4 MARINE REVIEW. COMPLETE *« ELECTRICAL *« INSTALLATIONS For Steamships, Whalebacks, Yachts, Docks, Wharves, Ete. DYNAMOS, WIRING APPLIANCES, WIRES, LAMPS, SEARCHLIGHTS, HOISTS, ET All of the Latest and Most Cc, e Perf fect Type. = GEN aa A, SLeSCoTEIcC COMP AIN = - Schenectady,N.¥. Chicage, I11. SALES OFFICES: { Soston. Macs. PROM TIA AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. °: Detroit, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Columbus, O New York, N.Y" San Francisco, Cal. IRON WORKS MARINE ENCINES, DETROIT, MICH Oo. BOX 53, PROVIDENCE, R. I. ----------cx-- { BIDDERS OF TEES Buffalo, N. Y. Portland, Ore. "Providence" Windlasses and Capstans 350 STYLES AND SIZES. OVER 5000 IN USE. SEND FOR CA1ALOGUE. FRANK 8. MANTON, Aczwr. es. IRON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT. COUPLING LINKS AND PINS. PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES, CAR IRON SPECIALTIES. The Ashcroft Manufacturing Co, SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF The Tabor Steam Engine Indicator wi FITTED WITH {oe HOoOUGHTALING Repuctne Motion. The most Complete, Compact, and Reliable Indicator Outfit, for indicating high or slow speed engines, now made. This instrument received at "The World's Columbian Exposition" the HIGHEST AWARD a for Excellence of Design, Superior Grade of Workman- = f=) ship and Finish, Reliability and Efficiency. SEND FOR SPECIAL PAMPHLET. Office and Salesroom, 111 Liberty St., NEW YORK. THE GEO. F. BLAKE MFG. CO. BUILDERS OF MARINE NE PuMPS Single and Duplex Pumps for for Boiler Feed, Fire or Bilge Service--Vertical and Horizontal. Vertical and Horizontal Pumps, Air Pumps for Surface and Jet Condensers. 95 and 97 Liberty St., NEW YORK. AIR PUMP ON U.S.CRUISER NEW YORK. The Roberts Salety Water Tobe Marine Boiler, For TAS HTS LAUNCHES ane other 'Steamers. THE STEIWAL FIXED WATER LINE PIPE BOILER. '* Imitation the Sincerest Flattery.' We are éollbeting royalties from the customers of many infringers. NEARLY 600 IN USE. SAFE, RELIABLE, SIMPLE, LIGHT WEIGHT ECONOMICAL, NO SHOP AIRS, SMALL SPACE. Send for Honetenien PAMPHLET and other reading matter, with hundreds of enthusi astic letters from purchasers and en » gineers. --$§« TVS --_ Roberts dafety Water Tube Boiler Ce Works covering 12,000 sq. ft. of ground at RED BANK, N. J. 39 & 41 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK CITY. x: STEAMER ERS LIGHT WEIGHT GREAT POWER UNCH.NAVY**MARINE. ao _=7 5:4) ADOPTED BY V.5. GOVERNMENTS REVENUE CUTTERS TUES AFTER THE M@5T EXHAUSTIVE COMPETITIVE TesTeame Grrespontience Invited' CHARLES WARD, CHARLESTON, KANAWHA CO., W. VA. In Use LIFE AND PROPERTY on 1000 ARE ENDANCERED By THE USE OF ~ Lake a CHEAP BOILER APPLIANCES. Steamers:.\ .. HE PENBERTH SPECIALTIES ARE SAFE BECAUSE WELL MADE AND THOROUGHLY TESTED. Automatic Injector, Valve Drip Water Gauge, Safety Crank Pin Oiler, Etc. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Penberthy Injector Co. DETROIT, MICH. Branch Factorv at Windsor, Ont, 76,000 IN USE.