= MARINE REVIEW. Important Features in the Five-Day Steamers. Some very interesting comparisons are brought out in con- nection with details regarding the powerful machinery of the new Cunard line steamers, now building on the Clyde. The proportion of horse power to displacement is especially remarkable in the machinery of Atlantic liners. The Savannah, built in 1819, had a displacement of 1,850 tons, and an indicated horse power of 90, which propelled her 6 knots an hour, the proportion of horse power being .0048 per ton displacement. Other steamers follow- ing between 1836 and 1840, had 1,980 tons displacement and steamed 8 knots, with a proportion of .03 indicated horse power per ton displacement. 'The size of vessels and proportion of power has since steadily increased, until we now have the Campania and Lucania, which are estimated to travel at a speed of 22 knots an hour, with a displacement of 20,000 tons, and 30,000 indicated horse power, the proportion of horse power to ton displacement being 1.5. Engines of these new Cunard steamers are of the twin- f 22 knots an hour throughout an ocean voyage from In this event she would make the trans-atlantic trip The plans call fora vessel 600 feet long, with a ton- age speed 0 port to port. in five days. nage of 12,000 or 14,000 tons. The Gunboat Yorktown. t in the engraving and in view of the special interest shown by owners of merchant vessels in the new United States Navy, a picture of the gunboat Yorktown is pre- sented here. 'The Yorktown was built by the Cramps of Phila- delphia, and has been in commission about three years. She isa art of the Bennington and Concord and has been stationed Her principal dimensions are: Length between depth of hold, 18 feet 9 inches ; greatest On account of merl counterp on the Pacific. perpendiculars, 226 feet : beam, 36 feet ; a displacement of 1,700 tons. There are two triple-expansion engines placed in separate UNITED STATES GUNBOAT YORKTOWN. screw triple expansion five-cylinder type, each having three cranks with a high and low pressure cylinder tandem fashion, with the intermediate cylinder between. In the conveyance of steam the exhaust is from the two high pressure cylinders on top of the for- ward and after cylinders to the intermediate cylinder, and thence to the forward and after lower cylinders. "The high pressure cylinders measure about 41 inches in diameter, the intermediate cylinder 90 inches, and the two low pressure cylinders to5 inches. Each set of engines will develop 15,000 horse power, and the piston speed will be 1,000 feet per minute, whilst the consumption is estimated at 1.4 pounds per indicated horse power per hour, or about 420 tons every twenty-four hours. The total weight of this ponderous mass of machinery, including about 1,200 tons for the boilers, is about 6,400 tons, which, with 3,000 tons of fuel, will absorb A7 per cent. of the vessel's total displacement of 20,000 tons. From Germany comes an announcement of another five-day steamer. Plans from the Vulcan company, Stettin, have been accepted by the Hamburg-American Packet Company. 'The builders guarantee that the new steamship will maintain an aver- water-tight compartments. The air-circulating and bilge pumps are driven independently of the main engines. 'There are four cylindrical horizontal boilers. 'The screws are three-bladed, 10% feet in diameter. The coal supply at normal draught is 200 tons, but the bunker capacity is 400 tons. With the latter supply the ship has an endurance of about 3000 knots at full speed, natural draught, and of about 5000 knots at ro knots speed. On her official four-hour trial, the Yorktown averaged 16.2 knots with a mean horse power of 3,398.25, an excess of 398.25 over the 3,000 guaranteed, the premium earned thereby, at the rate of $100 per unit of excess, being $39,825. On the measured mile trials at Newport, the average speed for four runs was 16.7 knots, and the average horse power 3,660. 'There is a complete steel water-tight deck reaching from stem to stern. Above and below this deck the vessel is divided into many water-tight compartments. Two sets of dynamos supply electric lights for all parts of the ship. There are two search-lights each of 25,000 candle power. The rig is that of a three masted schooner, spreading about 6,300 square feet of canvas.