4 MARINE REVIEW. Tur EX ENG BRIDGE CO. CLEVELAND, OC» 2a iron and Steel Bridges. Cirders, Buildings and Structural Work of a inds, Hoisting and Conveying Machinery for Bhi Phattin- Siatirss En, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mahogany Vihite Makegony AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIM. Yszite Eich Simlcls wid SJ Yaw ~ CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. 65 4 Seneca Sticet , 6 leueland, Ohio. THE MARINE BANK Co. Grey nt AND. Or Ee: CAPITAL, $300,000. Incorporated under the laws of Ohio in (891. Successor to E. B. HALE & CO., Established in 1852. DIR HOTORS - W. H. BARRISS, PRESIDENT. HENRY C. RANNEY, Vice-PREs'T. W. B. HALE, Cashier. C. E. BURKE. THOS. H. WHITE. MARTYN BONNELL. THOS. FITZPATRICK. 1@We give special attention to Marine Business. Special Paints VESSELS eS ROOFS BRIDGES MACHINERY BUILDINGS FURNACES MADE TO MEET SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND UNUSUAL EXPOSURE. W. W. LAWRENCE & CO., pittseurcu. ODT ole ONT SE a: ENGINEERS anp PILOTS. Twenty Licensed Engineers and Pilots To run Smali Passenger Steamers for the Summer Months of 1893, in connection with the WORLD'S FAIR. Sober, Steady Men are invited to write us for further information CHAS. P. WILLARD & Co. Clybourn and Southport Aves., foot of C. Street, CHICAGO, ILL. OMAR D. CONGER. CHILION P. CONGER, Conger & Conger, "ores ae Counsellors at Law, No. 45 Corcoran Building, Washington, D. C. We make a specialty of all Marine and Shipping Business before the Treasury Depart- mentand Congress. Patent Business. Practice, Courtof Claims and U.S. Supreme Court. Handling Ore, Coal, &c. | DETROIT, MICH. POGKET FUELING AND LOW DOGK, LORAIN GOAL DOCK, LORAIN, O. LAKE SHIPPERS OF Builder of DUPLEX HOISTING AND DECK ENGINES. ra f fe Completely under control of throt- ; E tle, reverse without link, stopped started or reversed instantly, wil ap hold load without brake. és These Engines can be arranged for Driving Rolls and many other purposes. PLAIN, FINISHED and AUTOMATIC ENCINES, From Heavy Patterns at Moderate Prices. Vertical, Horizontal, Marine and Locomotive BOILERS, = Strictly First-Class & Highest Test, Saginaw, Mich. Uti x a : iz = SS Send for Circulars and Prices. oe 'AUTOMATIC NOTHING BREAKS THE FEED. Range, Stock Injector, 23 to 150 Ibs. » Special Injectors, 35 to 200 Ibs. FOR SALE AT EVERY LAKE PORT. "PENBERTHY INJECTOR C0 - Manufacturers, <a Detroit, Mich. The Excelsior Machine and Cleveland Punch and Shear Works Co. SUCCESSO.S TO LEIGHTON & HATHAWAY, MANUFACTURERS OF Punches, Shears, Bending ,, Rolls, Rotary Planers, Over- _ head and Post Drill Presses. 980 to 986 HAMILTON STREET, CLEVELAND, CZLIO-. eres BEVELING SHEARS. Pat. Nov. 5,1889. BACK, START, STOP OR ROLL.