16 MARINE REVIEW. MARINE AGENGIES, The following is a List of the Authorized Marin Alpena, Mich.--Muellerweiss & Co., Groceries and Boat Supplies. Ashland, Wis.--H. R. Cady & Co., Grocers and Marine Dealers. Ashtabula Harbor, 0.--Harbor Ship Chandlery Co, Baltimore--Vacuum Oil Co., 225 E. Pratt St. Bangor, Me.--Rice & Miller, Boat Supplies and Hardware. Bay City, Mich.--W. H. Miller & Co. Belleville, Ont.--D, M. Waters, Drugs and Marine Oils. Benton Harbor, Mich.--C, M. Edick, Hardware and Boat Supplies. Bobeaygeon, Ont.--A. EH. Bottum, Hardware. Boston, Mass.--Vacuum Oil Co., 45 Purchase St Brunswick, Ga.--The Brunswick Foundry, Mach.& Mfg.Co. Euffalo, N. Y.--William Graham, Ship Grocer, 9, 11 and 13 Ohio St. Howard H Baker & Co., Ship Chandlers, 18 to 26 Terrace. Burlington, Vt.--H. HE. Sibley. Brooklyn, N. Y.--(See New York,) Cheboygan, Mich.--Shellhorn & Rich, Machinists. Charlotte, N. Y.--Geo. W. Allen. Boat Supplies, Groceries, ete. Charleston, 8. C.--E. L. Friday, Accommodation Wharf. Chicago, Ill,--South Chicago Ship Chandlery Co. H. Channon Co., Ship Chandlers, 22 Market St. Clayton, N. Y.--H. M. Cook, Machinist and Steamboat Re- ~ pair Shop. Cleveland, 0.--The Upson-Walton Co., Ship Chandlers, 155- _ 163 River St. Coline woods, Ont.--J. Henderson, Hardware and Boat upplies. : Detroit, Mich.--H. ©. Edwards & Co., Ship Chandlers, 16 Woodward Ave. Duluth. Minn.---Vacuum Oil Co., warehouse with Culver Bros. Dock. . Telephone 311. _Lake Superior Marine Supply Co. Erie, Pa.--Henry Beckman. & Son, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, 506 State St. Escanaba, Mich.--C. B. Oliver. . Fairport Harbor, 0.--Marine Supply Co., Engineers and - Boat Supplies. Galveston, Texas--T. lL. Cross & Co., Ship Chandlers and Ship Stores, Centre and Strand Sts. Gravenhurst, Ont.--J. F. Young, Hardware. Green Bay, Wis.--F. Hurlbut. Havana, Cuba--Vacuum Oil Co.. Oficios de Calle 7. Havana, Cuba--J. G. Gonzales & Co., Ship Chandlers and Provision Merchants, San Pedro St. i Huron, 0.--Hull & Rand, Ship Supplies, Hardware, Gro- ceries, etc. lesen : Jacksonville, Fla.--Merrill-Stevens Engineering Co. ' Kingston, Ont.--McKelvey & Birch, Hardware ann Boat Supplies, 69 Brock St. Lake George, N. Y.--H. R. Ziebach. Lorain, O---N. ©. Alten, Ship . handlery and Hardware. Ludington. Mich.--T. R. Lyon. Mackinac Island, Mich.--eo. T. Arnold, Coal Docks. Manistee, Mich.--Phil Parry, Hardware. ; Manitowoe. Wis.--Rand & Roemer Hardware Co,, Ship Chandlers, York and Highth Sts. Marine City, Mich.--Scott Bros. & DeLisle, Hlardware and Ship Supplies, Water St. Marquette, Mich.--A. O. Jopling & Co., Hardware. Meaford, Ont.--James Cleland & Son, Hardware, Menominee, Mich.--Dunning Bros. & Co., Hardware and Ship Chandlers. : i es Michi an City, Ind.--Deming & Oliver, Ship Supplies. Milwaukee, Wis,--Joys Bros. Co., Ship Chandlers, 15 Rrie St. Telephone 2. ae Minneapolis, Minn.--Cooley & Vater. Contracting Engi- neers, 224 Washington Ave., South. Mobile, Ala.--Barney-Cavanagh Hardware Co., 10-16 North Commerce St. . Montreal, Que.--Vacuum Oil Co., New York Life Insur- ance Bldg. Moss Point, Miss.--Cowan Bros. Ue Newburg, N. Y.--Ward & Logan, Paints & Oils. New London, Conn.--Darrow & Comstock. _ New Orleans, La.--Vacuum Oil Co., 74 Gravier St. New York City--Stephen H. Mills & Co., Ship Chandlers, 107 South St. p Neibrugge & Day, Custom House and Insurance Brok- ers and Forwarding Agents, 121 Pearl St. F. Fradley. Ship Chandler, 43 Hamilton Ave., Brooklyn, Baker & Carver, Ship Chandlers and Grocers, 29 South Stanwood & Co., Ship Chandlers, 722 Third Ave., Brook- lyn. 1 A. K. Barter, 36 South St. Hicks & Bell, 68 South St. North McGregor, La.--George Keene & Sons. Norfolk, Va. E. V. White & Co., Steamboat Supplies, 12 Commercial Row, e Agents of the Vacuum Oil Co.: Ogdensburg, N. Y.--Charles Ashley, Boat, Supplies and Hardware, 84-86 Ford St. . Owen Sound, Ont.--R. P. Butchart & Bro,, Ship Chandlers, Hardware and Steamfitters. -- Oswego, N. Y.--John S. Parsons, Ship Chandler and Sail Maker, West Cayuga and Water Sts. Ottawa, Ont.--William Howe. : Oyster Bay, N. Y.--A.J.& HE. M. Hutchinson. _ Pensacola, Fla.--McKenzie Oerting & Co., Ship Chandlers, 315 South Palafax St. Perth Amboy, N. J.--Schantz & Eckert. ; Philadelphia, Pa.--h. & J. Baker, Grocers & Ship Chand- lers, 132.8. Wharves. é Bougher & Bishop, Ship Stores, 401 Richmond St. J. O. Shackley, Paints, Oils & Varnish, 36 N. Delaware Ave. Bellevue & Churchman, Ship Chandlers & Grocers, 852 South Second. : Point Pleasant. W. Va.--H. A. Burnside, West Virginia Rubber Goods Agency. ; Port Dalhousie, Ont---Murphy & Scott, Marine Supply Store. Port Huron, Mich.--J. H. & T. J. Fitzgerald, Dry Dock Tron Works, 2428 Military St. Racine, Wis.--Knapp & Gillen. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y.--L. W. Day, Drugs, Groceries and Boat Supplies. : Sandusky 0.--Dwelle & Lewis, Grocers and Ship Chand- lers, 643 Water St. Telephone 200. Saugatuck. Mich.--Bird & ee Drugs and Marine Oils. Sault St. Marie, Mich.--Union Dock and Coal Co. i Scranton, Miss.--C.-H. Alley. South Chicago, I1l.--South Chicago Ship Chandlery Co., 170 92nd St. St. Ignace, Mich.--Stellwagen & Kynoch, Hardware and Boat Supplies. ; St. John, N. B.--Vacuum Oil Co., 55 Water St. Sturgeon Bay, Wis.--Scofield & Co., Hardware. Toledo, 0.--M. 1. Wileox Cordage and Supply Co. j Tonawanda, N. Y.--Nice & Hinkey, Hardware, Steamfit- ters & Boat Supplies. Velasco, Tex.--Howell Hardware Co. West Superior, Wis.--Lake Superior Marine Supply Co. Wilmington, Del.--Delaware Hlectric and Supply Co., 211-- 219 Shipley St. Wilmington, N. C.--Charles M. Whitlock, Machinery Sup- plies, 20 North St. Buy only direct from us or the dealers named above. Other dealers do not sell our Ojil:. VACUUM OIL: 9 = ochester, N.Y. FOR SALE am Dredge Erie Complete; Two Dumping Scows; One Flat Scow; Also, Two Ingersol-Sargent 6-inech Steam Roek Drills; One Boiler; One Small Engine; Cant Hooks, Rollers, Timber 2. MM. CHURCH c& CoO.,, SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. LEADING DEALERS IN Ship Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CUNNECTION. Jacks and Boring Machines, ete. TERMS REASONABLE. Address Correspondence, JOSEPH T. BALDWIN, Agt., Box No. 466, ERIE, PA. JENKINS BROS.' PUMP VALVES JENKINS BROS., 71 John St., NEW YORK. 31-33 N. Canal St., CHICAGO. 105 Milk Street, BOSTON. 21 No. Fifth St., PHILA. THE FRONTIER IRON WORKS. Fitted with "JOY PATENT VALVE GEAR. DETROIT, MICH, Builders of TRIPLE EXPANSION Marine Kngines Engines furnished for Steamsnips: T. W. Palmer, Living- stone, Majestic, Tampa, John Mitchell, Nyanza, Fedora,Geo. F. Williams, Mackinaw, Keweenaw, Jno. Harper, W. F. Sauber and [osco. Panther, (fore and com- Wemakea specialty of Hard Rubber Pump Valves tor Hot Water Oils, and Acids, also for very high pressure. j Acceptno Pump Valves as JENKINS' or JENKINS BROS.' unless stamped with '* Trade Mark."' J.D. WILSON. M. HENDRIE, MONTAGUE TRON WORKS, MONTAGUE, MICH. pound). x Uganda,W. H. Gilbert, WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors. C. F. Bielman. MANUFACTURERS OF WHALEBACKS-- Samuel. Mather, Pathfinder. MARINE s ENGINES 1 AND BOILERS, and General Mill Machinery. ---- ae CORRECTED CHARTS OF THE ST. MARY'S RIVER CAN BE HAD FROM MARINE REVIEW, 016 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0.