cats. MARINE REVIEW. me 7 lron Mining. VALUE OF LEADING STOCKS, Quoted by Chas. F1. Potter & Co., No. 104 Superior St. Cleveland, O. Stocks. Par : Cleveland--Cliffs Iron Company............... iat ' Bid. ee Siamiplom iron. COMpany...........ccsccccecoe BePGo. ea ioe Sireang@letrton COMPANy...........cccceseceses ee eee 45 00 PeSOmrOn COMPANy....ciccccccccecsecescores 26° OO eae ee 43 00 Lake Superior Iron Company................. 25 00 te ee eee Minnesota Iron Company........ nitric. ee 100 00 67 00 ne ee Pittsburgh & Lake Angeline Iron Co...., 25 00 the edi in menmpiiedtron CoOmpany............ccccceseesce 25 00 9 00 a ae PMSIMEMMICL Secainegsccecstvess yess yen ebuctacanne 25 00 a BO UROMee ITC Y "CO TCC cssecsceseesscareooss 25 00 ey hos IROUMERUOM cc cc cece sc ee Ee ANC TRIG ERE eh GR 25 00 2 00 2 50 Tron Relt........ Breet ae wis Sh Se cet cv vonins duc i's DEPOO gers 2 ranuhareey 2 10 PARDO Tg eUsretrce a eeelsine Geese oss cela sccacvece cess co te ofa BOO ait Bo. ee deae 9 00 ' Among late announcements from the Mesaba range it is noted that officers in the Great Western company, which con- trols about 3,500 acres and in which the Mertritts are interested, claim to have an offer of $300,000 from Cleveland parties on forty acres of the property. The land is not entirely explored as yet, but it is said that one pit is 45 feet in ore, and that material ad- vances have taken place in the value of the company's stock. _ At the Biwabik preparations are being made for the operation of four steam shovels, two locomotives and forty to sixty flat cars, work having been commenced ona Duluth & Iron. Range spur to the mine. An electric light plant is being put in and work will be carried on day and night. In anticipation of shipments _ of iron ore from the new Minnesota mining properties, the Du- luth & Iron Range Railway will add at least ten locomotives. Secretary Noble of the interior department on Saturday rend- ered a decision ending a mining land contest involving $5,000,- 000, which has been in litigation nearly eleven years. T'he Minne- sota Iron Company and George J. Lonstorf become equal owners ina property consisting of 160 acres of a most valuable iron land on the Vermilion range.--Vermillion Journal. Of the season's shipments from 'wo Harbors 644,308 tons was from the Chandler, 493,714 tons from the Minnesota, 14,843 tons from the Zenith and 2,625 from the Pioneer. -- Opinions Regarding the New Mesaba Ore. With the arrival of the first cargo of iron ore from the Mesaba range on Saturday last, all of the sales agents in Cleve- land were given an opportunity to examine the product of one mine on the new range, and opinions expressed by several repre- sentatives of the large companies on the old ranges, who will meet with competition from this ore, are certainly very favorable to interests in the new district. The only objection to the ore which now seems to merit any attention is the opinion expressed by some of the Cleveland agents, that on account of its powder- like fineness some difficulty may be found in smelting it without serious loss in the furnaces through the ore being blown out by the blast, and loss also in transportation through leakage from The cargo received at Cleveland was from the property of the Mountain Iron Company, and was consigned to Oglebay, . Norton & Co., agents. It consisted of 2,073 gross tons, brought to the new ore shipping docks at Superior, Wis., over the Duluth, Mesaba & Northern Railway and carried to Cleveland in the whaleback tow barge 102.. The ore was all transferred to cars direct at the Cleveland & Pittsburg docks, Cleveland, and shipped to Pittsburg furnaces. There is no doubt of the ore being a high grade Bessemer, and it may be that the objections raised regarding its fineness will prove unimportant. Reports from the furnaces as to results from smelting will be secured with little delay and they will un- doubtedly prove interesting if made public. Several local chemists made samplings from this first cargo, and it is generally understood that numerous analysesshow about 64.50 in iron and 039 phosphorus. 'These figures are generally accepted as cor- rect. Another cargo of this ore, the last of the season, 1s now being unloaded from the whaleback steamer 117 at Fairport, O. The electric lighting plants onthe Anchor line steamers Schuylkill and Codorus were furnished by the Fisher Electric Company, Detroit, Mich. Each boat has 225 lights. This company not only has furnished ninety per cent. of the electric lighting plants on lake steamers, but continues to take about that proportion of the new contracts. IRON ORE STATISTICS FOR 1892. Lake Shipments in Excess of all Previous Years. Iron ore shipments by lake for 1892 foot up 8,471,605 gross tons, or 408,538 tons more than the lake shipments of 18go0, the banner year in the history of the Lake Superior iron ore busi- ness. If rail shipments foot up 600,000 tons--they were 650,541 tons last year--the entire output of the mines in 1890, which was 9,003,701 tons, will be exceeded during the present year. It is the general opinion, however, that when the all-rail move- ment is computed at the end of the month, the entire output of the mines will be found to be a trifle less thanin 1890. By a great effort the dock managers at Escanaba succeeded in making the shipments from that port even four millions. Shipments from the different ports are as follows: __ SHIPMENTS BY LAKE FOR THREE YEARS ds oee, a PORTS. 1890. 1891, 1892. Psednabar. es Shares Beate 3,714,662 | 3,058,590 | 4,000,000 Mir quettetits, coe. stants wage Base oh ce 1,307 895 1,056,027 993,113 Achlswdea cs on ee ee ae 9,128,856 | 1,261,658 | 2,227,407 Gilad stone: eid teaves ce era ees 91,091 177 ,866 95,595 TagowHlamr bowed. an eit te ec 826,063 890,299 | 1,155,490 8,063,067 | 6,444,440 | 8,471,605 Receipts at Lake Erie Ports.--Ore on Dock. Telegrams from dock managers at all Lake Erie ports make the following showing in connection with the upper lake ship- ments: . Gross tons. Lake shipments from upper lake ports............0c.ccsseseeseeee 8,471,605 Receipts at all Lake Erie ports............ We cleaalv aaa shiapintane es oe 6,884,582 ATO yt, Gal Choe k< DEG, Ihe eS scacc cob aso cboesocoocasecddocoaconeecs 4,092,561 At the opening of navigation on April 15 last there was 1,750,256 tons tons of ore on dock, which added to the receipts - of 6,884,582 tons this season, makes a total of 8,634,838 tons. Of this there was shipped to furnaces by rail from Lake Hrie ports during the season of 1892, 4,542,277 tons, as shown by the amount now on dock, 4,092,561 tons. Considering the heavy movement of ore from the mines, this showing in shipments to furnaces is very favorable. It is due in part to the general prac- tice among dock companies of granting rebates this year. Fol- lowing are the statements of receipts and ore on dock in detail: TOTAL RECEIPTS AT LOWER LAKE PORTS FOR FIVE YEARS. PORT. 1888, 1889. 1890. 1891. |- toon. | | Wettedior ass ts 75,601 -- 82,961) 164,295) 191,105| 139,987 Sandusky .....ecc.- 154,924) 186,682) 174,596 106,907| 49,736 EON es ee eceenccn 4,351) 680 71,200 14,910 66,031 TGOnaii scence ere os eos 197,000 280,000 280,450 266,009 190,400 Cleveland ............ 4 978,775| 1,742,415, 1,945,492) 1,267,775) 1,737,672 HUE OUiee te eee! | 611,140) 819,121) 1,096,408) 699,434) 864,611 Ashtabula.......0---- 1,288,530 1,963,490] 2,176,730| 1,599,785| 2,548,175 Wome atta cee eos ese Seales eget lle cae eee ete nal eae 1,130 ELC? ces. Btrer tect hac: 240,888] 378,595} 487,493} 393,759; 1,080,597 Btidtalone eee... ca. 240,000| 298,000} 548,000) 410,000) 206,245 AO tal lereenccimece 3,783,659| 5,856,344) 6,874,664) 4,939,684) 6,884,552 IRON ORE ON DOCK AT CLOSE OF NAVIGATION. PORT. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. Moledousec sera 58,255 85,340} 110,740; 122,516 71,409: Sanus kycccceweessceae ss 100,000 175,000 115,000 122,006 87,500 PAU OM aes ccs se tere 9,200 39 1,200 14,910 39,500 oni hanes 100,000] 170,000] 210,287} 250,812] 147,600 Cleveland....<...:.<s00 527,616 518,816] 1,209,467} 1,114,762} 1,196,438 PB eiur pOrteseess scarce 250,000] 390,000] 721,000] 597,617) 608,608 Ashtabula ............-. 686,833] 1,071,011) 1,151,397 903,957} 1,254,855 @onime nuit; aaa ee eee eee pac cegte | teeecee se ceel|o aece seseeres| seeneees sees DHT Circe onary ce siete 95,092 128,900 248,714 252,916 575,506 ES uittea Ovstestctaceeteecteai ee 26,500 68,000 125,732 129,000 111,150 portale Set eee mee areas 1,848,555] 2,607,106) 3,893,487] 3,508,489) 4,092,561 It is known that soft Bessemer ores are well sold up, and the condition of stocks as regards sales is, if any, a little better than during the past two years. To the total receipts at Lake Erie docks, as shown in the above table, must be added 258,- 453 tons, which was received direct at furnaces in Cleveland and Buffalo. This brings receipts at Lake Erie ports up to 7,143,035, which substracted from the total upper lake shipments of 8,- 471,605 tons, leaves 1,328,570 tons aSethe amount which was carried by water to Chicago and Detroit.