44 MARINE REVIEW. @aos anc Wonks; 44 eee Front and Penn Sts. eee oes Penn Steel Casting & Machine Go. -- CHESTEF,, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF Low Phosphorus, Solt, Open-Hearth Steel Castings OF ANY DESIRED SHAPE AND SIZE, : . Sree from Blow tFitolss, Solid and Strorne- | | ---- ; --_-- =z | Him Electrical] ; | Locomotive --] «== = ---- » fl : 2 Castings, | Castings, si ------_----_--__S | ( tC | WN, . Field's | Crossheads, @ = . WY) -- : ' Magnets, Dying Pole Pieces, | Boe Gears, &c. Driving = / Wheel a Centres, Windlass, &c. Hull and a Machinery Rolling Mill Castings, Castings, | Stern Posts, Rolls, Struts, Spindles, Stems, Couplings, Hawse Pinions, Pipes, Etc. ae i aK Hydraulic Railroad and ~N Cotton Car Compress Construction i ! and Miscell- Castings. i | aneous i | | Castings. HN ti STEEL CASTINGS Possessing all the Physical Characteristics of Open Hearth Steel Forgings, having great Tensile Strength and possessing Superior Wearing Qualities : FROM TEN TO EIGHTY THOUSAND POUNDS WEIGHT. --"__ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO LARGE WORK. ROLLING MILLS, MARINE STATIONERY AND BLOWING ENGINES, STEAM SHOVEL AND DREDGING MACHINERY, STONE CRUSHERS AND BRICK MACHINERY, M , MINING MACHINERY L BREAKER CASTINGS, STEAM HAMMERS, ETC., ETC. a