MARINE REVIBNW. 13 NEW YORK, 136 Liberty St. PHILADELPHIA, 28 N. 5th St. ST. LOUIS, 415 Morgan St. Lhe Vpattin-Wasvis Or IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mahogany, White Mahogany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIM, White Ck Simtets and G2 tank ' CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. 654 Seren. Sticek, Machine Shop at Ashtabula Harbor, 0. C™FOR SALE... CHEAP IF PURCHASED IN (5 DAYS. SL bi One Best location for marine work, at the greatest ore receiving port on the lakes. A great chance for a first class mechanical engineer who understands repair work. Full description on application. H. T. RASER, Ashtabula, Ohio. Four steel engravings of U. S. war ships and a color plate of the steel steamer Gratwick will be forwarded by MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O., to any address on receipt of $1. GARLOCK PACKINGS. Our Elastic Ring, Sectional, Spiral and Special Water Packings are the leaders in this line. For Steam, Water, Ammonia High Speed Work and all places where packings are used they excel. Try our Special Water Packing, fully guaranteed for water end of pumps. See that our trade mark is on each package. Correspondence solicited. PITTSBURGH, 99 First Ave. CHICAGO, 5€ & 60 So. Canal St. OMAHA, NEB.,922 Farnam St. Factories and Main Offices: ERIE RUBBER CO. ERIE.PA. Manufacturers of the KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE THESE RED RUBBER VALVES ARE THE BESTAIR & FOOT VALVES MADE. IF YOUR DEALER DOES AOT KEEP THEM, WRITE DIRECT TO THE FACTORY. ? THE GARLOCK PACKING CO. PALMYRA, N.Y. ROME, CA. GCRUMMOND TUC LINE WRECKING TUG SWAIN STATIONED AT MACKINAW CITY. TUG CRUSADER STATIONED AT THE "S00." TUG CHAMPION STATIONED AT DETROIT. _ ALL WITH WRECKING OUTFITS ABOARD. me U. GRANT GRUMMOND, Mgr., - Detroit, Mich. ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water «Tube « Boilers. NOW USED IN 18 Passenger Boats from 70 to 160 feet long. 27 Steam Yachts from 50 to 160 feet long. U.S. Torpedo Boat " Stiletto." Numerous Small Launches and Stationary Boilers are giving most excellent results. ALMY WATER-TUBE BOILER C0,, 47 CLIFFORD S7., PROVIDENCE, =. I. NOTICE TO MARINERS. FUEL AND DOCKAGE AT POINT AUX PIN--SHIP STORES CONSTANTLY ON HAND--ALGOMA PARK HOTEL AND SUMMER RESORT. ALGOMA PARK, At Point aux Pin, Just Above the Soo, Ontario, has been opened up as a summer resort by Messrs. Kirkwood & McKinnon of Sudbury, Ont. A new stone hotel, store, parks, ete., are the features, and a dock 200 feet long, with a depth of 20 feet of water, has been built. The small charge of $1 will be made for tieing up at the dock, for each 24 hours or fraction thereof, for all classes of freight carriers. They will keep a supply of fuel and ship stores of every descrip- tion constantly on hand, and will have the dock lighted at night and a bell sounded in thick weather. Masters finding themselves in this locality during thick or unfavorable weather of any kind, are invited to take advantage of the accommodations offered. At out-port of customs and postoffice have been established. KIRKWOOD & McKINNON, ALCOMA PARK, POINT AUX PIN, | Just above the Soo. ONTARIO. " Ninety per cent. of the Flectric [;ighting Plants = on the inland lakes have been installed by the Fisher Go., of Petroit, Mich. 3 ik THE GREAT FLEETS ARE EQUIPPED WITH OUR PLANTS.--\----™ 183-185-187 1 1 LARNED ST., W. Detroit, Mich. bs ~ Fisher Electrical [te O.