16 MARINE REVIEW. BOAT FURNISHING A SPECIALTY, I K [ : AN G, ELCH & HUE CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, &c., &c. 2 and 14 Euclid Ave., Saree O. SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE RATES. ail Neicching Co. C ELECTRICITY : was M eye PECK, Pret By WILLIAM H. MIEADOWCROFT The TUG FAVORITE a ' rine ' 3 Endorsed by THOS, A. EDISON, STATIONED AT CHEGBOYGAN MICH ) WITH COMPLETE 4 WRECK NG OUTFIT -- Bee. . "IN CHARGE OF x 4 es joa anccaine FU iar. gee SWAN - CANADIAN WRECKER. SAGINAW : by STAXIONCD AP DETR DENABLES US To REEL, aK CANADIAN SA WHAT THE PRESS SAYS. "A clear and comprehensive little treatise.""-- NV. Y. Sun. * Hlectric Science is making magnifl- cent strides and this book fills a useful office in setting forth the features and characters of these advances."'--Brook- lyn Times. | "The need of such a book has Ma | doubtedly been felt by many ; 5 | predict for it a splendid sale. the Age of Steel. | **A book like this should be largely read."--N. Y. Herald. 'The book is well illustrated, and n¢ pains have been spared to make it ac: curate and reliable throughout.'-- Electrical Review. "In simple language, the author lays bare the secrets of electrical science and application." --Electrical "STEAM PUMPS AMD SUB-MARINE PORK N CHARGE OF JOHN 5S, Re ; Adéress a} corals iene = TATWATER ST: weed : eT sor Mie! World. "n cat amount of useful importance." -- Washington Post. 5, 2 HAV/GEZRS. | From THE LABORATORY oF THos. A. EDISON, | ae sLAY ORANGE, N. J., Rede 24, 1888. ! BE 18 (6 lbo ton Geeks DEAR Sir--I have read the MS. of your '"'A BC of Hlectricity,' >and 3 12 INGE A OPA, eee Monany "oct 108 a Friday Sa es {= iBaNeH HAWSER : find that the statements you have made therein are correct. E Your . eS en > és Bo e ressed me fayvorabl Yours puly, S50. 10 Ne 2 3 E ah THOS. A. EDISON. > | Cl Ne WORTHINGTON. 4 hor 2Y Be -4e FiO 78. treatment of the subject, and arrangement of the matter, have inr t pia ZRIGS ey Peo: iy. lo ee : fae? Ee PIVER Son? ea peso ot ee ae So SWAIN PRICE, 50 CENTS. e i GAN. ; ; a 7 ee MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., ie TE LES RAPH CLEVELAND, OHIO. | ARKER & MI LLEN. , MICH. ee = 2 P.M. CHURCH cc CO., SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH JENKINS sere mscurcturme a Packing Ln eING DEAEPS that would stand in all positions Gas, h i p Cc han a 1 or Da» d d ll time it has 5 . ° . scuonsorstame | AN DARD never taited Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Etc. t during t to make a per- a joint Seat properly applied. i FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. 4 Under the increasing high Prek ue ure there never was a time when eng neers impeded a packing that would stand as they do to-day. Jenkins' Packing will doit. H. A. HAwWGoop, President. WEGUARANTEE!T. JENKINS BROS., New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston. PHILIP MINCH, Vice-President. owe ene | AtEarrs, | The Cleveland Tug Co. GEO. ELSEY,Jr.,Gen. Mgr. 3° f° Gere See yeas, Attorney and Counsel Peak. DYER EiRsT-CLASS TUGS, Marks, Revenue 3 Claims and all clai againstthe U.S. Make 918 F. Steet Psa Pung Divers, a clear statement of F ' Sy your invention or Washington, D. C. serra a claim, d I ill advise aon Faerie References: American Steel Barge Co.; charge. Send stam fomeneanhan phic Pp Capt. Alexander McDougall. otherwise. Steamers when outside = wanting our Tugs, blow =*Sone long whistle and as ==-2 many short ones as they AN EXTRA COPY OF THE PHOTO-GRAVURE SUPPLEMENT OF DIRECTORS OF = & = want Tugs. THE LAKE CARRIERS' ASSOCIATION, TOGETHER WITH THE LARGE ENGRAVING OF THE STEAMER NORTH WEST, BOTH OF WHICH WERE CONTAINED IN OUR Office, Open Day or Night, East End Main St. Bridge, BIG ISSUE, WILL BE MAILED IN A PASTEBOARD TUBE TO AN Long Distance Telephone 919. , WIL Y ADDRESS UPON P CLEVELAND, OHIO. RECEIPT OF 50 CENTS IN STAMPS. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE NEW UNITED STATES NAVY, YOU WILL WANT PICTURES OF THE NEW YORK, (SEE SUPPLEMENT IN A LATE ISSUE.) PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND VESUVIUS, STEEL ENGRAVED ON HEAVY CARD BOARD 10x14 INCHES. sEND $1 FOR THE FOUR TO THE MARINE REVIEW, 516 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0., AND WE WILL ADD A COLOR ETCHING OF THE STEEL STEAMER GRATWICK, FREE. FRANKLIN HOUSE Cor. Bates & Larned sts, only a block from Wood- '® ward & Jefferson Aves, DETROIT, MICH. | THOROUGHLY RENOVATED. Very central. Per | day, $1.50. H. H. JAMES. Promptly secured. Trade-Marks, Co rights and Labels registered. Twenty- five eprments penende: nk TepOre, Pepe Uste bY can _ be secured or not, freeofcharge. Our fee not due x PERFECT. PIES until patent isallowed. 32 page B y syed i ee ace TAdinols Kaee. eee tals oI son CIAIR ONTARIO an Opp Us rat Ones "WASHINGTON Do. | 7: : nt /AELLPHONE 5OL/ A copy of the 50-cent North West edition will be mailed to any one sending a $2 sub- scription within 30 days to the MARINE REVIEW 616 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland 0