MARINE DIXOow's "PL." GRAPHITE. if i" "The man who knows so much about his profession that he cannot learn something about it by reading and study, Marine and Mechanical | piterature and Periodicals. i H i Ed eg REVIEW. bg Dixon's Perfect Lubricating Graphite is indispensible to levery engineer and machinst. It can be used dry or mixed with water, oil or grease. We send free of charge a sample and pamphlet with interesting and instructive information. JOS. DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. has a very small profession or a very large cranium." % Per Year. Nautical Dictionary, [eattersoim|y.- you. nearer: nhs ons Pago se SAC eN Bana aCe ere $ 5 00 Nautical; Dictionary and Marine Review...1....060 6 00 Engineering, flondon|, Week] fim... claret clcanecea ee ee 10 00 Engineering, [London], Weekly and Marine Review..........csesecsesecceceeecseseess II 00 The Engineer, [New Vork|, SemilMonthlyte cca: wee ee (ects 245 The Engineer, |New York], and) Maritte Review-:...00..04..\)0) 8 4 00 Engineering, ae York], Monthly Magazine... Uaioe 6 sates jel aacietaeia ciel sana 300 Engineering, New York] aud @Wiaine Review... cic. 45 ee 4 00 American Sinpbuilder and: MamnegReview .\y.....9e: etre eee © 3 00 Emerson Binder, [that will hold 52 Nos. of the Marine Review] fee dhsn sas gees I 00 MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, 0. "Dap Kg Y ty TF Uy T. CLAIR. G ONTARIO'STS Hh LPHONE 5Q1 maa Ti Bre FOR EMBOSSING » Yliltipe) Hon (LEVEIAND O "nied uM We innit THE MASON Pump Pressu ator For regulating Pump by the water or air discharge. As the pressure chamber is entirely distinct from working parts, dirt cannot effect it. MASON REGULATOR CoO. BOSTON, MASS. 1880. 1893. CHAS. H. POTTER & CO. Investment Bankers, Gleveland ©: Dealers In Lake Superior Iron Mining Stocks, on about 10 per cent. annual dividend basis, Republic Iron Co., Lake Superior Iron Co., Champion Iron Co., Minnesota Iron Co., Jackson Iron Co., Cleveland- Cliffs Lron Co., Chandler Iron Co., Chicago and Minne- sota Ore Co. CONNELLY BROS. & CO. OHIO, Cor. Michigan St., BUFFALO, N. Y. SHIP CHANDLERY, PAINTS, OILS, AND VESSEL SUPPLIES. Syracuse Tube Company, SYRACUSE, N.Y. MANUFCTURERS OF BOILER TUBES OF THE BEST GRADES ONLY. The Belleville Boilers in the two Creat Northern Steamers are constructed of Syracuse Tubes. MADE IN TWO SIZES. Are easy to adjust and can be handled by any one. The Steerer can be arranged to set in pilot house or aft. No Steerer will be sold with- out a quadrant. Steerer will be sold on ap- proval. Manu'actured by SHERIFFS MFG. CO., 126-130 Barclay Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. MARINE REVIEW LINER EXCHANCE. Space under this heading may be used gratis by our advertisers or subscribers to call attention to vessels or any craft, machinery, new or second hand, that they may have for sale. Those wanting machinery of any kind or wishing to purchase vessels, are invited to take advan- tage of the same offer. Employers in need of professional men or men who want positions may avail th mselves of the opportunities offered. Each item will be limited to three lines. Letters concerning same must mention number attached to item and be addressed MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. 0. 247--FOR SALE CHEAP.--Triple expansion engine, 64,10 and 16 in. by 10 inches stroke ; also a water tube boiler 6 by 7 by 64 feet high, allowed 200 pounds pressure. 248---FOR SALE FOR $1,000.--Full cabined steam yacht, 60 feet long and 10 feet beam; speed 14 miles; used two years and cost $3,500. 249---WANTED--Steamer that will accommodate party of 35 or 40 fora period of two weeks. Will charter in June or July. Give description of boat and price. 250--FOR SALE--Very cheap, tug or barge engine, 17x20; would exchange for small compound. 251--FOR SALE--Or exchange for real estate, an interest in a good 600 ton stea vessel. 952--FoR SALE--A new steam yacht 62 feet long by 13% feet beam; engine and boiler, engine 12x12. Will sell at a sacrifice. new