MARINE REVIEW. 17 ERIE BorLER Works, Burra.o, N. Y. - THE Best EQUIPPED PLANT IN AMERICA For THE MANUFACTURE OF BOILERS. ODERN ARINE FIRST-GLASS INSTRUMENTS of APPROVED DESIGN, BEST MATERIAL and WORKMANSHIP. POLAR PLANIMETER. © ALKINS'S. STEAM-ENGINE INDICATOR. Performance Cuaranteed--NO CO, NO PAY. Indicator, $25, Planimeter, $5, LOWEST PRICES Or Complete Outfit EVER eae ian deh h 2 Springs, J FFERED Tee el ne $5, $40. Manufacturers of Water Meters NEPTUNE METER CO., and Steam Engine Indicators, 408-409-410 Temple Court Bldg., NEW YORK CITY. $2.50.surrato DAILY LINE Te Gs : 56 Am BETWEEN cai 8 Re alle oa ' CLEVELAND ommencing wi opening OF navigation (about April Ist). Magnificent side-wheel BRP aNcdas Lasers AnD DETROIT. steel steamers "SEATE OF OHIO" AND "STATE OF NEW YORK." Dairy Time Taste. Sunday ineluded. Ly. Cleve'd, 6:15 p.m. | Ly. Buffalo, 6:15 p.m. Ar. Buffalo, 7:30 A.M. Ar.Cleveland, 7:30 A.M. Central Standard Time. Take the "C, & B, Line" steamers and enjoy arefreshing night's rest when enroute toBuffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto, New York, Boston, Albany, 1,000 Islands, or any Eastern or Can- 1aN point. Cheap Excursions Weekly to Niagara Falls. Write for tourist pambhlet, H.R. ROGERS, T. F. NEWMAN, Gen'! Pass. Agt. Gen'] Manager. Cleveland, O. T.S.&J.D. NEGUS Have the largest and finest stock of Nautical Instruments and Charts in the United States. Estimates given for Outfits of Steamers and Pleasure Yachts. -- Compass Adjusters, Send for Catalogue and Almanac. 2140 Water St., New York City. " Every attention given to Trade orders. The Detroit & Cleveland Steam Navigation Co. Daily for Detroit, 10 p.m. Daily for Put-in-Bay, 8:30 a.m. Lakeside and return, Mon. and Sat. Moonlight Rides only 25 cents. Every Tues., Wed. and Fri., 8 p. m. Wharf foot of Superior St. Special arrangements made with Socie- ties. etc., for Put-in-Bay, Lakeside and Lake Rides. A. A. Scuantz, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. D.C. MoIntyrz,G.F.&D.P.A.,Cleveland,0O. Jutius C. MENGENSDORF, City Pass. Agt., Cleveland, O Try the new NEGUS LOG. Best in the World. THE BUFFALO AUTOMATIC. Operated entirely A GRADING INJECTOR. by One The movement of the steam and water Handle valves and their relative positions are such that the supply of water will always be in proportion to the sup- ply of steam admitted to the jets. CAN BE GRADED to run continuously on any steam presssure from 20 to 140 lbs. Operated entirely by one handle, both in stop- a ping and starting, as well wae7, 28 in grading the supply of steam and water. _ WAS7"Fagle Ejectors, Duplex Tube Scrapers, Cyl- inder Oil Pumps Improved Glass Oil Cups and Lub- ricators, Compression Grease Cups, Improved Ball Gauge Cocks, and other Steam Users' Specialties. Send for Catalogue, mentioning this paper. SHERWOOD MFG, C0,, (wirs.) BUFFALO, X, ¥. Composed of fine grade of Asbestos and Anti-Friction Wire and best of Lubricants. 72 BOILER SS -- fh | | in either Steam for Suction Pipes. FOR PISTON RODS WORKING UNDER HIGH PRESSURE A SUPERIOR ARTICLE, -- SEND FoR SamPLe, HINE & ROBERTSON Co, (0 Cortlandt st., N.Y. SEND 20 CENTS IN STAMPS AND HAVE A COPY OF THF COLOR ETCHING OF THE STEEL STEAMER GRATWICK MAILED TO YOUR AD- DRESS OR TO THE ADDRESS OF SOME FRIEND WHOM YOU WISH To PLEASE. MARINE REVIEW, 516 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVE- LAND, O. "The most perfect feed water heater and purifier we ever saw."--R. HAMMOND. IN PRACTICAL USE ON 25 LAKE STEAMERS. Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or Scale-Forming Substance. ROBERT LEARMONTHE -wenree, 200 BOUCK AVENUE, - - - - - BUFFALO, N.Y. REFERENCES. A.--Settling chamber. B.--Boiler. C.--Feed pipe to boiler. D.--Steam pipe. E.--Water supply pipe. F.--Check valve. G.--Spray disks. H.--Spray chamber. I.--Equalizing tube. J.--Blow-off pipe. K.--Automatic shut-off valve. L.--Division plate. ; M.--Deflector and separator.