------_ 42 MARINE REVIEW. ALFRED MITCHELL, JOHN MITCHELL. JOHN F. WEDOW. "Whitchell & Co., Cleveland, O. WESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. ; licit the business of vessel owners and i iliti ivi i ters placed in our care, we respectfully so With ample facilities for giving prompt attention to all matters p é ' a eoreRepON US abel selected: forwarders. Our connections at all of the principal lake ports are comple Telephone, Long Distance, 767 508, 509 & 510 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING. Bow ze = oo ZZDTOV LS DV/G Gre SO: NUTS, WASHERS, RIVETS, «c. SHIP RIVETS A SPECIALTY. ; ALL RIVETS USED IN STEAMER NORTH WEST WERE FURNISHED BY US. CLEVELAND, O- The entire scheme for the DECORATIONS and FURNISHINGS of the S. S. NORTH WEST were designed by and executed under the personal supervision of CROSSMAN & LEE, DECORATORS, 1303 MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL. Belleville Boilers. THE BELLEVILLE NON-EXPLOSIVE BOILERS are now in use in about 4o vessels, exclusive of numerous yachts. Among these are French, English and Russian Naval and Merchant Marine craft, using nearly 250,000 horse-power, and there are now in course of construction in France and England for Naval vessels about 75,000 horse-power. There are in use or building in the United States for Merchant vessels 12,500 horse-power. THE ATLANTIC WORKS, - - East Boston, Mass. Licensees and Manufacturers. u 1 IN AN UIT i 7 mT i i For Steamships, Hotels, Restaurants, Public In- stitutions and Private Families. COFFEE AND TEA URNS, CARVING TABLES, BROILERS, PORTABLE BAKE OVENS, LAUNDRY STOVES, ROASTERS, VEGETABLE COOKERS, JACKET KETTLES, and all kinds of INSTRUMENTS FOR CULINARY PURPOSES, Van's Patent Improved Wrought Steel Portable RANGES MANUFACTURED BY ' The JohnVan RangeCo. 169 ELM and 4, 6, 8 and 10 HOME STREETS, Cincinnati, Ohio. The Complete Cooking Apparatus for the Steamship North West was furnished by this Company. Nas I ieastet eH