MARINE 8 SCHNEIDER <2 [RE | AND @ = GL EME esi) Olean Photographs and Drawings reproduced for all kinds of Printing. 1880. 1893. LAs i POTTER. «CQ. Investment Bankers, Cleveland, ©O. Dealers In Lake Superior tron Mining Stocks, on about 10 per cent. annual dividend basis, Republic Iron Co., Lake Superior Iron Co., Champion Iron Co., Minnesota Iron Co., Jackson Iron Co., Cleveland-Cliffs [ron Co., Chandler Iron Co., Chicago and Minne- sota Ore Co. : OHIO, Cor. ene. St., BUFFALO, N.Y. SHIP CHANDLERY, PAINTS, OILS, AND VESSEL SUPPLIES. Veheee as anes ae co. eo wu AND RAILROAD STS, WILMINGTON, DEL, = Builders of Metallic Boats,LifePreservers. Outfit for Lake Steam- ers a Specialty. ERIE RUBBER CO. ERIE.PA. Manufacturers of the KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE THESE RED RUBBER VALVES ALER DOES MOT KEEP THEM, = VO RITE DIRECT TO THE FACTORY. BESTAIR & FOOT 'VALVES MADE. REVINW. 15 AMERICAN CHAIN CABLE WORKS. "Hl ESTABLISHED 1865. Cable, Dredge, Quarry, Shipping, Crane and Rafting SAS Our DREDGE and CRANE CHAINS are made of IRON ROLLED SPECIALLY for that purpose. Send for Price List. 18 CARR & CO., Manufacturers, TROY, NEW es | = b a 44444 4 4A aA 4644 2 VACEITING! GO TO THE WORLD'S FAIR WITH YOUR YACHT'S CREW UNIFORMED BY FRANK G. OVERBEKE, TAILOR AnD OUTFITTER, FINELY ILLUSTRATED [12 Woodland Ave., CLEVELAND, 0. CATALOGUE ON APPLECATION. The Roberts Safety Water Tube Marine Boiler FOR Yachts, Launches, AND OTHER Steamers. " OVER oOo IN USE. = Safe,Reliable,Simple, 4 Light Weight,No Shop | Repairs, Small Space. 4 Send for illustrated amphlet and other reading matter. THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TU BE BOILER CO. Works Covering 12,000 Square Feet of Ground at RED BANK, N.J. 18 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK CITY. No. 4 BECK LGA Steere Gear. Extracts from Letters. '" THE steering gears of the lakes." Cant. Higgie, V. O. T. Co., Chicago. ** Cannot be excelled." Capt. Cochran, Steamer Marion. "Gives entire satisfaction." Independent Tug Line, Chicago. "Are giving excellent satisfaction." Milwaukee Dredge Co. 'The No.4 Beck Steering Gear put in our steamer, Samuel Mather, has given excellent satisfaction." W L. Mahon, Mech'l Eng'r, American Steel Barge Oo. PAWLING & | HARNISCHTEGER, 156-168 Clinton Street, MILWA UKEE, WIS. The Excelsior Machine and Gleveland Punch and Shear Works Co. SUCCESSORS TO LEIGHTON & HATHAWAY. Mancfacturers of Punches, Shears, Bending -- Rolls,Rotary Planers,Over- = head & Post Drill Presses. 980 to 986 Hamilton St., §j CLEVELAND, OHIO.