MARINE REVIEW. a 21 --- Lake brie hngineering Works, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHARD HAMMOND, deg AVA Steam Engines, Compound, Triple and Quadruple Expansion Engines, From 250 to 10,000 Horse Power For Marine and Stationary Service. sas AsAeesesaee "aw \, JOHN fe Sec'y and Treas. wo, ae oN, alas Ue Special Designs for Cable | Railways and Electric Power Plants. a Ano Soa th Biruacnenggtet is The Best Kconomy and Regulation Guaranteed. ~ zAAAL AA = "GHP - mG yO TET I= SS ae =) ee ee a = PLANT aba; AMERICA. THE CHASE MACHINE CO., lll Elm St., CLEVELAND, O., Machinists and Engineers, MANUFACTURERS OF Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, Sole Owners and Manufacturers of the CHASE FOG WHISTLE MACHINE. pecial Attention given to Marine Repair Work. ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. ASBESTOS PIPE and BOILER COVERING. _ Agents for the J. I. Rubber Valves, and Leonard & Ellis' Valvoline, Telephone 994. ESTABLISHED 1865. Cable, Dredge Quarry, Shipping, Crane and Ratting = CELALIIN &. = Qur DREDGE and CRANE CHAINS are made of IRON ROLLED SPECIALLY for that purpose. Send for Price List. ose CARR & CO., Manufacturers, TROY, NEW zt | aA , AMERICAN CHAIN CABLE WORKS. 44444444 A404 4 +2 The naerts Satety' Water Tube Marine Boller FOR Yachts, Launches, AND OTHER Steamers. NEARLY 400 IN USE. ROBERTS SAFETY WATES Pie ee ee afe,Reliable,Simp'c, TY j4 Light Weight,No Shop j= Repairs, Small Space. * Send for illustrated 3 pamphlet and other reading matter. THE ROBERTS Y WATER TUBE BOILER CO. Works Covering 12,000 Square Feet of Ground at RED Se N 18 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK CITY. - THE DAVIS Pressure Regulator For Boat Work is the Most Successful. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. _ Simple, Accurate, Durable. MANUFACTURED BY G.NI.DAVIS& og 96 North Clinton St., CHICAGO, ILL. IME 3 or |. "OFFICE, RUG A a ae ae ALY MAINSTREET B IDGe. ieee Sao EVA. Befh WA. COLLIER ,MANACER a). L.CHAMBERLAIN, | CLEVELAND,O4 er? Vv D.CUSHING. Tom MAYTHAM | f DREADNAUGHT. CG.CURTISS | TELE PHONE 409, , eee A eae HAWSERS,% we LIGHTERS WE TC. FURNISHED ON |, SHORT Nor ICE , PRESSURE REGULATOR fio. 2. TuGS ecco , a oy. ETOMUES {tae