12 MARINE REVIEW. Wm. T, Donnell, Bath, Me.--Four-masted schooner, 194 by 40 feet 4 inches by 19} feet deep, capacity gross tons 1,250, value $60,000. Saml. H. Barbour, Brewer, Me.--Passenger steamer 70 feet long for Conners Bros., Bar Harbor, Me. ; McDonald & Brown, Belfast, Me.--Four-masted barkentine for C. Morton Stewart & Co., Baltimore, Md., capacity gross tons 1,350, value $43,000. Arthur D. Story, Essex, Mass.--Schooner for Capt. Edward Groves, Gloucester, Mass., 105 by 24 by 94 feet, capacity 105 tons, value $9,000; two schooners for M. Walen & Son, Gloucester, Mass., one 85 by 20 by 8 feet, 60 tons, value $6,500, and one 105 by 24 by 103 feet, 115 tons, value $10,000; schooner on builder's account, 103 by 23 by 93 feet, 100 tons, value $9,000. L. D. Shafner, Clementsport, Annapolis County, N. 8,--Schooner on builder's account, 87 by 26 by 94 feet. Madison Marine Railway, David S. Barmore, propr., Madison, Ind.-- Nine scow barges and 'six model barges, the former 400 tons each and the latter 350 tons each, the value of former being $3,500 each and the latter $4,000 each, for the United States government. Twenty-six steamers were docked and repaired at this yard during the past year. Towa Iron Works, Dubuque, Ia.--The Ericcson building here is mentioned in the naval list. In addition to that the U. 8. revenue cutter Wm. Windom, 170 by 27 feet, is under construction and will cost $98,500. Fillmore A. Baker, Patchogue, L. I.--Three sloops, 28, 29 and 30 feet keel and valued at $1,000 each, a 24-foot cat boat, $500, and a 29-foot steam launch valued at $1,200. C. D. Miller, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.--Wooden steam yacht Nirvana fcr Wm. R. Sands, New Hamburgh, N. Y., 106 by 16 by 53 feet, value $28,000, engines 9, 144 and 22 by 14 inches, speed 15 miles; steam yacht W. B. re- building for W. B. Hayden, New York, 88x124 feet, value $16,000. Stillman Saunders, Saunderstown, R. I.--Passenger steamer for H. 8S. Bloodgood, Providence, R. I., 94 by 18 by 9 feet, value $11,000. Geo. Lawley & Son Corporation, So. Boston, Mass.--One 20-foot cutter valued at $3,000 and one 45-foot schooner yacht, $8,000, on builders' account. John P. Smith, Nyack, N. Y.--Twin-screw passenger steamer for Capt. Thos. Pitt, So. Brooklyn, N. Y., 120 by 23 by 7 feet, value $20,000. Merril-Stevens Engineering Co., Jacksonville, Fla.--Steel hull propeller 45 by 9 by 5 feet, value $3,000. This company built during the year a5-ton wooden launch, a 38-ton steel stern wheel steamer and a 90-ton passenger pro- peller, the total valuation being $22,200. . The Brusstar Ship Building Company, Baltimore, Md.--Tug Lucille Ross, for W. R. Ross, Seaford, Del., 75 feet long, value $13,000; tug May Russell for Vivian Phillipa, Baltimore, Md., 65 foot long, value $9,000; tug Louise, -- James & Marshall, Petersburg, Va., 50 foot long, value $6,000; schooner Maggie A. Phillips, Webster, Ford & Co., Baltimore, Md., 100 by 26 by 73, 155 tons, value $11,000; four scows from 100 to 300 tons, total valuation $7,700. McEntee & Rodie, Rondout, N. Y.--Twin screw steel hull passenger steamer, just completed for Thebaud Bros., Trinidad, So. America, 65 by 14 by 6 feet. _. Elmer A. Ely, Middletown, Conn., is building an auXilliary sail boat, a 30-foot steamer and a 27-foot cat boat. D. O. Haynes of Middletown will own the sail boat, and Chas. Doolittle, engine builder of Windsor, Conn,, will own the steamer, Fulton Iron Works. Harbor View Yard, San Francisco, Cal.--Ferry boat for North Pacific Railroad Company, 2,000 tons, 245 by 384 by 163 feet, side- wheeler with engines of 1,200 horse power. | The Whitelaw Wrecking Company, San Francisco, Cal, will build a . wrecking steamer to be named the Whitelaw, but dimensions are not obtainable, During the past year four passenger and freight steamers and four schooners, the eight boats having a total tonnage of 2,208 tons, have been built on the Pacific coast at Fair Haven, Cal., Alameda, Cal, Eureka, Cal., Prosper, Ore., Benicia, Cal., and Blakeley, Wash. The Columbian Iron Works and Dry Dock Company, Baltimore, Md., have nothing but the 2,050-ton protected cruiser, which is so nearly completed that it was not included in the naval list. , T. S. Marvel & Co,, Newburgh, N. Y.--Twin screw despatch boat for U. S. engineer, Galveston, Tex., 86 by 20 by 73 feet, value $30,0L0; caisson for U. S. government dock, Puget sound, 104 by 24 by 34 feet, value $60,000; twin screw passenger steamer for R. L. Darragh, New York, 105 by 17} by 63 feet, value $22,000 ; tug for builders, 90 by 22 by 104 feet, value $23,000. 5 The Neafie & Levy Ship and Engine Building Company, Philadelphia, Pa.--Iron tng No. 874, Boulton, Bliss & Dallett, New York, N. Y., 125 by 224 by 12 feet, estimated value $40,000 ; two iron tugs for stock, almost completed, one 75 by 17 by 83, value $16,500, and one 92 by 19 by 10 feet, value $25,400, Pamlico Railways, John Myers Son, Washington, N. C.--Car transfer barge for Norfolk & Southern Railroad, 125 by 31 by 7} feet, value $5,000, I, A. Farron is reported to be building a small steamer at the same place. Sawyer Bros., Millbridge, Me.--Four masted schooner for builders, 167 by 36 by 12 feet and 6 feet between decks, capacity 950 tons, value $35,000. Clay Johnson, Kissimmee City, Fla,--Stern wheel steamer Roseada, 54 by 12 feet, value $2,500. _ Frank 8. Bowker, Phippsburg, Me.--Three masted schooner James H. Dudley, 380 tons, completed this month. ; Kelly & Spear Company, Bath, Me.--Three masted schooner M. 8. Roper for John Roper Lumber Company, 400 tons, just completed. N. T. Palmer, Bath, Me.--Four masted schooner, 1,400 tons, 210 by 38 by 22 feet, for builder and others. C. B. Harrington, Bath, Me., is building a 30-foot fisherman for Black island parties, and T. Hagan, Bath, Me., is building two 40 "footers" for Bath parties. Morse Ship Building Company, Bath, Me--- tons for builders and others. New England Ship Building Company, Bath, Me.---Wooden passenger steamer for the Portland Steam Packet Company, 280 by 42 by 155 feet. C. V. Minot, Phippsburg, Me.--Four masted schooner, 1,240 tons. Gardner B. Reynolds, Newport, R. I.--Four masted wooden schooner, 1,400 tons. Beam and others, Camden, Me.--Four masted schooner, 1,400 tons. Three masted schooner, 900- INDIRECT REPORTS OF BUILDING DURING PAST SIX MONTHS. White's yard, Alameda, Cal.--Two ferry boats for Davie line. Peter Matthews, Eureka, Cal.--Steam schooner. Union Transit Co., Seattle, Wash.--Steamer 137 by 24 by 9 feei, 275 tons. White's yard, Oakland, Cal.--Steamer 150 by 32 by 6 feet for T. P. Hy Whitelaw. McDonald & Anderson, New London, Conn.--Four-masted schooner, 1,000 tons, for Capt. Mehafty. Ward line, New York, N, Y., is said to be planning for a steamer. Herreshoff Mfg. Co., Bristol, R. 1.--Twin-screw steam yacht, 185 by 223;. 75-foot steam yacht for J. B. Herreshoff; 110-foot steam yacht for H. C. Baxter, Brunswick, Me., and two sail yachts. Chas. S. White, San Francisco, Cal.--Gasoline propeller, 80 by 26 by 73 feet, for 140,000 feet of lumber. A. L. Stevens, Darien, Conn.--A 27 and a 48-foot steam launch. Gesner & Mar, West Haven, Conn.--Four-masted schooner. Capt, Ed Howard, Jeffersonville, Ind,--Three 125-foot tow boats; a packet. for Capt. Pickles; 160-foot steamer for Capt. Kendall; 165-foot steamer for - Campbell Creek Coal Co,; ten pontoons, six barges and four quarter boats. Pocomoke Gasoline Boat Co., Pocomoke City, Md.--Gas engine boat 90 : by 24 feet. The Sweeney-Fry Co., Jeffersonville, Ind.--Three 125-foot ferry steamers. . and one 150-foot survey steamer. Waterman K. Pryor, City Point, So. Boston, Mass--Three steam yachts. Port Clyde Marine Railway Co., Port Clyde, Me.--A 335-ton schooner. Wright & Hague, Oakland, Cal.--A 150-foot ferry steamer. : Diamond Jo. Company, Dubuque, Ia.---Steamer 125 by 15 feet. Chautauqua Steamboat Co., Jamestown, N. Y.--Passenger steamer 100 feet long. R. T. Keough, E. Boston, Mass.--Large tug. N. A. Jacobs, Portland, Me.s-Two steam yachts, 50 by 9} by 5 feet, 40 horse power. One is for Barker & Gilson and the other for H. S. Stickney. Portland Steam Packet Co., Portland, Me., will build a passenger steamer . YARDS WHICH REPORT NOTHING BUILDING. G. 8. Deering, Bath, Me. H. D. Bendixsen, Eureka, Cal. Noble Times, Fairport, Va. Willard A. Burnham, Essex, Mass. 8. H. Pine, 139 Noble st., Brooklyn, N. Y. The Lutcher & Moore Lumber Co., Orange, Tex. A. & M. Gammage, So. Bristol, Me. C. Reeder & Sons, Baltimore, Md. The James Clark Co., Baltimore, Md. C. & R. Poillon, foot Clinton st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Niagara Navigation Co., Toronto, Ont. The Sam], L. Moore & Sons Co., Elizabeth, N. J. E. 8. Crosby, Bath, Me. M. G. Knox & Son, Marietta, O. Phillip H. Gill. Brooklyn, N. Y. Axton & Son, W. Brownsville, Pa. A. R. Reed, Waldoboro, Me. Pusey & Jones Company, Wilmington, Del. Harrison Loring, City Point Works, Boston, Mass. Perkins & Blaisdell, Bath, Me. C. P. Carter & Co., Belfast, Me. YARDS FROM WHICH NO REPORT WAS RECEIVED. James Rees & Sons, Pittsburgh, Pa. 'Chas. Hillman, 8. & E. B. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. C. L. Seabury & Co., Nyack, N.Y. Palmer's yard, Noank, Conn. J. H. Crandon, Columbia Falls, Me. Ki. J. Brennen, Columbia, S. C. Spencer Island Company, Spencer, N. B. Carter Company, Belfast, Me.