a MARINE REVIEW. Boiler and Bilge Are never improved by oil. The least that gets into either the better for both. Put aboard oil bought simply because it is cheap--quantity not quality--so that it can be used without stint, and 'the boiler and bilge are sure to get well oiled even though the, engine isn't lubricated. Result--waste of -power and fuel and liability of damage to boilers. Get the oil that lubricates most; a little does more than much of the other. Result--saving of oil, power, fuel and liability of danger reduced to the minimum. VACUUM OIL CO., Rochester, N.Y. Shall we send you a list of our authorized marine agents? JENKINS STANDARD PACKING For Steam or Joint Packing has no superior. It is manufactured in all thicknesses. It is not LOADED to in- crease weight. Does n't ROT or BURN OUT. Every sheet is stamped with Trade Mark, like cut. | JENKINS BROS., i]. New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago. Lorain Machine and Repair Shop, ED. A. FULLER, PROPRIETOR, Broadway, between Fifth and Sixth Aves., - LORAIN, O. Shop well equipped for repairs to machinery while boats are discharging and taking on cargoes. EDWARD C. WEAVER, LL. M., 900 F. 'op.Pat. Office.) Washington, D.C. Attorney and Counsel- Jor in Patents, Trade Marks, Revenue Claims and all claims against the U.S. Make a clear statement of your invention or claim, and I will advise you free of charge. Send stamp for my phamphlet. AS ayes. FRANK L, DYER, 918 F. Street, Washington, D. C. References: American Steel Barge Co.; Capt. Alexander McDougall. J.D. WILSON. M. HENDRIE MONTAGUE IRON WORKS, MONTAGUE, MICH. WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors. MANUFACTURERS OF MARINE s ENGINES +: AND 1 BOILERS, and General Mill Machinery. _ Photograph of Your Steamer. We have one photograph of each steamer named below and will send them to any address for 75 cents each, or $1 for two to the same address. 'The size is 9 by 7 inches, mounted on cards of 11 by 14 inches. They are well worth the money. Address the MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O M. H. Boyce, Lycoming, J. C. Perrett, Arabia, Tioga, Geo. Smith, City of Rome, So. Curry. F. S. Vance, City of Naples, Louisiana, Lawrence, City of Paris, W. M. Egan, Indiana, Virginia, -- Onoko, Thos. Maytham, Chemung, Albany, Philadelphia, Pontiac, - Viking, Sachem, John Rugee, C. F. Bielman, Florida, F. W. Wheeler, Topeka, R. P. Flower, Geo. F. Williams, Minnesota, Conestoga, New York, S. C. Baldwin, Russia, C. A. Eddy, America, St. Lawrence, W. A. Avery, Wissahickon, Neosho, Robt. Mills, City of Fremont, Gladstone, Conemaugh, Saml Mather, Caledonia, Gogebic, Merrimac, Rosedale, Petoskey, Milwaukee, Helena. Tacoma, Panther, Italia, J. P. Donaldson, Edward Smith No. r. P.M. CHURCH cc Co., SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH LEADING DEALERS IN Ship Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packing's, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. CORRECTED CHARTS OF THE ST. MARY'S RIVER CAN BE HAD FROM THE MARINE REVIEW, 516 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. iz