14 ee 2 The Hundred Boats Built by F. W. Wheeler & Co. Ie 5 Romeo = 22.2 78 802 Following is a list of the roo vessels built by the Wheeler pe, UME ee 78: | 34> Ui) ens Company, all but three of which are still in commission. If |= 53: John Plankinton ----- 265 | 85. U. S. Lightship -------111 placed end to end they would make a fleet nearly four miles long : 54. Plow Boy -- --(1887)-- 80 | 86. U.S. Lightship-------111 pees Soo Post Boy <= (1688) =. 00. | 57. U..5. Hightship: === am LENGTH. 1886, | 56. Lulu Eddy --(1888)-- 55 | 88. Uganda ---- -------.-291 1877-81. eeE eae eck Aeeraweood=12 2 ).~ Ago le oye ch LeGes = 9s eae eS 57 | 89. W. H. Gilbert __-- _-_- 328 1. Mary WIVaNtatstiaie ee ee SO) | 26). Ossifrage pte gy eee Bea 126 | 58. Geo. F. Willams 2-280 | go. Ec Fitzpatrick =-s- 45-2 240 2. Luther Westover. __-- 100 | CP Werblee Stevens = 25 22 212i) 5G. Geos lonmeiven 392 7 = Tiss ou aC. ch. bielman 2 es 291 paehristie Horbes _ 92 FOG 280 We ee SraOrde ee eet Tea be. Ce Milinone == os o2.. Wo GC. Wailmot-s ee 106 Fie tamndiebe = OO 120.2 Mabel Wilson 22. 5=-- 240 | 61. John A. Francombe -- 180 ne IMleiriormn Welle 2 50/1887. | 62. Dredge Bhias Hai ties Enc eee ne oe ON STOCKS. NOT NAMED. GatG We Weileenm = 9 65 20. William Et Gratwiek!256' | 1890. 1893. Fe ley COMMmee. ea Spee: 240° | 31. F. W. Wheeler (str)---265 | 63. Nyanza --------- =--- 281 | 93. Steel, for Mitchell Steam- Sane OMeMIAmodd = ses DAOr MaDe SILA ee eer la ed 272 | GV ga. INU aO CGV te 180 ship Co., (Stree 328 Gane Wamles!@iyler- 22 2270 | Been O PEDIC pes ae Fee 27-5 | OGe Ge 2, Neder == y=. 180 | 94. Steel, Hawgood & Avery TOM oe ee We ea Miccosta' 2. = =. = 280; 66 We che oder 222. 5105 'Transit Co., (Str) "ane govsseeee a »e ee" @e9® eee @@' @ ONE OF THE CENTURION'S THREE BOILERS, BUILT BY WICKES BROS., E. SAGINAW, MICH. (For description see p. 13. Es ee ~~ ---- ee ee eine Were! es ees 2 187 OT Edward Smith --_-- Le THO) | O58 creel for be Ce Whit- Pa ee Ree | 68. City of Chicago __- -- 212 | ney. (tt) 2) 360 Zor "OmleAdanis. © === 2860 69. Emily P. Weed 200 cemGalateds 6s ie P ts | a7 eo Morey =... 187 | 70. Mackinaw... | v~~ | 96. Wood Schr., C. McLach- ieee teltamiGly BON) eee - - Fer ape World 2 8! 216 7) a. Newall Keenan a | lan et al ---- ---- Sa ees Ore ee 182 39. Robert Ho Hinyet = 27) 280 72. Olive-Jeanette epee 240 | 97- Wood Str. for Hawgood See 40. 500 Cee 170 Hig IREWEEMAWe ee 270 | & Canfield et al - ----29! 16. Kittie M. Horbes 4 195 a, Benya. ee Se 2A0 mite Is ; os 4 Be ee MC Saath hes : : ae 2 | ibe A eVial Die) 6 eee 290 | 98. Wood Str. for Bradley « oh eee 7 oe to wranik @. Hwen-.2- = 260 Tip eG ek oracle. TOs | 'Transportation C 270 1884. Pee Warde oo: | D Michigan Wike Sang pos | ransportation CO ---4 18. F. W. Wheeler (schr) 190 | wae olin We Mora. 212 | qa: & P MON oe | 99. Wood Schr. for John A. 19. ue ees Be be | 1801. See en ee 21 Francombe et al - -- -- 200 Or SMe Sea a a Ge eneereO. VW Toby. 3 5 2 D2o oH | HSe We B Sa - 100. Steel Str., stock account, WaldovA Avery :.:_ Base eao John M, Nicol... 260 || aa Sailor ae nes ar | Centurion .---- == 299 1885. Avie lon: Witenes 22 oS) 13 86. Tosco ee a | Wood.Capt. Wm. Forbes Pee Mivomidcterseltiatic= -- 60.48, Medora..__...._._.. 281 | -8:. Mud Scow.....__ ee ae i 270 Dem Bolsome ce ie ees . - ee Nene ee to | Be Mud Scow.. 2. | 10 = ae e eo. i 2 hhh DF « é sy eller K; Oe oa eomoy. = 200'| 50. Monarch .-.._ 2... -- 95 | ee NOM ee a Ore eG | ee he >) (eee