16 MARINE REVIEW. STERLING, " TI Ts f 2 ~ . ¥ 3 nee The TUG-FAVORITE OYGAN MICH." & STATIONED AT CH WITH COMPLETE WAECHIN IN CHARGE OF F Carr, MARTIN SWAIN LAL TAA, Wig is CANADIAN WRECKER SAGINAW. e wages US To water Tn CANAGIAN wacckine Tue FAVORITE : E PEBUALT iN (ADS Katnr 10% WHEC KING URN OSES UTFIT. " STEAM PUMPS AND SUB-MARINE WORKIN CHARGE OF é JOHN S.QUINN, , Andress ali communications. to rice A 15 ATWATER ST. WEST, DET: Fe ee 3-12 iNCH:ROTARY, < . {= 14 INCH WORTHINGTO 4, STEAM PUMPS, 10 JACKS, 3 HAWS2A5, 1894. | SEPTEMBER. an, O94 ee oe one i 14th and egth Disc 5. © a 8 Oo WA Sy WAL GG) 16 17 18 [9 20 21 22 233024 25 26 27 28 29 +) 10-100 TON JACKS? {212 INCH HAWSER Ls eS ty DEY oe Sg JENKINS STANDARD PACKING For Steam or Joint Packing has no superior. It is manufactured in all thicknesses. Itis not LOADED to in- crease weight. Does not ROT or BURN OUT. Every sheet is stamped with Trade Mark, like cut. JENKINS BROS., New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago. EDWARD C. WEAVER, LL. M., 900 F, (op.Pat. Office.) Washington, D.C. Attorney and Counsel- lor in Patents, Trade See ee oy oN ae FRANK L. DYER, 918 F. Steet, Washington, D. C. References: American Steel Barge Co.; Capt. Alexander McDougall. arks, Revenue Claims and all claims against the U.S. Make a clear statement of your invention or Claim, and I will advise you free of charge. Send stamp for my phamphlet. ENGINEER OFFICE, Burlington, ° 4 ye Vt., September 5, 1894.--Sealed pro- osals in triplicate, for dredging in Great Chazy iver, N. Y., will be received here uutil 2 p m. October 5, 1894, and then publicly opened. Full information furnished on application to Smith S. Leach, Capt Engineers. 27 ENGINEER OFFICE, Burlington, e A). Vt., September 5, 1894,--Sealed pro osals in a cae for repairs to Burlington k reakwater, Vt., will be received here until 2p. m., October 5, 1894, and then publicly opened, Full information furnished on application to Smith S$. Leach, Capt. Engineers, 27 FRANKLIN HOUSE wie Cor. Bates & Larned sts. only a block from Wood- ward & Jefferson Aves. DETROIT, MICH. Promptly secured. Trade-Marks i and Labels registered. Hliwpntyeniar ee cosene THOROUGHLY RENOVATED. Very central. Per A. H. JAMES. perience, € report whether patent c2n be day, $1.50. secured or not, free of charge. until patent is allowed. So page Bore H. B. so CO., Attorneys at Law, Opp. U. 8. Pat, Office. "WASHINGTON, D.C, A copy of the 50-cent North West edition will be mailed to any one sending a $2 sub- scription within:30 days to the MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland O. WELCH & C0: 12 and 14 Euclid Ave., CLEVELAND, O. BOAT FURNISHING A SPECIALTY, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, &c., &c. SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE RATES. ABCELECcTRICITY By WILLIAM H. MEADOWCROFT Endorsed by THOS, A. EDISON, --_-- WHAT THE PRESS SAYS. "A clear and comprehensive little treatise."--N. Y. Sun. * Blectric Science is making magnifi- cent strides and this book fills a useful office in setting forth the features and characters of these advances."'--Brook- lyn Times. "The need of such a book has un- doubtedly been felt by many . . we predict for it a splendid sale."--The Age of Steel. : 'A book like this should be largely read."--N.Y. Herald. "The book is well illustrated, and ne pains have been spared to make it ac- curate and reliable throughout."-- Electrical Review. 'In simple language, the author lays bare the secrets of electrical science and application.'--Electrical ms World. "A vast amount of useful importance."--Wushington Post. : From THE LABORATORY OF THos. A. EDISON, OranGE, N. J., Sept., 24, 1888. Dear Sir--I have read the MS. of your '"'A B C of Electricity," an find that the statements you have made therein are correct. Your treatment of the subject, and arrangement of the matter, have im: a favorably, Yours truly, pressed me favorably THOS. A. EDISON. Price So ceww rs: MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, OHIO. P.M. CHURCH ce CO., SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH : LEADING DEALERS IN Ship Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packing's, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. H. A. HAwGoop, President. J. A. SMITH, Sec'y. PHILIP MINCH, Vice-President. §E0-ELSEY,Jr.,Gen.Mgr. J" 2" SpRANKLE, Treas. The Cleveland Tug Co. LIRST-OLASS TUGS, Steam Pumps, Divers, Hawsers, Lifting Screws, ete., furnished promptly on orders by telegraph or therwise. Steamers when outside = wanting our Tugs, blow = tS one long whistle and as = ga many short ones as they -- RR eS want Tugs. Office, Open Day or Night, East End Main St. Bridge, Long Distance Telephone 919. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Ra on, YG f Gti, My» teey, : 4 4 < SSS WS re, SN RELIEF LINE Aid AALF TONE j Ve rs CR SL CIAIR S ONTARIOSTS "auld LPHONE IY a Gulla, c GS lining