MARINE REVIEW. 3 =\ 18 VULCANIZED FIBRE VALVES, H. B. & G. B. BURGER, For Air, Circulating, Feed and Bilge Pumps. . MANITOWOC, WIS. FAR SUPERIOR to India Rubber or any SHIP BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. other material, at one-half the cost. Dock will admit vessels of 1200 tons, and will be enlarged soon = eee earn to admit largest vessels on the lakes. Boxes will lift 350 ton SHOWINCARELATINE CECA Sen VU LCANIZED FIBRE CO., vessels, Yard is fitted with a large spar derrick, and a stock Y (NESS, YY ei Se YA. New X ork Office, 14 Dey St. WILMINGTON, DEL. of spars always on hand. "The most perfect feed water heater and purifier we ever saw.' --R. HAMMOND. VE Fell OSs IN PRACTICAL USE ON 25 LAKE STEAMERS) Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or Scale-Forming Substance. .D ae REI PS a Ss N & SQ Ni TATNALL AND RAILROAD STS, 9 WILMINGTON, DEL, -- - Re .< i yy =, Builders of Metatlic Life Boats and Rafts, Yachts and Pleasure Boats.LifePreservers. Outfit for Lake Steam- = ers a Specialty. ROBERT LEARMONTH, rarencee, Headquarters for Ship Plank. 200 BOUCK AVENUE, - - - - BUFFALO, N.Y.| . HE ONLY GANG MILL in the country that makes a specialty of long white oak ship plank, ship timber, bridge timber, and REHPSREaENCES. dredge spuds, any length atid size, One : million feet Long Oak constantly in stock. A.--Settling chamber. Capacity of mill, 20,000 feet per day. B W.C. STILES, Warren, O. B.--Boiler. C.--Feed pipe to boiler, No. 4 BECK SlGaM Steering: Gear, TUG PATTERN Floor Space 18x36 In. Changed from steam to hand gear instantly. Rudder moved hard-over, D.--Steam pipe. E.--Water supply pipe. F'.--Check valve. G.--Spray disks. H.--Spray chamber. I.--Equalizing tube. | as desired. Is self-locking. Will eu_hion any blow on rudder and re- turn to position automatically All ears are machine cut. Position of ae shown by Indicator at all imes. : PAWLING & HARNISCRFECER, BUILDERS OF Beck Dupiex Feed Engines, Steam Steering Gears and Hoist- ing Engines, Electric, Steam and Hand Cranes, KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE i a i 106-108 Clinton St. dtilwaukee, Wis, THESE RED RUBBER VALVES || SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, BESTAIR & F OOT VALVES MAD E. SSX C.STARKE, Pres. W.H.Mm®y3Er,V. Pres. IF YOUR DEALER DOES MOT KEEP THEM, THe ESE ETERS Ten ae or WRITE DIRECT TO THE FACTORY. Mamufacturers of MARINE ENGINES, _ PROPELLER WHEELS, Dredge Machinery of Latest Design, MARINE REPAIRS AT ALL HOURS, Agents for Marine Trade for BANCS' OIL CUPS. \ 24, 126, 128, 180 & 182 Barclay Street, US MILWAUKEE, WIS. SS Telephone 163. Correspondence Solicited J f You See This J.--Blow-off pipe. K.--Automatic shut-off valve. L.--Division plate. M.--Deflector and separator. ERIE RUBBER CO. ERIE.PA.: -- Manufacturers of the WANTED, "ss Passencen STEAMER, Suitable for COASTING TRADE ON LAKE SUPERIOR, draught about 6 feet, 60 to 100 feet in length, must be comfortable and make reasonable speed. 8 Address, W. O. BUTLER, Marquette, Mich. _ waren = | Send for Our Catalogue. Mason Regulator Co. Boston, Mass. MANUFACTURERS OF.... Reducing Valves, Pump Pressure Regulators, WW ais Pump Governors, Damper Regulators, Balanced se ~ and Lever Valves. through one 0: more turns of wheel -