12 MARINE REVIEW. "A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED." Results Obtained from the Application of Howden's Hot Dratt System On the PASSENGER STEAMER VIRGINIA, (See Letter Below,) And on the Coarse Freight Carrying STEAMER HARVEY H. BROWN, Show an immense saving in fuel. A ton of cargo carried a mile on 8-10 of an ounce of fuel, or a ton of cargo carried 170 miles at the rate of 13.2 miles per hour on a cent's worth of fuel, are performances that have been attain- ed on but one steamer on the lakes--that steamer is the Harvey H. Brown fitted with HOWDEN'S HOT DRAFT SYSTEM. Orrick OFTHE PRESIDENT. > -- 2 : cpio /ZeGRONTION 5) : ou ee. VWranst ue ae FOOT OF MICHIGAN AVENUE, Frank E Kirby. Esq. 5 Chucage Dec. 20th, 1893. wh T ] f ; e/o Detroit Dry-Dock Co., re ale of a A Tale of a Detroit, Mich., Dear Sir -- In reply to your letter of the 18th inst. inquiring about Smoke Stack of d the results of the Howden System of Forced Draught now in use on our Smoke Stack ofa S S. "Virginia", will say that since it has been in use we have had and M i steady steam, burned slack coal, which costs us $1.10 per ton less 4 0 OY'll Lake than the coal we were forced to use before we introduced the Howden Modern Lake System. Ctaamer." At the same time we applied the Forced Draught we also supplied ene Steamer. "Virginia" with new Condensing apparatus built by the Knowles Co., which gives a better vacuum requiring much less steam to operate sk than the original plant supplied by the builders, SM Our saving in the price of coal 'has been 90 ofo, We attribute 33 WS aS o/o of the saving to the Howden System, in enabling us to burn a Sent FREE {0 aly cheaper grade of coal and maintain steady steam, Sent FREE 0 any Address . The balnace or 16 2/3 o/o we credit to the Condensers made by the Knowles Co,, i Address, We are so well satisfied with the results on the "Virginia" that we have since fitted the "Atlanta" with the Howden System and are now "ir putting 1t in the "City of Racine," and "Indiana. " RA "i AM Goce frrtor For further particulars, write the sole owners and manufacturers of the Howden apparatus for the lakes THE DETROIT Dry DOCK COMPANY, SHIP AND ENCINE BUILDERS, DETROIT, MICH. P.S.--"A cent's worth of fuel, A ton of cargo, A hundr i , Or Cargo, ed and seventy miles, At 13.2 mil a of a book being prepared for this company. If you would like on, send your bas baa oe ae