MARINE REVIEW. 17 Lake Erie Engineering Works, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHARD HAMMOND, Pres"t. JOHN COON, Sec'y and Treas. Wa, . Po | -_------ Steam Engines, Special Designs 4, = Compound, Triple |): - ti [Se ee ws ¢ and Quadruple 3 Lees Ss tie Expansion Electric Power Engines, From 250 to 10,000 Plants. Horse Power For Marine and The Best Feconomy Ti Stationary and Regulation Service. Guaranteed. "Tyo SSeS = ------ Tye é THEE BEST HPowi~prepryp EiaAIN Tt TIN AMBEICA. The Chase Machine Co. [11 Elm St., CLEVELAND, 0., Machinists and Engineers, Manufacturers of Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, Sole Owners and Manufacturers of the Chase Fog Whistle Machine. Over |50in use on the best class of Lake Steamers. Special A tention given to Marine Repair Work. ENCINEERS' SUPPLIES. ASBESTOS PIPE AND BOILER COVERING. Telephone 994 REASURY. DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF YOYOYSSRF General Superintendent U S. Life Saving 2 i | » Service, WeshiD elon, D. C., June 21, 1893. Seal- 7 for 7a ' n AN oni | 7 the Life-Saving Service for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1894; the supnlics to be delivered at such points in New York City, Grand Haven, Mich., and San Francisco, Cal,,as may be re- ed proposals will be received at this office until \ . ata quired, and in the quantities named in the specifications. The supplies needed consist of '2 o'clock pm. of Thursday, the 20th day of July, 9 STARRETT'S Beds and Bedding, Rlocks and Sheaves, Cord- 1893, for furnishing supplies required tor use of ® age, Crockery, Furniture, Hardware, Lamps, Fi e i | eZ Hulls Iron or St | Lanterns, ete.; Lumber, Medicines, ete.; Paints, n OC > ee up to Oils, ete.; Ship Chandlery, Stoves, etc.; Tools, é . and Miscellaneous articles; all of which are Pi 150 ft. In length. enumerated in the Spe cHieallons alidohed te the Warranted Accurate--Best ia form of bid, ete., which may be obtained upon . : se See application to this pa to. the enepecion of Cee eee ee i a Life-Saving Stations, 24 State Street, New York os 'n Finish--Send for Cat= 5 0 | L F R W 0 R KS City ; Superintendent Eleventh Li e-Saving Dis- Finest i a trict, Grand Haven, Mich., and Superintendent alogue. Twelfth Life-Saving. ee Spe TatsETs: New Building, San Francisco, Cal. Knvelopes con- L. S. STARRETT, Dock 287 Hawthorne AV. taining proposals should be addressed to the "General Superintendent U.S. Life-Saying Ser- Athol, Mass., U.S. A. CHICACO, ILL. vice, Washington, D.C.," and marked on the outside "Proposal for Annual Supplies." The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive defects, if deemed for the interests of the Government. s. I. KIMBALL, General Ye Cc Ki n n O n F ro n Wo rks, H. CHANNON COMPANY, Machinists, Engine Builders, General Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, Shipsmiths and Boiler Makers. ASHTABULA HARBOR, O. Dealers in Manilla Rope, Wire Rope, DEALERS IN---- ins, Ete. : ' ee ae ved Tackle Blocks, Cotton ee ee eee a. Engineers' Supplies, Lubricating and Burning Oils, Steam, Deck -26 MAR : 24-26 : : and Suction Hose, and Air Pump Valves. 8S"SEND YOUR ORDER FOR " PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL We carry Largest Stock of these goods to be found between Cleveland and DICTIONARY"' ($5) TO THE 'MARINE REVIEW" AT ONCE. Buffalo, and sell at the lowest price. We solicit your trade while at this port,