14 MARINE MARINE REVIEW LINER EXCHANCE. Space under this heading may be used gratis by our advertisers or subscribers to call attention to vessels or any craft, machinery. new or second hand. that they may have for sale. Those wanting machinery of any kind or wshing to purchase vessels. are invited to take advan- tage of the same offer. Employers in need of professional men or men who want positions may avail themselves of ihe opportun'ties offered. Each item will be limited to three lines. Letters concerning same must mention number attached to item and be addressed MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payre Builcing. Clevcland. C. 156--FOR SALE--At a bargain, 30-foot sloop yacht, built this year and in first-class condition. 157--WANTED--Good second-hand Marine boiler, tested to 100 pounds, for use in a steambarge. 158--FOR SALE--12-inch Silsby Wrecking Pump, with capacity for 2,500 gallons. Price low. 159--FOR SALE--Lighter, 72 feet long, 16 feet beam, and 5 feet.deep. Will sell for $300. 160--WANTED--A second-hand tug engine, equal about 24 by 24. 161--FOR SALE--Second hand marine boiler, 8 feet face and 15 feet long, with steam chimney about seven years old, but has been used only a short time and is in good order; built at Washington navy yard and has composi- tion tubes; plates of Otis steel, double riveted nearly all over on external seams; will inspect for 95 pounds. . 162--FOR SALE CHEAP--Steam launch, 25 feet long, 53 feet beam. Porcupine boiler and oil for fuel. In very good condition. Boat cost $750; nearly new; will sell for $300. compound preferred; size to The Leading Marine Engineering and Shipbuilding Journal. Price Sixpenee. Che Steamship, A Scientific Journal of Marine Engineer- ing, Shipbuilding and Shipping. Published Monthly. Edited by J. Lockie. Should be read by all Marine Engineers, Shipbuilders and Electricians. Contents each month comprise: Illustrations of Marine Engineering and Shipbuilding Inventions. Original Articles on Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Launches and Trial Trips. Head Office--2 Customhouse Chambers, Leith. London Office--4 Pilgrim Street, E. C. "A KEY TO ENGINEERING," Is the title of « little book of about oue hundred pages, which we publish. It contains no advertisements and is written in the plainest language. We have received a great number of testimonials, unsolicited, from engineers, who ac- knowledge it to be the best book of its size ever written on the subject. Many of them send for extra copies for their assistants. The price, post paid, is 30 cents. "COMMON SENSE IN MAKING AND USING STEAM," Is the title of another little book which we have published for the use of en- gineers and owners of steam plants. It is written more especially for the own- ers of steam plants, by William H. Bailey, M. E. of Rochester N. Y., whose long experience in all matters pertaining to steam, entitle him to a first rank among mechanical engineers. The price of this book is 25 cents, post paid. "THE ENGINEERS' EPITOME," A Collection of Facts, Figures and Formule. We have bought the manuscript, and have now in press this very valuable book, writ- ten by an engineer of 30 years experience. It contains, beside the chapters on steam and ~ mechanical subjects, a chapter devoted to arithmetical rules used in figuring steam pro- blems. The price is 50 cents; ail three books will be sent post paid on receipt of $1.00 in stamps, money order or postal note. MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg. CLEVELAND, O. H. G. TROUT, KING IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N. Y., MANUFACTURERS OF TRIPLE EXPANSION, THREE CYLINDER, FORE AND AFT And STEEPLE COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES, High and Low Pressure Engines, Sectional, Propeller, Tug and Yacht Wheels. Z : Cowles Aluminum and Manganese X SS Bronze Propeller Wheels. These Wheels are noted for their extra speed, towing power and propor- tionate saving of coal. PRICES QuvuoeotTeD Om APPLICATION REVIEW. NITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE BT rate Mich., December 13, 1892. . Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor, materials and appliances, and constructing the floors, ete.; of, the 800-foot lock at St. Mary's Falls Canal, Mich., will be received at this office until 2 p. m., standard time, January 12, 1893, and then publicly opened. Specifications, blank for ms, and allavailable information will be furnished on application to this office. O. M, POE, Col. Corps of Engineers. Bvt. Brig. Gen., U.S. A. S, ENGINEER OFFICE, HICKOX BUILD- U. ing, 185 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, November 22d, 1892. Sealed proposals for ex- tending Eastand West Piers at Fairport Harbor, Ohio, will be received at this office until 2 p. m. of Thursday, December 22d, 1892, and then publicly opened. _ Specifications, blank forms and all available information will be furnished on application to this office. J ARED A.SMITH, Corps of Engiueers, U.S. A. 15 WOOD :: PRESERVATIVE Pennsylvania Railroad Standard, As specified by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for use on Floating Equipment, Docks, Cars, Flooring, and all Wood Work exposed to decay or attacks of Insects. May be applied with a Brush in same manner as Paint. PRICES LOW. PROTECTION SURE. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY THE WALKER CHEMICAL CO. Jersey City, N.d. COMBINATION PUMP WATER CLOSET For Yachts, Pilot Boats, Naval Ships, Etc. For bove or below water line. No tank needed, and when below water line you can flush bowl without hay- ing to use pump. WILLIAM BISHOP, Plumber, Coppersmith & Steam Fitter, Telephone 4811 Cortlandt, 205 South Street, NEW YORK. Yacht Fittings a Specialty. NEARLY EVERY SHIPBUILDER ON THE LAKES HAS BEEN FUR- NISHED WITH PATTERSON'S NAUIICAL DICTIONARY AND NO SHIPBUILD- ER SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. THE DIAGRAMS OF WOODEN, IRON AND STEEL VESSELS AND MARINE ENGINES IN IT ARE ALONE WORTH THE PRICE OF THE BOOK. IT WILL BE SENT TO ANY ADDRESS FOR $5, OR YT. DICTIONARY AND THE MARINE REVIEW, one year, $6. wRitt to MARINE REVIEW, 516 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELANI', 0 a a 5 5 3 7 a a , Sole eee ee cee ee eee THE O'CONNELL GREASER, Daring the past three years hundreds of ma- rine engines of from 2,000 to 4,000 h. p. have been served, as well as high speed electric light en- gines. The Little Schoolmaster in the Art of Advertising: Printers' Ink, A Weekly Journal for Advertisers, Will be sent to any address from date of order to Jin. 1st, 1894, for One Dollar. Afler Dec. 31st, 1892, the subserip- tion price will be advanced to $2 a year. 5 RESULTS: eee control of Crank in. Stoppage of Lard Oil account: Perfectly clean Engine )'Connell & Cahill, Manistee, Mich. Dark lines indicate ap- par tus WADH4M'S OIL & GREASE CO. 118 Fowler St., Milwaukee, Wis., Agents. ADDRESS (inelosing One Dollar) PRINTERS' INK, {O Spruce St., New York. For five dollars a copy of the Amer- ican Newsp:per Directory for the current year (1.500 pages) will be sent, carriage paid, to any address. and the purchase of the book carries with it a paid-in-advance subscription to PRINTERS' INK for one year. eee) oe ee) tiie wee A E HOPKINS & ATKINS Washington, D.C. 20 years' experience, Write for information.