MARINE REVIEW. 15 The é Lancaster" Hoisting Engines and Grapples, power Hoisting Machines much of other methods. The Lancaster 1891" style of Hoister and Dredger. James H. Lancaster "The most perfect feed water heater and purifier we ever saw."---R. HAMMOND. IN PRACTICAL USE ON 25 LAKE STEAMERS. Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment Scale-Forming Substance. ROBERT LEARMONTHE. ereme:, 200 BOUCK AVENUE, - - - - - BUFFALO, N. RED SRENCES. A.--Settling chamber. B.--Boiler. C.--Feed pipe to boil D.--Steam pipe. E.--Water supply pipe. F'.--Check valve. G.--Spray disks. H.--Spray chamber. J.--Equalizing tube. J.--Blow-off pipe. ©} L.--Division plate. THESE HOISTERS AND GRAPPLES are in use on all kinds of work in almost all sections of the country, and references will be furnish: d on demand. Send for "1893" Illustrated Catalogue, Reduced PriceList and Testimonials. K.--Automatie shut-off valve. M.--Deflector and separator. THE LANCASTER '1893" HOISTING MACHINES and GRAPPLES are | ovel, require less power than others to operate, and are extremely efficient. 'hey revolve the cilcle,are av justably balanced,rise and lower the boom while lifting or lowering the Grapple, and dig or discharge ANYWHERE within the entire radia: limits of the boom. They are self-propelling in either direc- tion, and worked by one man, either by steam, horse or hand power. These hoisters can be mounted on a tr uck, platform, deck or pontoon, or otherwise. THE LANCASTER? GRAPPLE OR DREDGE, digs, raises and discharges mud, clay, coal, sand, phosphates, broken stone, gravel, ete. ., by either hand, horse or steam more effectively and at one-fifth the cost Patentee "Lancaster" Roek Rreakers, ete. r » P.O. Box 3139, 41 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK. The Colier Steam Yacht & Engine Works, DETROIT MICEX. Builders of High Speed, Compound and Triple Expan- sion Engines'of all Sizes, from 3@\ to 600 horse power, original in design, with patent valve gear, which makes them the most per- fectly balanced en- gines in the world. CHEAP, DURABLE, SPEEDY. fHE COLLER WATER TUBE BOILER. Write for Particulars and Prices. No. 4 BECK NlGAMSTBErINE Gear, or Ne HAYES, HEIM & sTAck, MANUFACTURERS OF ny) i i taht mm) )) ay \ Se ey eae aaa aS -- es 2S eS eee Pa Steam Boat and a Specialty. TELEPHONE 539. as 70 East River St., Cleveland, Ohio. Mattresses, =| Pillows, &e. Vessel Furnishing Extracts from Letters. "* THE steering gears of the lakes." Capt. Higgie, V. O. T. Co., Chicago. " Cannot. bé excelle a: a Capt. Cochran, Steamer Marion. '""Gives entire satisfaction. 4 Independent lug Line, Chicago. ar "Are giving" exe' llent satisfaction." oS ; _ Mitiwaukee Dredge Co. "The No. 4 Beck Steering Ge: in our steamer, Samuel 'Ma eee given excelent salisfaction." W L. Mahon, Mech'/ Eng', American Steel Barge Co: PANTING G HARNISCHFEGER, 156-168 Clinton Street, MILWAUKEE, WIs.- The Excelsior Machine and Cleveland Punch ERIE RUBBER CO. ERIE.PA. Manufacturers of the WRITE DIRECT TO THE FACTORY. KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE BESTAIR & FOOT VALVES MADE. IF YOUR DEALER DOES KOT KEEP THEM, and Shear Works Co. SUCCESSORS TO LEIGHTON & HATHAWAY. Mancfacturers of Punches, Shears, Bending THESE Rolls Rotary Planers, Over- RED RUBBER VALVES head & Post Drill Presses. 980 to 986 Hamilton St., CLEVELAND, OHIO. a ther, has