4 MARINE REVIEW. COMPLETE « ELECTRICAL * INSTALLATIONS For Steamships, Whalebacks, Yachts, Docks, Wharves, Ete. DYNAMOS, WIRING APPLIANCES, WIRES, LAMPS, SEARCHLIGHTS, HOISTS, ETC, 4" of the Latest and Most GSNERAD BLECTRIC COMPANY. 5 Schenectady, N. Y. Chicage, Ill. | Detroit, Mich. Buffalo, N.Y. Columbus, O. New York, N.Y SALES OFFICES: i Bistox: Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Portland, Ore. San Francisco, Cal. PRON TIERS AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. °° ®°%s2rrovinence 1 "Providence" Windlasses and Capstans ee ae SEND FOR CA1ALOGUE. FRANK 8. MANTON, Ac=nt. ELAND CITY FORGE fp > THE GEO. F. BLAKE MFG. CO. BUILDERS OF MARINE PUMPS Single and Duplex Pumps for Boiler Feed, Fire or Bilge Service--Vertical and Horizontal. Vertical and Horizontal Pumps, Air Pumps for Surface and Jet Condensers. Ain PUMP ON 95 and 97 Liberty St., NEW YORK. U.S.CRUISER NEW YORK. qe 2. = eae, IRON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT. ' 3 COUPLING LINKS AND PINS, PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES. ; The Roherts Salely Water Tae Marine Boiler } CHAS. A. MOORE, Pres't. MARTIN LUSCOMB, Treas. GEO. W. RICHARDSON, Supt. THE CONSOLIDATED SAFETY VALVE cO., For MACHIS: LAUNCHES anc her Steamers. THE ial FIXED WATER LINE PIPE BOILER. 4a3-A pproved by U. S. Board of Steamboat In- =f a) as (30 WO} =A Df spectors. Adopted by U.S. Navyin all the Steel 74] imaitanrooe oa 7 oes un} Seated Lares vat We are collecting royalties from the Asal ded (oatun ot Babcock & Wilcox Co. enstomers of many Duringers: NEARLY 6OO IN USE. SAFE, RELIABLE, SIMPLE, LIGHT WEIGHT, ECONOMICAL, NO SHOF REPAIRS, SMALL SPACE. Send for ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET and othe reading matter, with hundreds of enthus! , astic letters from purchasers. and en gineers. -- TS -- Roberts dafety Water Tube Boiler bt Works oe 12,000 sq. ft. of ground D N. J. 39 & 41 Cortiandt St., NEW YORK CITY. The enclosed order for sixty (60) Nickel Seated Safety Valves is for the Spreckels Sugar Refinery,of Philadelphia. In looking over our books we find that, counting this order, we have used 1 725 of \ your valves to date of the 3", 344", 4', 4 414i sizes, Ht) | | without a single failure to fulfill all the statements ¢@ Z/ made by you when we bought the first valve in 1882. We could ask for nothing better, and the absolute satisfaction which they give to ourselves and our customers only proves once more that the ) highest priced goods are really the cheapest. Yours truly, THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. Nat. W. Pratt, Treas. Salesroom, {11 Liberty St., N. Y. WORKS, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. SPECIALTIES. FOR THE BOILER AND ENGINE. ARE THE ENGINEERS' FAVORITES. 85,000 PensertHY AUTOMATIC INJECTORS in use, giving perfect satisfaction y-¢ STEAMERS 23 under u.! conditions. Our Jet Pumps, Water Gages and Oil Cups are Unequalled. LIGHT WEIGHT GREAT Pou Senoron PZNBERTHY INJECTOR CO. DETROIT, CaTaLoaue. BRANCH FAOTORY aT WINDSOR, ONT. MICH. &z THREE rYPe Esp - pe E RUNCHNAVY*=MARINE. FOR SALE. 72g) ADOPTED BY U.S. GoVERNM ENT Bed WAR VESSELS.LAUNCHES. | 1 Tug, in first-class condition, -- ALSO -- Anevenit BIVENS TUGS. ¢ - 2 ; ity APER He MST EXIAVVeOMPETTVE TesTbmmononer | Chios, , {atom nec OHARLE®S® VV ARD, 130 pounds steam. Enquire of To be sold together CHARLESTON, KANAWHA CO,, W. VA. SHERIFFS MFG. CO., Milwaukee, Wis.