinaw, Keweenaw, Jno. Harper, W. F. Sauber and [osco. Panther, (fore and com- pound). Uganda,W. H. Gilbert, _C. F. Bielman. HAVES, ELEIM & STACK, MANUFACTURERS OF MATTRESSES, PILLOWS AND BEDDING. Telephone 539. Wemake a specialty of fitting out vessels. 70 EAST RIVER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO. J. D. WILSON. M. HENDRIE. Montague Iron Works, MONTAGUE, MICH. WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors. - _ Marine Engines and Boilers, AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY, DUNFORD & ALVERSON, PORT HURON, MICH. SHIP oe NEW DOCK BUILDING. (Largest on thea DOCKING, REPAIRING, SPAR MAKING. WHALEBACKS-- Samuel Mather, Pathfinder. Length: 400 feet. on top 965 feet. Width: 4 bottom 55 * at gate 62 "' to floor 20 feet. Depth: 4 to sill 18 " onblocks16 " Nearest Modern Dock to the SAULT or MACKINAW. DOCK HAS PIT TO SHIP RUDDERS. ; OS] WWatalit . AANA \\ i Wil!