MARINE REVIEW. 15 DIXOW'sS "7." GRAPHITE. rT ie JOS. DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., Dixen's Perfect Lubricating Craphite Is Indispensible to every engineerand machinst. It can be used dry or mixed with water, oil or grease. We send free of charge a sample and pamphlet with interesting and instructive information. JERSEY CITY, N. J. For Sale, Cheap_. STEAMER HENRIETTA, Suitable for short passenger or ferry route. Dimensions: 130 feet long, 28 feet beam, and 6 feet hold. Engines: Two horizontal, 14 by 48 inches, steam being furnished by two 12 feet by 42-inch boilers, with 32 38-inch flues. Stern wheel. Draft, light 33 feet; loaded 5 feet. Capacity 150 tons coal. Two smoke stacks. Address, A. W. PRIEST, - Kaukauna, Wis. a THE MASON Was adopted by the U. 8. Naval Engineering board. It is the standard in the Danish and other foreign navies; also on the Pennsylvania and 120 other railroads. It is made to wear. ~ MASON REGULATOR CO. BOSTON, MASS. 1880. 1893. CHAS HOE ER c.c0. Investment Bankers, Cleveland, O. Dealers In : , Lake Superior Iron Mining Stocks, on about 10 per cent. annual dividend basis, Republic Iron Co., Lake Superior Iron Co., Champion Iron Co., Minnesota Iron Co., Jackson Iron Co., oats Iron Co., Chandler Iron Co., Chicago and Minne- sota Ore Co. Cc. H. McCuUTCHEON, (Successor to SAMUEL McCUTCILEOW.) Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory, Steamboat and Engineers' Supplies. All kinds of Brass Cocks, Globe Valves and Couplings, &c. Iron Pipe and Fittings, and Mill Supplies. Rubber Belting, Hose an Packings, bxiness Valves, &c., Leather Belting and Usudurian Packing. No. 18 Ohio Street, BUFFALO, N.Y. Telephone No. 68. FOOT OF NORTH MARKET ST. 187H STREET BRIDGE. ILLINOIS CENTRAL SLIP "C." REDUCING VALVE CANIN Xs \ ROOM 7 METROPOLITAN BLDG. CHICAGO. Syracuse Tube Company, pes aie al weenie Gore apeoeiy cli ede MANUFCTURERS OF BOILER TUBES OF THE BEST GRADES ONLY. The Belleville Boilers in the two Creat Northern Steamers are constructed of Syracuse Tubes. SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, C. STARKE, Pres. W.H.MEYER, V.Pres. THOS.W. SHERIFFS, Manager. MANUFACTURERS OF \MARINGE :; ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, Dredge Machinery of Latest Design. MARINE REPAIRS AT ALL HOURS. Agents for Marine Trade for BANCS' OIL CUPS. 14, 126128, 190 8 132 Barclay Stet, MILWAUKEE, WIS Telephone 163. | Corresponpence Solicited, Barge Brooklyn For Sale! This barge is lying at Toledo and is in fair condition. She will carry 650 tons of coal. Her fit-out is in good condition. Can be bought for $800 if sold at once. GEO. E. HARDY, 140 Water St., TOLEDO, 0. MARINE REVIEW LINER EXCHANCE. Space under this heading may be used gratis by our advertisers or subscribers to call attention to vessels or any craft, machinery, new or second hand, that they may have for sale. Those wanting machinery of any kind or wishing to purchase vessels, are invited to take advan- tage of the same offer. Employers in need of professional men or men who want positions may avail themselves of the opportunities offered. Each item will be limited to three lines. Letters concerning same must mention number attached to item and be addressed MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. 0. 255----WANTED--Second hand naphtha launch that will carry about 25 passengers. 257--FOR SALE--Cheap ; new Simmerly derrick. 258--WANTED--To buy a tug for spot cash. Not less than 20 square nor more than 22. Give full description and bottom cash price. 259--FOR SALE--Tug 100 feet long, 20 feet beam and 56 tons net, built of Delaware oak; diagonal knees and galvanized fastenings. ae ed with powerful compound engines. Boat now in service in Philadelphia.